Tag Archives: amy andrews
Books On Sale

Mostly Kindle Daily Deals

Books on Sale: Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane & More

RECOMMENDED: Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane is $2.99! This is part of today’s Kindle Daily Deals, which feature a lot of Harlequin category romances. Elyse reviewed this one and gave it an A:

The story is really a cat-and-mouse game between Lila and Aaron (or whoever moved him), Lila and the police, and Lila and Aaron’s friends and family. It’s layers upon layers of deception, plots, counter-plots, and moments where I thought I figured out what was happening and was wrong.

That’s all I can really say without spoiling this wonderful, twisty thriller. Just trust me. You’ll love it.

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Cover Awe: Creepy Fruits & Women with Rabbits

Cover Awe is like the opposite of Cover Snark. Here, we talk about covers we like and why! Cover design by Bree Archer Model photography by Wander Aguiar Amanda: I hate holiday romances and I’m indifferent about heroes on the cover, but I actually really like this one. Maybe it’s because he’s wearing somewhat appropriate clothing and has a comfy looking blanket. Tara: I like the blue a lot. It’s kind of nice to see … Continue reading Cover Awe: Creepy Fruits & Women with Rabbits

Books On Sale

Urban Fantasy, Historical Romance, & More

Books on Sale: Playing It Cool by Amy Andrews & More

Playing It Cool by Amy Andrews is 99c! This is the second book in the Sydney Smoke Rugby series and features a fake relationship! Some readers thought the chemistry between the hero and heroine was top-notch, but some felt the ending was a bit rushed. It has a 3.9-star rating on Goodreads.

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Cover Awe: Warmth, Strength, & Hair Pr0n

Cover Awe is where we talk about some eye-catching covers we’ve seen recently! We hope you see something gorgeous in this group that makes you take a second look. Amanda: I’m hoping the hardcover has a raised design for a great 3D effect! RHG: Ooooooooh. Elyse: I have that preordered! Amanda: I also like that kaleidoscope feel. CarrieS: I would buy this book just to display that cover. Sarah: I did a podcast with the … Continue reading Cover Awe: Warmth, Strength, & Hair Pr0n

Books On Sale

Athletes, Dragons, & a Boxed Set

Books on Sale: Homeward Bound by Emily Matchar & More

Homeward Bound by Emily Matchar is 99c! This is a nonfiction book that has some great discussions on feminism and domesticity. I also remember it making a big splash when it came out. Some readers didn’t find the book very enlightening, while others felt the book highlighted a lot of things about themselves they never realized.

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Books On Sale

Cyber Monday Deals, a Free Historical, & Sports Contemporaries!

Books on Sale: Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt & More

RECOMMENDED: Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt is FREE! Elyse really enjoyed this book and gave it an A-:

Serial killer. And Ghost of St. Giles vigilante. And river pirate. And bondage.

If any or all of those things appeal to you, I’d really recommend this book. If you’re looking for a spicy historical, or one not focused around the glittering aristocracy, Wicked Intentions fits the bill. Aside from a few ball scenes, this book takes place among the working class of London.

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