Warning: While I had several issues with this book throughout the story, the thing that really inspired this rant happened right at the very end. Here be spoilers. Here be massive, massive spoilers. Also, rage. I picked up Thief of the Heart for its set up: female FBI agent on the trail of a female jewel thief, and they fall in love. I mean. Women excelling in traditionally male-dominated professions! Enemies to lovers! Career versus … Continue reading Thief of the Heart by MJ Williamz →
Elyse: I recently DNF’d a slew of books due to totally repulsive behavior on the hero’s part, so of course I ranted at Sarah about it. Sarah: And I’m always here for ranting about books. Squeeing, too, but also ranting. Elyse: I’m so tired of the sex-entitled hero who sees every person to whom he might be attracted as a potential location for his peen. You know the guy I’m talking about, right? Sarah: Yup. … Continue reading We Are Not Here For Boner Led Heroes →
NB: This is a guest rant. Many years in the making I believe. It’s aged in a notebook like fine wine. Decant it with care and savor! The backstory on this is that, like, 4 or 5 years ago, I accidentally late-night-bought a free ebook that threw me into such a rage that at like 3AM I decided to write down all my feelings about it. I think I meant to submit it to SBTB. But I … Continue reading Guest Rant: Feral Sins by Suzanne Wright →
I received this email from Linda recently, and asked if I could run it as a guest rant. Linda mentions some specific books, cover copy, and plot points for romances she’s read that inspired this rant. If you’re a fan of these authors, or you love these particular books, we understand that using them as examples might tick you off. The point isn’t the examples; the examples highlight for Linda a larger point that’s been … Continue reading Guest Rant: Slut Shaming in Romance →
Every now and again, a book ticks a reader off to such an extent that only one response is satisfying: emailing me about it with rage-filled, growling detail. And so, we have Book Rants. This Rant is from L, who found herself reading a book that gave her much ranty rage. Long-time reader here, first-time e-mailer. I just didn’t have a sympathetic audience available (family visit with three brothers and a dad), and I … Continue reading Book Rant: When Unfortunate Implications Happen to Good Books →
Harlequin has a new campaign which on the surface seems like something I’d be happy to give a thumbs up as I move on to lunch and a book. With the “Whatever You’re Into” motto, they seem to be saying, hey, whatever works for you, it’s all good. Problem is, the new video series that accompanies the slogan is so far from what I’m into that I’m feeling like maybe I’m on the wrong planet. … Continue reading We’re Not Into Harlequin’s “Whatever You’re Into” Videos →
Being honest about what we think of romances (and movies, and covers, and man titty, and Jeremy Renner gifs) is our intent here. I want the comments to be a safe space for you to talk about personal and challenging subjects – subjects that romance deals with frequently, such as sexuality, emotions, assault, overcoming obstacles, vulnerability and happiness. I don’t take myself seriously at all, but I take the community at Smart Bitches very seriously. So … Continue reading Nothing But Squee: Is it Spam? How Do You React? →
Sometimes, reading a book makes you so mad, you email me. Which I totally understand because I've so been there. That's why we have book rants. This book rant comes from Dread Pirate Rachel, who has spent the last few years developing an immunity to iocane powder. So I've heard. Hi there. I am the Dread Pirate Rachel, and today I have for you a book rant. Inappropriate capitalization, overly-enthusiastic use of italics, and NSFW … Continue reading Book Rant: Dread Pirate Rachel REALLY Disliked This Hero →
I realize I don’t have to defend romance novels to this crowd. You’re either at Smart Bitches because you already enjoy the genre or you got here by mistake and are deeply confused (welcome to the Hot Pink Palace of Bitchery, we have mantitty. And also cookies). I am feeling all the rage though, and need to vent. Every now and again there are some super shitastic articles posted about why adults should be ashamed … Continue reading In Defense of Romance Novels or Imma Read What I Want →
So yesterday was a quiet news day, huh? Earlier this month, Jane from Dear Author wrote an analysis of Ellora's Cave ongoing financial and public relations problems, highlighting the authors who have reported nonpayment, and the frustrations many have reported in dealing with EC in general. I read her article and thought, at the time and as usual, Jane is really skilled at placing a specific issue in a larger historical context. In this case, … Continue reading UPDATED: Ellora’s Cave Sues Dear Author: Hello Streisand Effect →
Sometimes, reading a book makes you rage and scream. Other times, it is so bafflingly offensive and odd that you keep reading just to make sure you aren’t drawing the wrong conclusion. This is one of those times. This book rant comes from Cate Marsden, and y’all really need to read this. Okay, I will straight up admit that I bought Beyond Desire for the cover. LOOK at that cover. She’s in a turquoise stripper Genie … Continue reading Book Rant: Beyond Desire by Thea Devine →