Smart Bitches Movie Matinee

May Movie Selection: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

Our Smart Bitches Movie Matinee pick this month is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, the classic featuring Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, and some seriously iconic song and dance numbers. There’s a lot to examine in this film, too, especially if you’ve been listening to the You Must Remember This podcast series on “Dead Blondes.” The Marilyn Monroe section takes up three episodes, and they touch on this film briefly. I’ve seen this movie once, a long time ago, and … Continue reading May Movie Selection: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

Other Media Review

Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Love & Basketball

Sarah: One of the reasons we started this feature was to both explore romantic comedies, a film genre that isn’t appearing in theatres much at all anymore, and to explore the films we love to see if they still hold up. With this film, so many people I know and respect adore this movie that I know it should be very good. “Can I play?” “You nice?” Redheadedgirl: “I told you I was nice! I’m … Continue reading Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Love & Basketball

March Movie Selection: Love & Basketball (2000)

Time for our March Smart Bitches Movie Matinee pick! This one is rather obvious, since it’s March and there’s some talk of basketball this time of year. But I’ve also never (to my own embarrassment) seen this movie, and I am so excited about it. Love & Basketball came out in 2000, but based on reviews I’ve been reading, it holds up marvelously as a story and as a romance. HuffPo published an oral history of … Continue reading March Movie Selection: Love & Basketball (2000)

Other Media Review

Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

Sarah: Watching Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong. 1 hour, 18 minutes. perfect It’s sad that 2 hours is often too much of a commitment for me. I’m embarrassed admitting that. This was written and directed by Emily Ting, so I’m giving Emily all the credit for all the things I like. And so far there’s a lot. Carrie: This movie is basically the exact same movie as the Chris Evans one only without the purse … Continue reading Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

January Movie Selection: Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (2015)

After we watched Saving Face for the SB Movie Matinee in October, I favorited a bunch of films in the suggestions area. Since then, my algorithm suggestions have been getting better and better. Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong showed up, and when I saw it on a few “best of” lists, I had to add it to our schedule. This film was written and directed by Emily Ting, and it sounds adorable. Here’s the synopsis: In this sparkling romance, Ruby … Continue reading January Movie Selection: Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (2015)

Other Media Review

Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Christmas in Connecticut

Carrie: OK, I’m going in. Watching Christmas in Connecticut. If you don’t want spoilers avert your eyes. Sarah: Do moviegoers know it’s Christmas if there are no Jingle Bells? RHG: Special thanks to whoever said “HEY THIS IS ON TCM IN LIKE AN HOUR” when we posted that this was our pick for this month. Tivo is magic! I’m not, as a rule, terribly fond of old movies, which is one of the great things … Continue reading Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Christmas in Connecticut

December Movie Selection: Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

After taking a break for the foodaganza that is Thanksgiving, we’re back for the December Smart Bitches Movie Matinee selection! We wanted to do a holiday movie, but also something we hadn’t seen before. And since the older, classic movies seem to make you as happy as they make us, this month we’re watching Christmas in Connecticut. Now, this is the 1945 version starring Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan, and Sydney Greenstreet. This is not, as Amanda discovered … Continue reading December Movie Selection: Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

Other Media Review

Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Saving Face

Sarah: Watching Saving Face. On Amazon which means I’ll get distracted by the x-ray features where the screen tells me who is in each scene. Amanda: The x-ray features are so cool though! But yes, very distracting. Elyse: Okay, I have cider, I have pizza, let’s go! Carrie: “Nothing kills a romance faster than a mother’s approval” LOL Elyse: Oh the spaghetti straps of the early 2000’s. Actually the clothes and makeup look more like … Continue reading Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Saving Face

October Movie Selection: Saving Face (2005)

This month’s Smart Bitches Movie Matinee is Saving Face, a contemporary lesbian romantic comedy written and directed by Alice Wu. I’m so excited to see this film. Ready for the description? An Asian-American woman and her mother both find their private lives are becoming a family matter in this romantic comedy-drama. Wilhelmina Pang (Michelle Krusiec) is a surgeon living in Manhattan whose mother (Joan Chen) is eager for her to settle down with a nice man and … Continue reading October Movie Selection: Saving Face (2005)

Other Media Review

Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Under the Tuscan Sun

Redheadedgirl: I just watched the preview for Under the Tuscan Sun and mom went, “….is that a remake?” and I told her no, I made her watch it back when it came out. “Sandra Oh?” “Yeah!” “Scenery porn?” “Yeah!” “Food porn?” “Yeah!” “HOME RENO PORN.” “YES.” Sarah: Watching Tuscan Sun. OMG the galloping sexism she and Sandra Oh wade through in the first scene. All these poor men and their overwhelming emotions. I like how … Continue reading Smart Bitches Movie Matinee: Under the Tuscan Sun

September Movie Selection: Under the Tuscan Sun

This month’s Smart Bitches Matinee selection comes from a suggestion by RedHeadedGirl, who loves this movie. LOVES it. (Direct quote: “I love it so much.”) She says it has, for our viewing pleasure: Scenery porn Food porn Recovery for terrible breakup porn Home reno porn Here’s the summary, if you missed this one: When Frances Mayes (Diane Lane) learns her husband is cheating on her from a writer to whom she gave a bad review, … Continue reading September Movie Selection: Under the Tuscan Sun

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