It’s 2016 everyone! Hopefully, your year is starting out better than mine, which has essentially been a drunken version of Groundhog Day with a significant amount of smudged eyeliner. Now, I’m not big on making resolutions, but one thing I’d like to do this year is help maintain my friendships and foster new ones. A lot of us met in grad school through our publishing program and we’re all very bookish people. The idea of … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: High Class Hunch Punch→
The year is almost over and 2016 is almost upon us! I, personally, am excited for new experiences, new books, and new butts to touch. But before you make this drink, feel free to pour one out for the year and celebrate some good things: gay marriage was legalized in the states, the U.S. discovered Canada has a hot new prime minister, and Pop Tarts came out with a maple bacon flavor. Though the drink … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: Late Night at the Library→
November in Boston (and in other parts of the world) is supposed to mean colder weather. Jill Shalvis on her Instagram is already posting photos of snow, for god’s sake. It’s beautiful by the way, but I prefer to admire that beauty from afar. I chose a warm drink to make this month because I thought I’d need something to keep me cozy and warm in the evenings. However, it’s been in the seventies this … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: Mulled Wine→
Happy October! The scourge of the pumpkin spice is now upon us. I do not have many personal traditions, but one of the few I do have consists of the annual reading of “It’s Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers.” I’m sorry to disappoint the masses, though, in saying that I will not be flavoring any drinks with pumpkin on Covers & Cocktails. Personally, I’m more of an apple pie girl. But I promise something warm and … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: Spicy Lime Margarita→
Apparently, it’s fall now. However, I was just in Florida for a week and I was pretty sure my face was going to melt off my body. Every crevice felt damp. I should also mention that my family lives in North Florida where the mosquitos are the size of small purse dogs. What I’m trying to say is that it was hot as balls and I wanted a cold, somewhat tropical drink to help me … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: Coconut Mango Daiquiri→
It’s August and hopefully, I’ll be hearing the death knell of summer soon. I left Florida for many reasons; the heat was pretty high up on the list. But with the boob sweat reaching staggering levels, I’m all about a tasty, ice cold drink (alcoholic preferably). Summer reminds me a lot of watermelons and strawberries. Drunken watermelons were a frequent staple at family barbecues, and I would be lucky if my parents skipped a day … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: Strawberry Watermelon Sparkler→
So far, the best thing about adulthood is being able to come home, take off my pants, pour myself a very strong drink, and watch reality television until my eyes fall out of my face. At my apartment, there is never a shortage of booze. Never. We haven’t had any butter in our refrigerator in three weeks, but we damn sure have a nice bottle of Riesling. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I … Continue reading Covers & Cocktails: Bourbon Lemonade→