Links: Architecture, Genre Chaos, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Welcome back to Wednesday Links!

Tomorrow is Halloween and wow the end of October really snuck up on us. Does anyone have any fun Halloween plans or just wants to share their fun costume ideas?

Last year, I was a hot dog and plan to recycle the costume. But as an added bonus, I bought our little kitty Fig a matching hot dog suit. Feel free to take bets on whether I’ll be able to get it on her.

Speaking of Halloween, I have a few colleagues who live in Salem and were discussing how much candy they usually buy. One of them said they purchased 60lbs of candy for trick or treaters! Now that’s an investment!

If autumn is your preferred time to do a Practical Magic rewatch, Architectural Digest took a look at the construction and design of the movie’s iconic house.

If you’re in the Ohio area, there is a fundraiser to open a romance bookstore! The store is currently named Swoon Books & Wine and has roughly a month left in their fundraiser.

NPR’s Planet Money has an episode on romance! Big thank you to Susan who shared this link with us and mentioned the podcast is respectful of the genre and also has other episodes related to their “Love Week.”

Reactor has an interesting piece on the fun and messiness of mixing genres! I’m totally in support of this. Even though I think I’ve read more misses than hits, I always appreciate an author taking a risk.

Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. kkw says:

    The reactor article had some very interesting sounding recs, thanks! The top genre fuckery authors I have enjoyed that they didn’t mention are Tamsyn Muir, Alexis Hall (thinking specifically of Kate Kane) and Eddie Robson.

  2. Wait, what? says:

    I bought about 20 pounds of candy, (four Costco bags) this year. We live in a neighborhood that is considered “upscale” though it isn’t really, just what I think of as a typical suburban neighborhood. But last year we had over 300 kids! People actually bring their kids to our neighborhood from all over town and the outlying areas too. It’s kind of a lot …

  3. Sandra says:

    My cats are dressing up as superheroes. They both got spayed last week and the vet sent them home with a really nice collar. No cones of shame for them.

  4. PamG says:

    re: The Reactor Article
    I don’t think I ever read an article by Molly Templeton that wasn’t original and thought provoking. She is one of the reasons that Reactor is one of my favorite bookish newsletters.

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