Help A Bitch Out - SOLVED!

HaBO: She Draws Pet Portraits

You did it! We figured this one out! It is a truth universally acknowledged (by me for certain) that the Bitchery pretty much knows everything, and really, it's true. Scroll down to see the solution for this HaBO - and many thanks!

This HaBO is from Sara, who wants to find this romance:

I’m reading Hello Stranger by Katherine Center and it’s triggering the strongest book deja vu, but I can’t for the life of me (and the power of Google) remember the other book.

The heroine is a portrait artist who I think paints pet portraits and has an online store.

I think it’s set in LA or somewhere similarly beachy/sunny.

That’s about all I remember (sorry, I know it’s not much). Can you please possibly HaBO? It’s driving me nuts…

I know we can figure this one out!


Help a Bitch Out

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  1. HAT says:

    Pretty sure this is The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez.

  2. HAT says:

    And yes, I like both books. I went on a Katherine Center binge in June this year. And Jimenez is on “my drop everything because she has a new book out so I must read it before I do anything else except breathing” list.

  3. HAT says:

    And since everyone is wondering, and because this HABO sparked joy, The Happy Ever After Playlist is my favorite Jimenez book which isn’t easy because that’s like picking a favorite Beatles song. It was my first Jimenez and a much needed and unexpected literary GIFT during a very grief filled period of my life.

    The Rom-Commers is my favorite Center book (it’s what sparked the binge of the ones I hadn’t read yet by her) but I also really like What You Wish For (which companions with Happiness for Beginners) and Hello Stranger as well as The Bodyguard (which is probably her fluffiest but still fun).

  4. Kareni says:

    @HAT: Thanks for your posts. I’ve read and quite enjoyed several books by Jimenez but not The Happy Ever After Playlist. Off to request a copy now….

  5. Maureen says:

    If it isn’t the Jimenez book (LOVE HER) could it be Just Say (Hell) No by Rosalind James? One of my favorite of her Escape to New Zealand series. He is a rugby player and she is a painter, who does pet portraits to pay the bills. I don’t think she has an online store though…

  6. HAT says:

    Oh, I forgot about that element of Just Say (Hell) No by James. Just reread Just Say Yes, the one before it, two weeks ago! Time for another reread…

  7. Kate Quinn says:

    Jennifer Crusie’s FAKING IT has an artist who paints murals and always adds a dog into them.

  8. kay says:

    This sounds so familiar. Doesn’t the love interest have no idea how successful she is with her pet portraits? Hope someone else can be more helpful.

  9. Sara says:

    It was absolutely The Happy Ever After Playlist!!! Thank you so much!!! You’re the best!

  10. Kareni says:

    @Maureen, I just read Just Say (Hell) No by Rosalind James and quite enjoyed it. Thanks for mentioning it above!

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