Welcome back to Cover Awe!
Cover design by Farjana Yasmin
Amanda: I love the Lisa Frank of it all.
Sarah: I remain fascinated by the specific color palette of romance covers, and the upper corner/lower corner placement of characters and things relevant to the plot, but in this case, I LOVE THE DOGS SO MUCH MY GOSH. Poodles all day!
Amanda: I love the colors and blushing and chaos.
Sarah: This is so chaotic and full of movement I love it, particularly the expressions on their faces.
Lara: That gets ten out of ten for creepiness.
Amanda: Yes! Love this one!
Sarah: Wait, a broken crown AND skeleton hands as a collar AND an ammonite cameo; this is luscious!
Amanda: I really like these colors, especially to signify two industries (fashion and tech).
Sarah: That’s a gorgeous cover, and I love how her clothing is a specific style and aesthetic that also bridges between the two industries – this is brilliant.
“Valley Verified” is a beautiful cover and intrigued me enough to go look for a book description. According to Booklist: “Brimming with necessary discussion on sexism and gender bias in the tech industry, and with a character that many readers will relate to, Zhao’s latest is a contemporary novel that will appeal to STEM and fashion girlies alike. Add in the cute office love story and romance readers will be satisfied too.”
Just…when is it ever okay to call women “girlies?” is this a Booklist bias and/or tone-deafness I’ve never noticed before? F.U. Booklist.
Anyway, it sounds as though this is potentially a fresh career-change personal-evolution novel with romantic elements. I am inclined to dismiss Booklist’s “cute office love story” in view of their craptastic choice of “girlies” and assume that it’s actually an adult love story directly related to a character’s huge life change.
@chacha1: My guess is that it’s used to appeal to BookTok/Gen Z readers, as girlies is popular slang/terminology right now. But if you’re not in that demographic or on specific forms of social media, I can see why it wouldn’t land.