Welcome back to Cover Snark!
From Linnea: I am sure that no doctor except maybe a male sophomore or junior medical student would be wearing a stethoscope while shirtless. It was bad enough when they wore their little white coats on dates…
Sarah: Intern! InterNips!
Hang on what’s with his “belt?” Are those laceup pants? Or is he using string as a belt? What is happening there?
He looks so bored. How do you wander around a hospital with a string for a belt and NO SHIRT and look BORED.
Amanda: Those are denim with a drawstring.
He’s also looking off screen. Is that where his “obsession” is?
Sarah: “Why did the pizza rat steal my shirt. Where is it going.”
Elyse: Is this from Doctor Nips New Orleans Family Burn Unit?
From Lillian: Does Galactic Playground refer to the orbiting planets or suggestions on what one might find, because there’s something unusual to find?
Sarah: That guy’s expression along with the giant light flare make me think he just ripped a truly galactic air biscuit.
Amanda: He also looks bored.
Claudia: Whatever is going on this playground, it can’t be good.
From Malaraa: Vampires Don’t Suck: An Urban Fantasy Romantic Comedy (Singsong City Book 1) by Julianne Whicker. It wouldn’t be bad with half the things going on, it’s just a lot! Also doubles as another SEO title!
Sarah: I think that person is meant to resemble Taylor Swift. Nice tattoos though.
Amanda: The man also looks familiar, like a Jonas brother mixed with Edward from Twilight.
Claudia: I think vampires, by definition, do suck! I’m lost right there.
Elyse: Is that the collar to her shirt or is her neck on wrong?
Also from Malaraa: Very unfortunate placement on those bats – you shouldn’t have bats in that “cave”, doesn’t seem comfortable.
Sarah: Fart bats!
Elyse: Is that Emma Stone?
Sarah: Oh my gosh. Maybe!?
The guy on the Vampires Don’t Suck cover looks a bit like Andy Samberg as Jake Peralta. The Lies of Vampires and Slayers looks like Black Widow Scarlett Johansson with a wider nose.
All of these books have too much title going on. Too many notes, sire!
@Jill I came to say it looks like Emma Stone in a Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow cosplay.
I saw the cover of The Lies of Vampires and Slayers and instantly thought “Natasha Romanoff of the MCU.” She even looks rather like Scarlett Johansson – it’s Black Widow with darkened hair.
That so-called doctor is wearing football pants. Probably holding the team MD’s stethoscope while watching his injured teammate get carted off the field. Also, he looks like David Boreanaz.
And is Sing Song City Swift cybernetic? That looks like a brass arm.
I also think it looks like the person on The Lies of Vampires and Slayers is just about to take a big grab of her own backside. Maybe try to squeeze out more bats?
I think the lady on the last one looks rather like Mila Kunis.
Despite the unfortunate cover and titles, I enjoyed The Lies of Vampires and Slayers. It’s lighthearted fun – a story that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
It’s the first of a series within a series and I’d recommend starting at the very beginning. I think they’re all Kindle Unlimited and much better than most KU books.
Definitely too much going on for Vampires Don’t Suck – and I am particularly intrigued by the bulldog looking up at the guy with the flaming book.