Books On Sale

Earls, Paranormal Mysteries, & More

  • A Most Unusual Duke

    A Most Unusual Duke by Susanna Allen

    RECOMMENDED: A Most Unusual Duke by Susanna Allen is $1.99! This is the second book in a series and it earned a Squee grade from Catherine:

    You know how sometimes you pick up a book because it looks like fun, and then it turns out to be clever and funny and tender and tropey and still somehow unique, and you read it all in one sitting and hop straight onto the Kobo site after midnight to order the previous book in the series?

    Bridgerton meets Werewolves Within in this sparkling shapeshifter Regency romance mixed with humor, steamy chemistry, and fantasy.

    The Duke said he’d never get married…

    The Prince Regent insists his cousin and fellow bear shifter, Arthur Humphries, the Duke of Osborn, take a mate to ensure the continuation of their species. After all, Arthur is an Alpha, so he must set a good example. The duke would very much prefer to continue his comfortable bachelor lifestyle, but the Prince Regent is not a bear to be poked.

    Beatrice, the widowed Marchioness of Castleton, is in possession of a powerful secret. She knows all about Shifters, her horrible late husband being one of them. At any moment, Beatrice could reveal the secrets of the Prince and those like him—unless the Prince can make sure she marries another Shifter.

    A marriage between the Duke of Osborn and Beatrice is far from ideal for either one, but at least they won’t fall in love…right?

    Witty, fantastical, and entirely unique, A Most Unusual Duke is perfect for readers looking for:

    • A delicious Regency romp with a paranormal twist
    • A devilishly handsome Alpha hero
    • A marriage of convenience
    • A magical world to sink your teeth into

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon

    • Barnes & Noble
    • Kobo

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • Rare Vigilance

    Rare Vigilance by M.A. Grant

    RECOMMENDED: Rare Vigilance by M.A. Grant is $1.99! Lara gave this one an A:

    If you need to escape from the world for a bit and revel in a dangerous paranormal, then this book will deliver.

    Everything has a price. Especially the truth.

    From the author of Prince of Air and Darkness comes the first in a thrilling new paranormal series.

    Former Marine Atlas Kinkaid knows not to ask questions about the clients he protects at the behest of the elite Whitethorn security agency. Just like he doesn’t like anyone asking about his scars—scars left by a mysterious attack that haunts his every waking moment.

    Consumed by the need to find out what happened to him, Atlas takes a job providing security to Cristian Slava, the indolent—and gorgeous—son of a notorious businessman. Cristian seems to be just another entitled client, but when nights at the club turn into secret meetings and people start going missing, Atlas realizes there’s more to Cristian—and to protecting him—than meets the eye.

    But the same people who are after Cristian have something Atlas desperately craves: they know exactly what happened the fateful night he was attacked—and are willing to tell him everything…

    For a price.

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon

    • Barnes & Noble
    • Kobo

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • The Night Raven

    The Night Raven by Sarah Painter

    The Night Raven by Sarah Painter is $2.49! KJ Charles wrote a review for this on on Goodreads when it first came out. She enjoyed the premise, but found the shoddy editing to be distracting. Here’s hoping it’s had a bit of a clean up since then. Sarah has also been enjoying some of Painter’s books recently.

    Meet Lydia Crow…

    Lydia has always known she has no power, especially next to her infamous and more-than-slightly dodgy family. Which is why she carved her own life as a private investigator far away from London.

    When a professional snafu forces her home, the head of the family calls in a favour, and Lydia finds herself investigating the disappearance of her cousin, Maddie.

    Soon, Lydia is neck-deep in problems: her new flatmate is a homicidal ghost, the intriguing, but forbidden, DCI Fleet is acting in a distinctly unprofessional manner, and tensions between the old magical families are rising.

    The Crows used to rule the roost and rumours claim they are still the strongest.

    The Silvers have a facility for lying and they run the finest law firm in London.

    The Pearl family were costermongers and everybody knows that a Pearlie can sell feathers to a bird.

    The Fox family… Well. The less said about the Fox family the better.

    For seventy-five years, a truce between the four families has held strong, but could the disappearance of Maddie Crow be the thing to break it?

    The Night Raven is the first book in Crow Investigations, an exciting new paranormal mystery series from bestselling author of magical fiction, Sarah Painter.

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon
    • Order this book from apple books

    • Barnes & Noble
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    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • No Earls Allowed

    No Earls Allowed by Shana Galen

    No Earls Allowed by Shana Galen is 99c! This is the second book in the Survivors series and seems to have hints of a renovation romance, though I’m not positive how much of a role that plays. Some readers felt the heroine was a bit naive, while others recommend this for a rather sweet romance.

    It is a truth universally acknowledged
    that a lady can do anything a man can do:
    backwards and in high-heeled dancing slippers.

    Lady Juliana, daughter of the Earl of St. Maur, needs all the help she can get. She’s running a ramshackle orphanage, London’s worst slumlord has illicit designs on her, and her father has suddenly become determined to marry her off.

    Enter Major Neil Wraxall, bastard son of the Marquess of Kensington, sent to assist Lady Juliana in any way he can. Lucky for her, he’s handy with repairs, knows how to keep her and the orphans safe, and is a natural leader of men.

    Unfortunately for both of them, the scandal that ensues from their mutual attraction is going to lead them a merry dance…

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon
    • Order this book from apple books

    • Barnes & Noble
    • Kobo

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

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  1. Gail says:

    Rare Vigilance really peaked my interest. Thank goodness I read the reviews when I went to purchase because I’m so not a fan of cliff hangers. I’ll wait until the series is finished, thank you!

  2. MaryK says:

    I enjoyed The Night Raven up until the end when the heroine made a bizarre, IMO, decision that made me question her judgment and not continue with the series.

    If Sarah reads TNR, I’d love to know how it compares to the author’s newer series. I’m willing to try the newer series if it doesn’t have the same WTH flavor.

  3. SB Sarah says:

    @MaryK: I haven’t listened to it yet, but I don’t think the lead character of The Ward Witch makes any drastically boneheaded decisions. The heroine is very wary

    Show Spoiler
    due to a past abusive and controlling relationship

    and seems to be very cautious about everything.

  4. Todd says:

    Rare Vigilance opens with a scene where the protagonist is guarding a character named Greasy Ferret (yes, that’s the name)

  5. HeatherS says:

    @Gail: The Whitethorn Agency trilogy (“Rare Vigilance”) does appear to be complete – this series came out a few years ago and it seems the author finished it in 2022. I haven’t read any reviews that indicate the trilogy gives an unfinished/cliffhanger vibe.

    @Todd: Not just Greasy Ferret, but “Greasy Ferret, Jr.”, which adds an extra level of hilarity.

  6. Jennifer says:

    Hi Gail! That series is finished–it’s the Whitethorn Agency series. And it’s good. Recommended!

  7. HeatherS says:

    Also, M.A. Grant’s “The Darkest Court” trilogy is available as an ebook boxed set for $3.99 on Amazon, however long it lasts. Some reviewers of “Rare Vigilance” expressed great enthusiasm for this paranormal fae/fantasy romance trilogy.

  8. flchen1 says:

    The other two books in Susanna Allen’s Shapeshifters of the Beau Monde series are also on sale–A Wolf in Duke’s Clothing (book 1) is $.99, and A Duke at the Door (book 3) is also $1.99.

    – Straight Crush: M/M Romcom (Am I the Problem? Book 4) by Devon Doe
    – Advance: A Supernatural Mystery and Romance (Masters of the Savoy Book 1) by Delta James

    – Moonlight Cherries (Phoenix Immortal Book 1) by Alexa Piper

    – Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

    – Flame For You (Bandit Brothers Book 1) by Raleigh Damson
    – What a Courtesan Craves (The Brotherhood: Origins 3) by Merry Farmer
    – Trust in Me: A Boss’s Little Sister Bodyguard Romance (Hawkeye Book 2) by Sierra Cartwright

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