Welcome back to Wednesday Links!
The Boston area had its first real snowfall! Yay! My only complaint is that most of it happened overnight, so I couldn’t cuddle up on the couch with my heated blanket and look wistfully out the window as the snow fell. Aw well, maybe next time.
I moved to Boston from Florida over a decade ago and the snow still feels so magical to me. The same with mountains. Austria is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen and I’m crediting that to all the gorgeous mountains!
Publishers Weekly has a big, international calendar of book events! They appear to be mostly cons and book fairs.
Thanks to EC Spurlock for this link! Williams-Sonoma has a Bridgerton tea time collection from drinks and snacks to place settings.
Sarah shared this absolutely killer reddit post, looking for romance recs with outspoken, “downright Machiavellian” historical romance heroines. This is all sorts of my house of wheels.
Sometimes the algorithm gets it right. My partner was suggested this YouTube channel: Bread Story. They videos are like a day in the life of various Japanese bakeries. It’s so soothing to watch.
Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!
I saw the following link in a review for Evie Dunmore’s latest romance, in which, apparently, the heroine has pierced nipples. This article claims nipple-piercing was something Victorian ladies did. I have my doubts though because some of the quoted source material reads like high-end Victorian erotica. But, for what it’s worth:
The Bread Story?! Holy cow, I have watched half of the video and would gladly spend the rest of my time on this planet watching more. And homemade fruit butter? I don’t even know what that is (not like ours, that’s for sure). Thank you, Amanda. Day made.
@Darlynne: I, too, was curious about the fruit butter sandwich!!
Amanda, you should move to Anchorage. We’ve had 78 inches so far this winter, that’s a lot of magic!
@Amanda: I went to the bakery’s website and, yes, that is a stick of butter with fruit (dried maybe) on a bun. I’m trying to imagine biting into such a sandwich … even as a lover of butter, it might take me awhile.
Washington Post Department of Data Article published on-line yesterday: “How many books did you read in 2023? Are you in the top 1 percent?” Not only number of books read, but type of book, genre, male /female breakdown. WaPo has a paywall, but I think readers can access a handful of articles before the wall goes up. Or slams down.
Whoops. Published January 5th.
@Maureen: Alaska does have mountains!