This HaBO request is from Jenny, who wants to find this romance:
The book focuses on a female main character and I think she lives in a big city like NYC, London, Chicago.
She has a problem at her work and decides to get help from a very grumpy partner who is always the first one in the office and the last one out, always has his door shut and everyone tries to avoid him. It turns out, the grumpy partner almost never comes into the office and just has his secretary send him anything important. He is actually pretty nice and he helps the main character with her problem.
Unfortunately, that’s all I remember and the main point that stuck with me was this guy not actually going to work.
Can we HaBO?
This does not answer the HABO, but when I worked at MegaCorp(TM) and we had re-orgs nigh monthly, there was an urban (? corporate?) legend about somebody at another huge corporation who got lost during one of their re-orgs so that this person neither reported to anyone nor did anyone report to them. (This was before you could Google such things to check if they were true.) According to legend, they continued to collect a paycheck for two years without doing any work before anyone figured it out. They were then fired. Nevertheless, the story was always told with both awe and admiration.
@AlliK: When the Tesla clown first bought Twitter and started firing everyone left and right, there was a very new employee who posted (on Twitter!) that the people who hired them had left/were fired, so they had no idea who to report to, what their duties were, etc. But their huge monthly paycheck was getting direct-deposited into their bank account nonetheless, so in between the fun spending, they were doing things like buying land in Alaska to give back to the tribes. Wish I knew how long the sweet ride lasted, haha.
A couple of times in the early 90s, I was temping and sent to places to work and the contact person was not available. Sitting around with nothing to do, no one knew what I was supposed to do, and I couldn’t leave. My cell phone was the kind in the car. I resorted to calling the temp agency, and they were just as clueless.
I need to know.