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A Freebie, Phantom of the Opera, & More

  • The Switch

    The Switch by Beth O'Leary

    RECOMMENDED: The Switch by Beth O’Leary is $2.99! Catherine read this one and gave it an A:

    It’s a very gentle, wholesome sort of book. I read it last week when I was sick, and it was really the perfect book to curl up with if one is under the weather.

    Eileen is sick of being 79.
    Leena’s tired of life in her twenties.
    Maybe it’s time they swapped places…

    When overachiever Leena Cotton is ordered to take a two-month sabbatical after blowing a big presentation at work, she escapes to her grandmother Eileen’s house for some overdue rest. Eileen is newly single and about to turn eighty. She’d like a second chance at love, but her tiny Yorkshire village doesn’t offer many eligible gentlemen.

    Once Leena learns of Eileen’s romantic predicament, she proposes a solution: a two-month swap. Eileen can live in London and look for love. Meanwhile Leena will look after everything in rural Yorkshire. But with gossiping neighbours and difficult family dynamics to navigate up north, and trendy London flatmates and online dating to contend with in the city, stepping into one another’s shoes proves more difficult than either of them expected.

    Leena learns that a long-distance relationship isn’t as romantic as she hoped it would be, and then there is the annoyingly perfect – and distractingly handsome – school teacher, who keeps showing up to outdo her efforts to impress the local villagers. Back in London, Eileen is a huge hit with her new neighbours, but is her perfect match nearer home than she first thought?

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    This book is on sale at:
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    • Kobo

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  • Midnight Duet

    Midnight Duet by Jen Comfort

    Midnight Duet by Jen Comfort is $2.49 at Amazon! I mentioned this on a previous Hide Your Wallet and was excited for this Phantom of the Opera retelling. However, I remember reading comment somewhere that it didn’t live up to the hype. Did you read it?

    From The Astronaut and the Star author Jen Comfort comes a wildly electric romance about two musicians who collide on the stage of a Nevada opera house.

    Self-professed diva Erika Greene has it all: a starring role on Broadway, legions of fans, spectacular natural talent. But after an accident on stage leaves her face scarred and her career in shambles, Erika retreats to Paris, Nevada, where she’s inherited a ramshackle opera house in desperate need of some TLC.

    Erika pours her savings into the building, but it’s not enough to stave off casino developer Raoul Decomte’s avaricious gaze. With foreclosure imminent, she leases the space to some unexpected tenants: a German hair metal band, fronted by glam rock god Christof Daae.

    Erika is tempted by Christof’s low-slung leather pants—and even more so by his ambitious drive to make Nacht Musik international superstars—but he’s off-limits. The rest of his band thinks he’s still dating their beloved keyboardist, who is conveniently not present on this jaunt to the American Southwest. When Erika finds out Christof’s been unceremoniously dumped and is trying to keep it under wraps, she makes a deal to keep his secret…for a price, of course.

    Christof is desperate to hold the rest of the band together after his keyboardist’s departure, but he can’t maintain the charade forever. Nor can he resist the opera house’s mysterious proprietor, who tempts him with midnight singing lessons. It isn’t long before sensuous nighttime interludes turn into smoldering backstage encounters.

    But can their newly ignited passion survive the searing light of day? Or will their beautiful duet turn into a brokenhearted power ballad for one?

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon

    • Barnes & Noble

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • The Lord of Stariel

    The Lord of Stariel by AJ Lancaster

    RECOMMENDED: The Lord of Stariel by AJ Lancaster is $2.49! Ellen gave it an A:

    I adored this book and I NEEDED to tell the Bitchery about it. This is a whimsical, fun, sweet fantasy mystery with wonderful characters and a healthy dollop of romance. 

    The Lord of Stariel is dead. Long live the Lord of Stariel. Whoever that is.

    Everyone knows who the magical estate will choose for its next ruler. Or do they?

    Will it be the lord’s eldest son, who he despised?

    His favourite nephew, with the strongest magical land-sense?

    His scandalous daughter, who ran away from home years ago to study illusion?

    Hetta knows it won’t be her, and she’s glad of it. Returning home for her father’s funeral, all Hetta has to do is survive the family drama and avoid entanglements with irritatingly attractive local men until the Choosing. Then she can leave.

    But whoever Stariel chooses will have bigger problems than eccentric relatives to deal with.

    Winged, beautifully deadly problems.

    For the first time in centuries, the fae are returning to the Mortal Realm, and only the Lord of Stariel can keep the estate safe.

    In theory.

    The Lord of Stariel is the first book in the Stariel quartet.

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon

    • Barnes & Noble

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • Wait for It

    Wait for It by Mariana Zapata

    Wait for It by Mariana Zapata is FREE! Zapata is an autobuy author for many of you. Though the heroine has ties to a character in one of Zapata’s previous books, it can be read as a standalone. For any Zapata fans out there, how did this book rate compared to her other romances?

    If anyone ever said being an adult was easy, they hadn’t been one long enough.

    Diana Casillas can admit it: she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing half the time. How she’s made it through the last two years of her life without killing anyone is nothing short of a miracle. Being a grown-up wasn’t supposed to be so hard.

    With a new house, two little boys she inherited the most painful possible way, a giant dog, a job she usually loves, more than enough family, and friends, she has almost everything she could ever ask for.

    Except for a boyfriend.

    Or a husband.

    But who needs either one of those?

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    This book is on sale at:
    • Available at Amazon

    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

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  1. FashionablyEvil says:

    Ooh, THE SWITCH and THE LORD OF STARIEL are both great. I mainlined the entire Stariel series and The Switch managed to hold my attention two days before the 2020 presidential election which is really saying something!

    The Switch is not a romance, per se, but it does have romantic elements. It’s about a grandmother/mother/daughter who are mourning the loss of the daughter’s sister, and a broader meditation on grief, love, and the relationships and communities we create. Really lovely.

  2. Neile says:

    Ditto FashionablyEvil on THE SWITCH. I haven’t read THE LORD OF STARIEL (yet) but if you have Audible Plus, it’s currently a free listen for you.

    I love Mariana Zapata and am a patient reader when I trust there will be a reward as I do with her, so I loved WAIT FOR IT. Slow burn, big reward for my tastes.

  3. flchen1 says:

    Lara Adrian’s Kiss of Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novel (The Midnight Breed Series Book 1) is $1.99

    Michelle Willingham’s new series School for Spinsters is on sale for $.99 each.

    Thea Harrison’s Serpent’s Kiss (Elder Races Book 3) is $1.99.

  4. LML says:

    The cover of Midnight Duet gives me happy reminder of being little and layering black crayon over multicolors of crayon followed by gently scraping a design through the black to reveal the colors beneath.

  5. Anni says:

    LML, I love scratch books too. Luckily there are plenty of those for adults these days.

  6. Cristie says:

    Alexis Hall’s Glitterland is a kdd 1.99 today. My second favorite of his after Welcome to the Flood.

  7. Michael I says:

    Mary Balogh’s Remember Love is currently $2.99 on Kindle and Nook (didn’t check anything else).

  8. Musical Trees says:

    Like @FashionablyEvil, I loved THE LORD OF STARIEL and promptly read the rest of the series. Hetta is a great heroine. She just comes right out and says exactly what she wants and exactly what she likes. No beating around the bush. If only I could practice this in my own life.

    WAIT FOR IT was not a keeper for me. Mariana Zapata is extremely hit or miss. I either absolutely love her books (KULTI, THE WALL OF WINNIPEG AND ME, FROM LUKOV WITH LOVE) or it’s a one-star for me (WAIT FOR IT, LUNA AND THE LIE, UNDER LOCKE).

  9. Lora says:

    Wait for it is one of my favorite books!!! Such a lovely and real and funny slow burn.

  10. Laura says:

    The Switch–not my usual jam but OMG I inhaled it AND it was the only book I managed to actually finish during 2020.

  11. Abbey says:

    I DNFed The Lord of Stariel, I did not like the heroine. She wasn’t like other girls – she wears pants!

  12. chacha1 says:

    I enjoyed MIDNIGHT DUET, the sex scenes were unusually good. The ‘phantom’ references are sly and funny (though occasionally & obviously only there to fill in a reference) and the progress of the romance is credible. However … the love interest isn’t treated respectfully by anybody. He’s one of those guys who takes care of all the business because his creative team is so emotionally important to him, and they goof around, act like dicks, and blame him for making them work. I wanted 100% more grovel from all of them. A friend group is only as good as the mutuality of its support.

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