Hayadoin Now that Pink Halloween is Over?

Antique valentine with a big heart with fire coming out of it being panted by twocupids withbutterfly wings Romance fans, we made it through another Pink Halloween, aka Valentine’s Day.

Woo hoo!

Have you gone in search of on-sale discounted candy?

We have. We have a tradition of finding post-Valentine’s-Day treats and making corny Valentine’s for the teenagers, and our usual favorite sale-hunting spot is the local CVS.

I swear, every time I go into that CVS they’ve somehow added another aisle and a bunch of things I never thought I’d see in a CVS – like alcohol mixers? If you’re craving the taste of a bloody Mary but not the vodka (have to go to the county liquor store down the way a bit) CVS can help you out.

No, I didn’t buy bloody Mary mix for the teens. They’d have been mad. That’s a vegetable.

Oh! And before I forget, let me share again my annual hot tip for parents and caregivers of school-aged children who have classroom Valentine’s parties:

The classroom valentine’s kits with candy that doesn’t spoil will absolutely keep until next year, so grab a few on sale on Feb 15 or 16, and leave a note for yourself in February 2024 where you stashed them.

Lollipops? Awesome. I found a whole bunch of Jolly Rancher heart shaped lollipops one year and my kids were BIG MAD that I hid them for a solid year. They’re the most delicious lollipops, we think.

What about you?

So what Valentine’s candy is your fave? (Anything peanut butter for me, thanks!) Did you see any interesting discussions of romance – “interesting” in both the literal and Midwestern senses? Hayadoin? 


General Bitching...


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  1. MirandaB says:

    Vinegar Valentines were my Valentine discovery for the year. Victorian and early 20th-century people would send them anonymously. If I wrote a romance or historical novel, I would put them in. I’m working on using ‘I bid you skidoo’ in conversation.

    vinegar valentines

  2. Amy E. says:

    Lol! I enjoy vinegar valentines, too.
    … On a sweeter note, if you’re looking for Victorian style candy, there’s a place in Florida called Lofty Pursuits. They make old-style candy and treats using restored antique candy rolling machines, picture-candy, and seasonal treats. And they will ship to you.

  3. cayenne says:

    Jolly Rancher lollipops are the best. I tend to buy them at Halloween when they come in the giant boxes, then hand out just the apple and watermelon ones to kids and keep the pink lemonade (my absolute fave) and cherry ones for myself. MINE mine mine all mine….

    Ahem. Fave Valentine’s candy are the Swizzels love hearts, which are tarter, fruitier, and lighter than those revolting Necco candy hearts. Good dark chocolate works for me, too.

  4. Rebecca says:

    They don’t sell them in Canada anymore but Bauchs Cherry Hearts.

  5. Kareni says:

    After Christmas, buy candy canes when they are marked down. Two candy canes (with the curves facing each other and the ends touching and taped on cardstock) make fine hearts for the coming Valentine’s Day. We made these for classmates when my daughter was younger.

  6. Karin says:

    Chocolate, 100%. The bad news is, my husband had major surgery a few weeks ago. The good news is, it was successful, and many people gave him chocolate as part of get well gifts. And he doesn’t eat chocolate, so these gifts are all mine. One of them is even Godiva! I’m set for months. So this is the first year in a while that I haven’t hit the drugstores and supermarkets for marked down Valentine’s Day candy.

  7. Karen Lauterwasser says:

    The other day I complimented a friend on a dress she was wearing. Turned she had purchased it at CVS! It’s sort of scary, actually.

  8. Karin says:

    @Karen L, been there, done that. I got caught in a heavy rainstorm and my clothes were soaking wet. The only place nearby that had any sort of clothes was a CVS, so I bought an oversize t-shirt and some colorful flowered leggings, and changed my clothes right there in the ladies room. It was a cute outfit, actually.

  9. Michele says:

    I LOVE the conversation hearts! It’s just pure sugar right to the blood stream! Who doesn’t love that! (I know, I know, lots of people) My kids hate them so it works out well for me.

  10. Kareni says:

    @Karin, glad to hear that your husband’s surgery was a success. Enjoy your chocolate bonanza!

  11. JoanneBB says:

    Having a birthday that is close to valentines I have a great deal of experience getting a “birthday + valentines!” gift… frequently featuring chocolate I strongly suspect was purchased on sale

  12. denise says:

    My CVS was wiped out the day before Valentine’s Day. Found a few things at Target.

    Love chocolates.

  13. Not particularly Valentine’s related, but we’ve recently discovered Big Tom spicy tomato juice. Recommended. Very tasty, and I believe it’s vegan too, which standard tomato juice + Lea & Perrin’s isn’t.

  14. Crystal F. says:

    My mother and I baked and shared a white cake with vanilla frosting for Valentines Day. (She doesn’t usually like chocolate, so we compromised.)

    I made her artwork, she got me a bag of mini-Reese’s PB cups.

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