Links: Book Announcements, Movies, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Welcome back to Wednesday Links, everyone!

We had our first D&D session of the new year, continuing our Curse of Strahd campaign. I made a cake because we had a ton of leftover baking/dessert ingredients from holiday cookie making. I’m playing a cleric, which is the first casting class I’ve played and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. I think I gel much better with a ranger and its subclasses.

Are you a D&D player? Do you have a favorite class?

Katee Robert has announced her next series and it features…PIRATES!

A lot of online puzzle games debuted in the last year like Wordle, Framed, and Heardle. I love them all. Lately, I’ve been playing Movie to Movie, where you try to get from one movie to another by using actors they might have in common (kind of like Six Degrees).

Maya posted this link in Slack and noted it may be of interest to some of us. It’s about a game titled Super Lesbian Animal RPG.

Another book announcement! India Holton has announced her next series!

Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Jill Q. says:

    Yay, Wednesday links! My husband and youngest son like D and D so I’ve played some, but it doesn’t quite vibe with me. I don’t particularly care for improv type games, or combat in my stories, or high fantasy settings, so there’s not much there for me. Great for other people though! But I did like Legends and Lattes for what it’s worth.

    Two lovely things this week

    Choir! Choir! Choir! singing “Shout”

    This one is old, but I loved it. A Sufi dance performed in a church as part of an interfaith festival. The camera work, the choreography, the music and architecture. It’s all beautiful.

  2. Kris says:

    I’m late to the party but I highly recommend Reservation Dogs. It’s about 4 Indigenous teens living in Oklahoma. I can’t begin to do it justice by trying to describe it. It has so much heart and it’s quietly and laugh out loud funny. I adore all the characters. Let’s just say I watched 2 seasons in 3 days and now I’m not so patiently awaiting word of season 3.
    It’s created by Taika Waititi who I love.

  3. flchen1 says:

    Thank you for sharing those, @Jill Q! I also really love the version they did of Toto’s Africa:

  4. Malaraa says:

    I’ve enjoyed playing clerics in some games, but i’m iffy on them in classic D&D unless it’s part of a multi-class situation. Sorcerer is my favorite caster, and probably my favorite class overall. Another character i had made and was looking forward to but the game in question dried up, was my delusional Warlock who believed he was a Paladin.

    My favorite of the recent round of word games is Semantle: Find the word based on how close other similar words are. There’s some differences in “common sense” similar vs. game similar because the word pool is based on a google news story database or some such thing, which skews things strange ways sometimes. It’s hard sometimes, but i really enjoy it.

  5. footiepjs says:

    I’ve only played in one campaign as a monk and I loved it.

  6. DeborahT says:

    We play a kind of Montessori version of D&D where our DM makes up the campaign and nobody dies. We had one that lasted about 5 years because our group was so big, and it would take us two hours to open a locked door because we’d argue so much about how to do it. Learned our lesson and have smaller groups now.

    I like to play a druid – my old Everquest class.

  7. EC Spurlock says:

    I used to write D&D game scripts back in the 80’s and as a result was always the DM so I never got to actually play. We had some friends over at Christmas whom we hadn’t seen in about three years and my son DM’d a short one-shot game for us, so I got to play for the first time! I played a half-elf Rogue who was one of my favorite NPC’s and we all had a great time!

  8. Loramir says:

    Thanks to this post and Malaraa for inspiring me to while away a good 2/3 of my workday playing Movie to Movie and Semantle! Both fun (and much more mentally stimulating than my actual work) though so far I am very bad at Semantle.

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