Help A Bitch Out

HaBO: Rockstar & a Pet Photographer

This HaBO is from Sue, who is hoping to track down this contemporary romance:

Trying to track a book I read years back – no name or author sorry.

Story line – Dsylexic Rockstar meets pet photographer after his concert at a local shake shop.

She accidentally spills her drink all over him – losing her initial necklace at the same time.

They meet up on the fan forums – she defending him against a stalker that claimed to be his lover; him pretending to be just an average joe that found the necklace (and it’s old school chat style – nothing like Facebook social media – so maybe early 2000s?)

She agrees to travel with him to take some photos for upcoming album release (not realising he’s feeding her a line as they already have an official band photographer) – angst occurs – eventual happy ever after.

Notable things – She has a big dog; he has a motorbike (that he designed himself); both of them (at different times) get caught in her doggy door trying to get in to the house; she has a dysfunctional family – half-siblings she has mostly raised due to deadbeat mum and absent fathers; he has an older protective brother that types his messages for him (sometimes) and doesn’t think she is really good enough for him.

He has a famous song “Desire Me” that he rewrites to a slower tempo for her.

I am pretty sure I bought the book from one of the now defunct early romance sellers – in either a booknook or pdf format (way before I got involved with kindle books)

Any help would be appreciated!

I know we can track this one down!


Help a Bitch Out

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  1. Lisa F says:

    *Parks self in thread*

    This sounds charming!

  2. Lauren says:

    I would read this, even if only to find out how two separate doggie door incidents occur!

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