Links: Lee Pace, Fundraising, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Hey there! Welcome back to Wednesday Links! This is our little cozy routine where we huddle around and talk about cool or interesting or funny things we’ve seen on the internet recently.

If you’ve been keeping up with me, I had a tattoo appointment on Saturday. The artist did an amazing job on the stencil. It’s larger than I was expecting (not a bad thing!), though that meant we had to split it up. Just the line work is finished. I’ll get the color and shading done in February and I’m very excited.

New England is a windy, rainy mess right now. Perfect for staying inside!

Tor has a list of what books Lee Pace’s characters/acting roles would read. Do you disagree with any of the picks?

Romance for Roe is an anthology from 36 authors to raise money for Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice. To get this anthology, all you have to do is donate $10 to either of the organization and forward your receipt to a designated email. Lots of great authors here to check out!

Tara linked this in the SBTB Slack and we were all having quite the discussion about the origins of Celestial Seasonings tea. Wild stuff!

Now this may be pretty niche, but I had a great time reading it. It’s “A Brief History of the Fate of Beowulf’s Homeland for Bostonians.”

I may be late to the game, but I recently discovered OwlKitty. It’s a YouTube channel where the owners photoshop their cat OwlKitty into popular movies. Here is OwlKitty starring in Godzilla:

Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. footiepjs says:

    I’m a simple woman, I see Lee Pace and I click.

  2. MonBon says:

    I too am a simple woman. I see Lee Pace and I took click.

  3. Susan/DC says:

    Me too. I’ve loved Lee Pace since “Pushing Daisies” and am happy to follow his work almost anywhere. The link was a reminder that I should rewatch “The Fall”, which was quite an amazing movie. The visuals, the acting, and the story were so sumptuous (even though the plot sometimes made little sense) and original. I like movies that are clearly passion projects for the director and not something done based on only on umpteen focus groups and whether merchandise tie-ins are possible.

  4. Stefka says:

    OMG, a gigantic thank you for introducing me to OWLKITTY! I will never be the same…

  5. Vasha says:

    East Coast rain, yep… Tuesday it rained so much here that the water rose above the level of the gas pipe inlet in my wall, found its way inside, and soaked my living-room carpets and wallboard. Now I am waiting for the tearout folks while listening my way through “The Strange Case of Starship Iris.” A damp apartment is made more pleasant by the virtual company of that raffish crew. Virtual means I can join them for a drink and (thank goodness) have it be beer rather than whatever moonshine they brew in their engine room.

  6. Escapeologist says:

    Giant kitty!!! I have no wifi right now but bet your bottom dollar i will be back to watch this majestic creature.

  7. Kareni says:

    Yikes, @Vasha! Sending good thoughts that your apartment will soon be dry once again.

  8. Kate says:

    The Urantian cult sounds not very dissimilar to Scientology. I will now enjoy my glass of Country Peach Passion iced tea a little bit less.

  9. Penny says:

    @Amanda I LOVE your tattoo. Gah, I need another…

    @Stefka I too am forever changed lol

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