Links: History, Emily Bronte, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Welcome to Wednesday Links! On Wednesdays, we share things from around the internet. It’s that simple!

The year is chugging along and we’re fast approaching September. How?! I know many of us are already looking forward to 2020 being over, but I can’t help by wonder what else this year has in store for us. I thought things would have peaked at murder hornets, but nope.

Stay safe, y’all!

The romance community is currently feeling the loss of author Corey Alexander. Sarah will be hosting a virtual Kaddish this Friday. All are welcome.

I’ve become obsessed with The Great Unlearn on InstagramThe account strives to help us unlearn the skewed history we learn in school. The nerd in me has been enjoying the monthly syllabi!

Sarah sent this essay to me with the comment that she couldn’t stop thinking about itI understand why.

What was the point in trying to rest? I was no Sleeping Beauty. Everything wouldn’t be better once I woke up. I was, if anything, Sleeping Cute Enough. Magic wasn’t real, and I wasn’t a princess. I was just some random mediocre diversion, one in a long line of losers, a minor character in some handsome fellow’s story, Bluebeard’s bride number 31. Somebody else might defeat him one day and be crowned with the laurels given to true champions, but it wouldn’t be me. My skull is in the basement with the rest of them. Throw another one on the pile.

If you need more Library Goodness in your life, read about how these librarians called every one of their mostly elderly patrons to check in on them during COVID. Support your local libraries and be kind to the staff!

What if Emily Bronte had the Hamilton treatment?

Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Loved this:

    I can attest that I too have experienced at least half of these benefits from library curbside pickup.

  2. Missy says:

    I found this great article about how Vivian Stephens helped start RWA and thought others might also find it interesting. I hope the link works but if not it is in the Texas Monthly and appears to be free online.

  3. Lexica says:

    The book Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James Loewen is an excellent place for Americans to start unlearning, IME:

  4. Banbi says:

    I’m just gonna leave this link to a rock musical about the Brontes here…

    The internet: land of “serious or satire?”

  5. HeatherS says:

    The “Breaking Cat News” comic amongst the content here amuses me. My coworkers found it in the paper and put it on my desk.

  6. HeatherS says:

    The “Breaking Cat News” comic amongst the content here amuses me. My coworkers found it in the paper and put it on my desk.

  7. Kate says:

    That essay by Sara Benincasa is terrific. I went down quite a rabbit hole trying to figure out who she was talking about and guessing it’s Ryan Adams? I didn’t know that much about him, but have now discovered the very talented Phoebe Bridgers as a result, so that’s a win.

  8. Darlynne says:

    @Escapeologist: Good heavens, those are stunning photographs and models. Wow and thank you.

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