Links: Wildlife, an Update, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.It’s that time again, where we cobble together some weird, wonderful, and interesting links from around the internet.

I’m kind of excited about this week’s post because it has lots of great animal photos, which I need right now. We also have an update from a link posted last week.

Oh and of course, there are book recs.

If you enjoy speculative fiction, here are five Indigenous/First Nations authors you should try! The list was put together by Rebecca Roanhorse, whose urban fantasy books I love.

Kate Clayborn wrote a thoughtful essay on “natural” beauty and cosmetic surgery in romance. If you’re looking for romances with positive portrayals of characters who have chosen cosmetic surgery, you may find some in this Rec League.

Sarah: Rothy’s must be determined to charm me each quarter because after releasing a bootie version of their woven shoe, this month they’ve released a whole line of shoes made of merino wool – which I *love.* I have merino wool travel clothing I adore because it washes so well (including in a hotel sink). I’m sort of helpless in the face of the new shoe collection.

Purple pointed flats in merino woven woolRound toe flat in a dusty pink woven merino wool

Deep green loafers in woven merino wool Dark charcoal grey booties with white soles - tops are merino wool of course

Whoo, they are not cheap, but wow, are they nice. I’ve been trying, as I add to my wardrobe, to purchase clothing and shoes that are made with sustainable practices and/or from recycled materials (got brands to suggest? Please let me know! You all have great taste) and these, like I said, are heckin’ tempting.

As I’ve mentioned, aside from running shoes, I haven’t bought any other shoes since finding Rothy’s, and they’ve are a staple for my professional wardrobe – and synagogue, too, especially on Yom Kippur when one isn’t supposed to wear leather. Recycled water bottles? Sure! If you’d like to order yourself some, here is a link for $20 off your order. (NB: affiliate link that credits me $20 as well, so cheers!)

Amanda: Sarah recently got me on the Rothy’s train. I have wide feet and found that sizing up works really well. I have a pair of the Points and the Sneakers. The Sneakers are my favorite of the two and make my bookstore shifts much more comfortable.

Congratulations to Holly, winner of 2019’s Fat Bear Week! Gaze upon these beautiful chonky bears!

The 2019 Wildlife Photography winners have been announced! I absolutely love this competition and am in awe at how some photographers get these shots.

Lastly, I know we were all in awe over the Lisa Frank hotel, but some things have come out of a resident being ousted from her apartment because of it.

Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Glauke says:

    A cute short horror movie: Knitcromancer

    Exactly what the title promises.

  2. Jennie says:

    Here’s Another way to purchase environmentally friendly clothes. The Renewal Workshop, repairs, cleans, and resells clothes from brands including Ibex, prAna, Toad and Company.

  3. @SB Sarah says:

    Ooh, thank you, Jennie!

  4. Jill-Marie says:

    I love wool. But I am so very allergic to wool. Even **thinking** about wool makes me break out in a fit of scratching.


  5. Penny says:

    Thank you so much for that link to Rebecca Roanhorse’s list. My TBR is like a sourdough starter… I both feed and avail myself of it regularly… but it’s substantially larger now… I need a quiet reading weekend!

  6. LauraL says:

    @ SB Sarah – One of my personal favorites is Svaha Apparel. Most of the clothes are made from organic cotton with organic dyes. Soft, soft fabrics with lots of cool themes like books, STEM, animals, and astronomy. The kids clothing is rather gender-unspecific, which is important to one of my sisters-in-law. 🙂

  7. If you’re looking for sustainable shoes, I’ve gotten a few pairs of Allbirds:

    I’ve tried the sneakers and the flats, and I love both. I like the flats better than Rothy’s to be honest (I’ve only tried the Rothy’s Points, fwiw), because the merino insole doesn’t absorb odors and that’s… important to me, I guess. Also, the material on the AllBirds doesn’t rub against my skin like the Rothy’s material does.

    Both are great lines of shoes, and I’m drooling over the new Merino Rothy’s, but since you could get two pairs of AllBirds for the cost of one pair of Rothy’s, I think it’s worth trying!

  8. @SB Sarah says:

    @Jocelyn: I have a pair of Allbirds, too! The sneakers are extremely soft and comfortable (and Merino wool). The thing about the Allbirds that I wish were different is the tread: it wears smooth very quickly, and I do a lot of walking. But the fact that they’re washable is awesome (especially after I’ve been walking in hella-pollen season and my grey sneakers are covered with that weird yellow-green). I haven’t tried the flats so I’ll be looking at those next! Thank you for the rec!

    @LauraL: Oh, I’m doomed. I’ve seen some of the ads for Svaha elsewhere but now that I’ve looked at the whole store, oh, boy. Everything is tempting! Thank you for the link!

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