Links: Met Gala, Conferences, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Happy Wednesday! BookLovers’ Con is a week away! I’ll be there and hope to see some of you there, too. It’s also my first time in New Orleans, and I’m very excited about it. May is just flying by, isn’t it?

Intercepted by Alexa Martin has got some exiting news! It’s been picked up for an adaptation on Starz. I feel like each week gives way to more romance adaptation and I’m here for it.

Gaze upon these gorgeous hand-painted KitchenAid stand mixers! I will never be able to afford one, but they sure are nice to look at.

Are you free tonight and in the D.C. area? Don’t miss Sarah and author Rachel Hawkins at East City Bookshop at 6:30!

Bowling Green State University has announced their 2020 Researching the Romance conference that will be held in late April. Presentation proposals are now open and will close November 1.

The Met Gala was this week and if you enjoy looking at pretty things, please enjoy this Twitter thread from Penguin Teen that compared Met Gala looks to book covers.


Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Susan says:

    I love the painted KitchenAid mixers but, like you, they’re out of my budget range. There are decals available on Etsy, tho, so I’ve been mulling the cheaper alternative. (My mixer was inherited, still works great, but doesn’t really match my kitchen/other stuff.)

  2. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    I don’t care for the author’s somewhat glib and patronizing tone (and she seems to have no clue as to LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER’s place in the literary canon), but based on the clues offered, care to take a guess as to the titles of the books she’s ghostwritten:

  3. YotaArmai says:

    @DiscoDollyDeb I was irritated by her tone too, especially since she ends the piece with coming clean to her family about it and some personal growth, but then I recalled that at 22 I could be pretty harsh and judgemental about things like romance too.

    Never read a reverse harem shifter pregnancy romance so no idea what book it would be.

  4. Heather Greye says:

    The #MetGala as book covers thread is on point! Whoever is behind the Penguin account did a great job pairing them.

  5. Escapeologist says:

    @Amanda, I came across this adorable comic and it reminded me of the webcomic you posted last week, or was it the week before.

  6. Escapeologist says:

    Any chance of a recording for the Rachel Hawkins event? The podcast with her was so good.

  7. Lace says:

    The only commentary I follow religiously on the red carpet scene is SFF author Genevieve Valentine’s thoughtful and entertaining blog posts. Here she is on the Met Gala:

    (I can recommend her book The Girls at the Kingfisher Club too.)

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