Movie Matinee Poll

Question: for the SBTB Movie Matinee this month, we’d like to change things up. Previously, we’ve watched the movies on our own, and posted our own thoughts in an entry.

We’d like to make the SBTB Movie Matinee discussion more interactive, and we have two options for you to consider:

Option 1: we designate a time to watch that month’s movie live together, in a chat room here on the site.

Option 2: we watch the movie on our own time, and meet here to discuss it, similar to our bi-monthly book club.

I have a form! Would you be so kind as to fill it out? Thank you in advance!

If you can’t see the form, click here!

Fill out my online form.

I’m hoping to make our bi-monthly movie discussions more interactive for everyone. If you’ve got ideas or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments.

And, in case you’re curious, here are the results so far (nb: the results will not automatically update when you vote. Reload to update the results if you’d like!) :

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  1. If we do it like the book club, is it possible for it to be on the weekend? I can’t do any of the book club stuff because I’m at work when it starts (I’m in the Pacific Time Zone).

  2. Fairytalegirl says:

    I have a suggestion for a future movie (if that’s okay).
    It’s a 1998 crazysauce historical adventure romcom set during the Napoleonic wars called All For Love(UK)/St Ives(US).
    It includes : a dashing French Capitaine, a man called Farquar Bolingbroke Chevening, an adventurous young woman called Flora, the most amazing aunt to ever be on film, pot smoking, demotion due to lobster-based insult, evil siblings, a prison escape, and a scene involving a masked ball and a hot air balloon that has to be seen to be disbelieved. It is a family favourite due to somehow managing to be romantic, hilarious, and absolutely bats all at the same time.

  3. hng23 says:

    @Fairytalegirl: I just watched the trailer & I don’t think ‘crazysauce’ begins to cover it! Bonus #1: it stars Richard E Grant & Miranda Richardson…Bonus #2: the Frenchman is a hottie. Sacre bleu! I know what I’ll be watching over the weekend. Thanks for the rec!

  4. I just watched the trailer too. Sacre chat! Definitely one to watch 🙂

  5. LyndaX says:

    This movie looks like fun, but where can you get or rent the DVD? Google says it’ll be out in late March. Any suggestions for watching it now?

  6. Alexandra says:

    Seconding @SciFiGirl1986!

  7. My library has a copy.

  8. This seems like a great idea and I can squeeze in a movie faster than a book club. 🙂

  9. LineJ says:

    @Fairytalegirl I completely one clicked that movie after your description and the trailer there was no stopping it. Thanks! ?

  10. Sue says:

    Wow, I didn’t think it would be such a big difference in the votes, nor did I think I’d be in the minority! Huh. SBTB Nation, always surprising me,

  11. OOOH THIS MAKES ME HAZ A HAPPY! I’ve skipped the last few book club discussions because they weren’t my cup of tea. But turning the monthly movie into a monthly movie chat club sounds hella fun!

    Also not sure if suggestions are a thing for this or not, OR if we can suggest non-English speaking films, but if so? The Korean romantic comedy movie My P.S. Partner is SOOOO a thing I hope the club could one day do!

    Heroine mistakenly calls Not Her Boyfriend/a stranger for phone sex, hilarity, adorbs, and feels ensue.

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