Links: Cat Sitting, Adult Toys, Beta Heroes

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.It’s the last Wednesday in August. How did we get here? Is summer over yet? Please, let it be over! We hope you’ve been having a good week or at least been enjoying a good book or two.

I’m over at the Barnes & Noble blog recommending some great Beta heroes across a variety of romance subgenres. How many have you read on the list?

Redheadedgirl is arranging her UK travels and wants to coordinate a meetup across the pond on October 11th. If you’re interested in getting together, please fill out this Google Form!

Have your heard of Matriarch Digital Media? No? Well get ready, because it just might become your next great source for podcasts.

Matriarch is a network that is the premiere destination for podcasts that understand, respect, encourage and uplift women.

We appreciate and celebrate women just as we are and where we are.

So far, they have two current podcasts with more on the way. There’s one even titled “Rom Com” and I’m very interested to hear what it’s about.

Laptop Cord Winders

I have one of these from Above the Fray, and it's great for keeping my MacBook cord contained and safe from being pulled or frayed. There are earbud winders, too! -SW

The TV show Broad City has launched their own line of sex toys! They look so fun and colorful! Is it bad that I want all of them?


Want to turn your next cat sitting favor into an adventure? Jessica Fisher, a writer for Geek and Sundry, has you covered!

Behold, your handy guide to catsitting, presented as a Dungeons & Dragons campaign—in case you thought that dogs were the only animals who got to have fun with D&D. Jessica Fisher, a writer for Geek and Sundry, tweeted out the comprehensive campaign she created for a friend watching her beloved fur babies.

You can also directly access the PDF here!

Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Redheadedgirl says:

    I see that the google form isn’t that clear (sorry!) but I’ll be in London, York, and Edinburgh, and there are sections for all three cities. Drop a line, especially if you have suggestions for places to hold the meetup. I hope to see some of you there!

  2. LauraL says:

    Beta heroes are major catnip here. I’ve read all but two of the historical novels mentioned and, surprisingly to me, quite a few of the contemporaries. Thanks, Amanda, for adding to my TBR pile!

  3. Maureen says:

    To show how off I am with my dates (I thought my daughter started college classes a day after they actually did)-the first line of this post “It’s the last Sunday in August.”, had me thinking, “it’s Sunday? Am I going crazy??”. I looked at my calendar and realized that yes, it is actually Wednesday! Of course we did have the last Sunday, but that was a few days ago 😉

  4. Kareni says:

    I looked over the list of beta heroes, and I’ve read 23 of them. Some of those other titles look pretty tempting!

  5. Amanda says:

    @Maureen: Clearly I’m the one going crazy, haha! Thanks for the catch!

  6. MsCellanie says:

    I wonder how they define “beta” heroes. Some of the ones I’ve read on that list aren’t what I would call beta. They’re alphas who aren’t complete jerks.

  7. Antipodean Shenanigans says:

    A hero half way between alpha and beta is my sweet spot. There are some good ones on that list – Brian from Backstage Pass and Winter from Thief of Shadows *fans self*

  8. Vasha says:

    Thanks for adding to the TBR, indeed! Out of the 11 I’ve read, some are among my all-time favorites, and I didn’t actually dislike any of them (except for A Week to Be Wicked, but I know by now that Tessa Dare’s writing just doesn’t work for me for unknown reasons)– so that tells me I ought to read the whole list.

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