Elyse Watches The Bachelorette–Episode 9: Invitation to Bone

Elyse Watches The Bachelorette with Kraken Rum and Coke with a big rose at the bottomToday’s delayed recap is brought to you by Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia: because pain doesn’t care that you have shit to do.

I actually slept though The Bachelorette last night, but I’ve got it DVR’d and I’m home today with a giant-ass coffee and muscle relaxers.

You think me recapping while drunk was interesting–just wait till the meds kick in.

A woman drinks out of a giant cup of coffee--like bigger than her head

We’re down to three men: Eric, Bryan and Peter. Last week Rachel met everyone’s family, Dean went through the pain of meeting his estranged father on camera after two years separation, and then Rachel let him go.

Last week was pretty fucking depressing.

I’m hoping this week is full of WTFery because I’ll be honest, this season has been kind of a downer.

Now, on with the show!

It’s time for the remaining dudes to meet Rachel’s family. Her sister is eight months pregnant so they are meeting in her hometown of Dallas, rather than the usual practice of flying to an exotic locale.

First up is Peter, who has definitely been more reserved than the other dudes. I personally think Rachel likes him best, but he’s more closed off emotionally than Eric or Bryan. Peter and Rachel shop for a baby gift for her sister and a present for her nephew Allister.

The best part is when Peter picks something out and Rachel gives him the “Um, no” eyes. He’s smart enough to defer to her choice. Good man.

Baby clothes are so friggin adorable you guys. I don’t want kids but I could shop for baby stuff all day long. I’m probably one more muscle relaxer away from knitting Dewey a little baby sweater and hat.

A close up of Peter and Rachel shopping for baby clothes.

Anyway, before they meet her family, Peter pulls her aside and tells Rachel that’s he falling in love with her.


While speaking with Rachel’s mom, Kathy, Peter admits that he’s not sure he’s ready to propose yet because he and Rachel have basically only spent a few weeks together. He still wants to pursue a relationship with her, but he doesn’t know if he would feel right proposing at the end of the show.

While on the one hand I think this is a totally reasonable approach to their relationship, it’s also not what the show is about, so it’s kind of weird to see him say that. The dudes know when they sign up that the show ends with a proposal (usually).

You aren’t following the process–er, journey–Peter! The Rose God will not pleased! Chris Harrison just sat up in his coffin filled with rose petals, his eyes blazing in fury.

Kathy actually likes Peter’s answer, though. She does tell him that she hopes he takes their dating very seriously, though.

Then in what is literally the best shot of the night, we cut away to Rachel and little Allister playing with her dog, Copper.

Copper is a noble floof and I love him.

Copper, a big fluffy orange dog, sits in a chair . He looks like a chow-mix to me and I'd kiss his face a million times.

At one point Peter sits on the floor and colors with Allister and my remaining ovary explodes.

Peter sits on the floor with Allister while Rachel and Copper watch.

The next day it’s Eric’s turn to meet the Lindsays. Eric admits that he’s never been in love and is last serious relationship was two years ago. Rachel’s sister, Constance, is skeptical that Eric is ready for marriage.

Eric tells Constance that he loves Rachel unconditionally, but isn’t in love yet.

Later Eric asks Kathy if he can have her blessing to propose to Rachel.

But…wait? You just said you weren’t in love yet!

Kathy gives him her blessing anyway.

Rachel, her cousin Andrea, and Eric sit on a couch. Eric and Andrea do a little chair dancing.

Lastly it’s Bryan’s turn. Rachel takes him to brunch with a couple of her girlfriends then on to meet her family.

Almost immediately Bryan tells them that his mom is the most important woman in life, which is not all concerning… Like how is that the first thing you say to new people!? “Hi, I’m Bryan and I love my mom more than  anybody else.” Cue the Starbucks barista trying to write that all on a cup.

Kathy asks who would get his priority, his wife or his mom. Bryan kind of stumbles during his answer and it’s clear Kathy isn’t impressed.

Right away there’s some tension between Bryan and Rachel’s family. He’s charming, but in a superficial way. They ask him some pretty direct questions, and when they are skeptical of his answers (like when he says he knew Rachel was the one after just a week), Bryan freaks out and leaves the dinner table.

Rachel is irritated that her family seems to be questioning Bryan more intensely than they did Eric or Peter.

Rachel looks at her mom and says "I am, like, really low-key annoyed."

Bryan tells Constance that he already loves the family and she’s like, “dude, it’s been an hour.”

Bryan apparently loves everything immediately. But not as much as his mom.

Steve Carell from Anchorman says "I love lamp."

Despite all that, Kathy does give Bryan her blessing to propose to Rachel.

So just to recap: we’ve gone from Peter who isn’t sure of his feelings and is playing this close to the vest, to Eric who has never been in love, to Bryan who loves everyone within five minutes of knowing them.


Anyway, the family stuff is over and we can move on to the best part of the episode–Fantasy Suites. This is when Chris Harrison gives the contestants a hand written letter inviting them to sleep with each other.

I did not make that up. It’s a thing that happens.

So they all fly to La Rioja, Spain. We get a shot of Rachel sipping wine THAT SHE DOES NOT FINISH BEFORE LEAVING HER TABLE. Rachel! We never leave a wine behind! Not ever!

The first date goes to Eric. They take a helicopter to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe where they sip champagne.  Later they have dinner, and  Eric tells Rachel he’s in love with her.

They open the handwritten Invitation to Bone from Chris Harrison and head over to the Fantasy Suite. There are a lot of candles in the Fantasy Suite. A LOT. I wonder if some unpaid intern has to go around re-lighting the damn things.

After a commercial break we get the token “morning after” scene where the camera pans to an unmade bed, thereby making sure everyone knows the smexing happened. Then Rachel kisses Eric goodbye so she can go on a date with one of the other dudes and probably sleep with him.

I can’t get over how awkward that must be.

“Great job with the sex! I’m going to go have more of it with people who aren’t you. See you Tuesday!”

The next date is with Peter. They go to a vineyard where they actually finish their wine this time. Once again Peter tells her he’s not ready to propose.

This seems  like  a pretty important conversation, but they are interrupted by a little girl bringing Rachel flowers. I assume Peter planned the whole thing.

A little girl brings Rachel flowers while Peter looks at them with a smile

“She’s asking about commitment! Operation Shirley Temple is a go! I repeat, Operation Shirley Temple is a go!”

He doesn’t get off that easily, though. Over dinner Rachel tells Peter that she didn’t sign up for the show in order to find a boyfriend, she’s looking for a husband. Peter tells her that he considers engagement as seriously as marriage–he wants to be 100% certain he’s ready to be married before he gets engaged.

Rachel is more okay with their engagement still being a “getting to know each other” stage of their relationship.

The episode ends with Rachel tearing up. She feels like they aren’t at the same place and she says, “Tonight, for the first time ever, I’m thinking Peter and I might not work out.”

Then we get the dramatic TO BE CONTINUED

Do you think Peter can come back from this? Are you still watching?


General Bitching...

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  1. Mary Nova says:

    You’re hilarious. Your insights are dead-on. Score one for muscle relaxers! They look good on you.

  2. starlightarcher says:

    I can’t decide if Rachel’s family realizes how contrived this whole thing is or not. Because while the contestants seem to understand the lunacy of the system and how to work it, her family seems to be taking this whole processed-journey-thing super seriously. And considering Peter’s comments I’m wondering if he didn’t get the memo either.

    How did he even sign the contract if he didn’t understand what he was volunteering to do? Did he think he’d be able to force reality onto this bonkers show, or was he secretly hoping to be sent home earlier and not get to this point? And now that he’s had some media training, no one will likely be able to get a true answer from him on the subject.

  3. Megan M. says:

    Ugh. This show! Peter is obviously the most sane choice, but the JOURNEY demands that she choose someone else. She cannot choose Bryan. RACHEL DON’T CHOOSE BRYAN!

    “The Rose God will not pleased! Chris Harrison just sat up in his coffin filled with rose petals, his eyes blazing in fury.” These asides always crack me up. Great review Elyse!

  4. Leanne H. says:

    Great review as always. I love these. But I have to admit I’ve never watched the show, so I didn’t know about the whole “Fantasy Suite” thing until this review. I died at the camera panning to the unmade bed. It’s like when the lord of the manor hung out the sheet after his wedding night.

  5. Lizzy says:

    Sending warm relaxed vibes from one fibro lady to another.

  6. chacha1 says:

    Well, based solely on these recaps, I think Rachel should hand all three of those guys a dead rose and say “it was nice but no.”

    Peter does seem the most serious about the potential relationship, but his level of caution is a little ludicrous given THE SHOW HE SIGNED UP FOR. Dude, really.

    Someone as accomplished (and beautiful) as Rachel does not need a TV show to find a husband. She may need to move out of Texas, though.

  7. Minerva says:

    The Fantasy Suite just icks me out. All I can think of is the risk of STDs. I guess that explains my opinions of the guys.

  8. Jill Q. says:

    I think the crazy complicated details of the Chris Harrison curse may be my favorite things about these recaps. They always make me chuckle.

  9. Maite says:

    Anyone else look at Copper’s screenshot and thought: “Wait, is the next season about a bachelorette dog?”

    You are ruining me for the Bachelor/Bachelorette series Elyse. I don’t see a point in watching the series without your commentary. Hope the meds helped.

  10. Carol S says:

    Wait. Did she receive an Invitation To Bone Bryan? If so, did he bring his mother?

  11. Carol S says:

    @Maite do you think the Canine Bachelorette would get an Invitation to Hump?

  12. Ren Benton says:

    @Carol S: I think it would still be an invitation to bone, and it would be a literal bone because no one would let a bunch of skeevy bachelor dogs mount their precious pup for ratings.

  13. Maite says:

    @Carol S:
    Of course. If the Rose God allows.

    @Ren Benton:
    If there are ratings to be had, Reality TV crews will find someone.

  14. Lady Voluptua Raventresses says:

    Thanks for the fun review! I too live with fibromyalgia and very much relate to your intro. I hope the rest of your week is all good days.

  15. Ulrike says:

    Someone with connections needs to pitch K9 Bachelor(ette) for next season ASAP! I would actually watch that!

  16. Ash says:

    “Chris Harrison just sat up in his coffin filled with rose petals, his eyes blazing in fury.”

    OMG dying

  17. Jillian Boyd says:

    Bryan is terrifyingly intense. Also, the ever expanding mythos of Chris Harrison’s Rose Curse is giving me such life

  18. Becca says:

    These recaps are my favorite! I don’t even bother watching the show, I just rely on you & your drinks/stand-in muscle relaxers. Go Elyse!

  19. Linda says:

    I have zero desire to watch this show, but I look forward to your recaps every week!

  20. Gail says:

    If it wasn’t for Elyse I wouldn’t even know who these people were. She’s funny as hell no matter what she’s drinking. I read this review every week so I can make fun of them without actually having to sit through all the s**t they spout. Love you Elyse

  21. Bu says:

    Ah! Invitation to Bone is giving me major flashbacks — Reality TV buffs can you HaBO?

    What show (approximately 15 years ago) included an episode in which a male contestant’s dog was mounted by a local stray which then required airlifting a vet in with a “morning after” injection for the dog (and by dog I mean bitch)???

    I think they were on a remote island.

  22. Elizabeth says:

    Rachel wrote on her People magazine blog that her family had seen the Ellen episode where Bryan talked about Will getting his sloppy seconds, and they also googled him and found out he had been sued by the insurance companies for ordering unnecessary MRIs etc. So that is partly why they were so hard on him. Also Bryan apparently got up from the table at dinner to go talk to her father off-camera.

  23. Melanie says:

    I’m in Australia so I can’t watch the show but still love Elyse’s recaps!

    The Australian versions of the show don’t have a fantasy suite – I’m kind of glad! And the shows here almost never end with a proposal. The one year it did the Batchelor changed his mind after 3 weeks and hooked up with the third runner up. This all happened before the show had aired so you can just imagine the media storm that erupted when all this eventually came out!

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