Susie Felber, who is also known in the Romance universe as “Edith Layton’s daughter,” has a cool new job with a French company, Withings, which makes connected health and fitness devices. She reached out to me to see if I’d be willing to host a giveaway of two of their Activité fitness trackers – a gift for Valentine’s Day that’s the opposite of chocolate, as she put it.
Mais oui, s’il vous plait!
I know that many of you probably set up some personal fitness resolutions for this year. Since taking care of yourself and making sure you feel healthy and happy is very important, I think this would be a great boost to any of your fitness goals. I rarely talk about fitness because, well, I have been on the receiving end of long monologues about workout routines and I don’t want to inflict that on anyone! But I got serious about my health a few years ago, hired a personal trainer (whom I miss a LOT now that I’ve moved), and started working out almost daily. Since then, I have learned that, to quote Peter Drucker, “What gets measured gets managed.” In other words, if I’m paying attention to what I do, what I eat, what I lift, and when I do all of the above, I see the progress I want. Trackers like these can help a lot with all that measurement and monitoring.
Thanks to Susie, we have two to give away! AND a coupon. Thanks, ma’am!
There’s the Activité Steel, which will come with two bands in raspberry and white:
And the Activité Pop, in limited edition Coral Pink:
What’s it do? It tracks steps, swimming, running and sleep, and syncs to their Health Mate app, available for iOS or Android. In the app, thanks to the tracker, you’ll see distance traveled, calories burned, activity, sleep data, and all that fun stuff. Health Mate also syncs to other apps you might already use, like My Fitness Pal.
On the device itself, you’ll see the time, because it’s a watch. Plus there is a small dial that tells you how much of your daily activity goal you’ve achieved.
The Activité does not need charging, either. It runs on a standard watch battery (aka one of those little silver button cell batteries) and one battery should last up to 8 months.
The Activité Steel retails for $199, and the Pop in coral retails for $149.
Plus, we have a coupon should you wish to check out the other products at! With coupon code WITHSBTB you’ll get 20% off your purchase. They make Wi-Fi scales, a home camera, and other health tracking devices as well.
Susie also sent me an Activité Steel to try out, which I’m terribly excited about. I’d been trying to decide which fitness tracker to buy, and having one that is a watch and a monitor is very cool. If anyone would like a review, I’m happy to write one up after I’ve used it for awhile.
Standard disclaimers apply. Void where prohibited. Open to US residents only (sorry sorry!). Must be over 18 and prepared to work it out in order to win. There is a correct way to tie your shoes, but really, whichever way you do it so you don’t trip is good. Measure twice, cut once. If you drop the beat, please clean up after yourself. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. Anyone who allows party rock to enter the house tonight will answer to management. Do not remove internet under penalty of law. Two winners will be selected to each win one of the two watches by random integer from the comments at or close to noon ET on Sunday 14 February 2016. Winners will be announced that day.
Want to enter? Yay! I hope so.
Just leave a comment and tell me what you do – or would like to do – to help keep yourself healthy. Health means different things for different people, and figuring out what helps you personally is, I think, very important.
Good luck!
ETA 12/14/16: Congratulations and hooray, we have winners!
The winner of the Activité Steel is Kristen, and the winner of the Activité Pop is Brandy.
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who entered! I wish you all success on your fitness goals – you can totally do it.
to keep myself healthy, I drink extra water, try to use less sugar & make sure I take my vitamins. I also try to walk more, but busy lives mean less time for walking without definite purpose.
I’m using the treadmill a lot more-I can read while walking!
So this year what I’m really trying to build up my strength, and also basically cut most meat out of my diet except on special occasions or when I eat out!
To get back in shape I’ve started running again and have returned to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It’s been two years since I was last on the mats, and I’m happy to be back (and incredibly bruised and sore).
These are so pretty! I really need to start walking, right now I’m pretty sedentary and starting to feel the spread.
I’m trying to manage stress by taking up yoga. I’m still terribly inflexible, but am noticing a difference in my neck and shoulders and the lack of tension and cramps.
I do yoga and I am trying to walk more.
Walk more this would help!
I am planning to have bariatic surgery this year. In preparation I have joined a gym, replaced my beloved Diet Coke with water, cut way back on the coffee with milk and suga and replaced it tea (caffiene saves lives), weigh all my food.
I walk to work and lift weights. I also don’t eat processed foods with weird ingredients.
These are really pretty. I’m doing couch to 5k right now and whe it’s warmer I do a lot of swimming. Are these waterproof? I am also giving up fried food for lent which helps a lot!
I use an elliptical every day in the winter and walk the dog everyday in good weather. Those watches are so much more attractive than alot of the other activity trackers out there.
I carry around my kids to keep fit. If the baby is being carried, the toddler insists on being carried as well. Maybe someday I’ll start running again.
That watch is beautiful!!!!! I have put a meeting everyday on my schedule to get away from my desk and walk around. It doesn’t always happen but most days it does!!
I love these trackers! I commit to walking my dog every day no matter what the weather is doing and since I listen to podcasts or audiobooks, I’m usually motivated to take a long walk so I cam hear the whole episode or listen to “just one more” chapter.
Walking is my primary exercise but I also have a goal of increasing my flexibility and strength. I have those lovely pink weights – gotta use them!!
This year I’m really trying to be healthier by drinking more water every day and eating smaller portions. Simple changes, but hopefully a big help.
If it’s just me, walking. If I have a trainer to motivate me, hill sprints!
I have to stop eating so much junk food and walk some more.
In terms of mental health, let’s hear it for romance novels! I read one every day. Better than vitamins.
More traditionally, I run and do yoga and strength training. And I walk everywhere, although that’s more because I can’t drive than because I want to be healthy.
I joined a women’s hiking group through MeetUp. They’re national if anyone is interested. Google Trail Dames.
Never thought I would be able to do any exercise early in the morning (other than snuggling in a warm bed) but I’ve been hitting the treadmill even before that first cup of coffee. It’s working!
I started training in Muay Thai kickboxing two years ago and I gotta tell ya, exercise is more fun when you’re hitting things! Hoping to take my first amateur fight later this year.
I’m taking yoga classes and trying to eat healthy. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like to walk. I miss my treadmill, which should be up and running by the end of this week. I love to read while on the treadmill. Makes the hour go by faster. My downfall is comfort food and I find that the harder I exercise, the less I crave the food and the reasons why it’s okay to eat them. Gawds, the convoluted games my mind wants to play regarding food.
Walk as much as I can, ride the stationary bike while playing Halo or reading, try to mind my stress level at work, and write regularly.
I pick something every year to focus on. I gave up buying soda a few years ago (except for company). Then there was the time limit on computer usage. This year it’s increasing the number of times I walk UP the stairs at work. I always take them down, but rarely up. Starting in January, I had to walk up once a day. Now that it’s February, it’s twice a day. Next month three times a day. Hopefully by December I’ll be waking up every time I leave my office. Since I’m two floors away from the main office (the source of most of my work) I’m leaving my office all the time.
I am an avid runner and yogi…..both activities support my enormous appetite for chocolate!
I stopped drinking my glass of wine each evening and I’m trying to cut down on my sugar intake. I do walk and/or go to gym most days
I’m trying to take up running again, and I just signed up for a Mudderella!
The watches are great looking – I retire from a stressful job on March 4th and have sworn to myself I am going to improve my health every day, some way! Might buy this anyway to get started.
After some health issues, I am trying to get back in shape but with mixed results. I think a tracker would help me get back on track
I have been walking 25,000 steps each day. Trying to watch what I eat doesn’t work well for me, but exercise helps and walking is something I can do without joining a gym.
I had been working out three times a week at the Y, either in a group fitness class or in the weight room. A couple of job changes and a persistent back injury later, and I’ve gained back every pound and inch I’d lost. I recently said out-loud that I want to start walking around the neighborhood once it warms up a little and maybe start the couch-to-5K program. That lovely watch would certainly help. 🙂
I have a brutal publishing deadline this year. That means I need–more than ever–to get out of my chair and get the blood flowing. I’m late to the audio book platform but I’m hoping that will get me away from my desk and on the gazelle or maybe even outside walking when the weather warms up. I never have enough time for reading so that whole two birds, one exercise period thing! And if I won, I’d even wear pink. Not a pink person. Except when visiting the Bitchery. 😉
I am walking more this year, in addition to cardio and toning. Exercise really helps lower my stress levels.
I work out every week and eat my special healthy breakfast every day (organic lowfat vanilla yogurt with organic cinnamon, flax seeds, and mini chocolate chips). I really recommend the yogurt mix – I totally credit the flax seeds for getting through menopause without any hot flashes.
I walk on the treadmill about three times a week, but I wish I knew more about the weight machines at the gym so that I could incorporate them into my workout.
Drink more water, walk/exercise more, eat less carbs, and get more sleep (that last one is the hardest).
I’ve been making a conscious effort to drink more water. I need to work harder at cutting back on junk food/night snacking and getting more sleep, though.