Stuff You Should be Watching: Penny Dreadful

Eva Green in Penny Dreadful wearing a blue gown with black lace at the collar, and the collar lace looks like spiders and a scorpionPenny Dreadful is Showtime’s Gothic Horror show that’s returning for season 2 on May 3rd.  I watched it when it was airing, and Carrie watched it all last week (which I can prove with many angry IMs that read: “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME”).

It’s a story about a father, Malcolm Murray, who is trying to find his missing daughter Mina, and the story of Vanessa Ives, Mina’s best friend, who has things to atone for, and of Ethan Chandler, who is running from something, and of Brona Croft, who is waiting. Along with Dr. Frankenstein and Dorian Grey, they go into the dark and bloody undercurrents of Victorian London.  Oh, and there are vampires.  And demons.  And spiders.  Lots of spiders.  And guts.


RHG: This is the show that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen wanted to be.

This show is also not for everyone.  (Sarah adds: specifically, this show is NOT for me.) There are entrails.  And uh, well, a dude getting ripped in half.  And that’s in the first two episodes.

CarrieS: True fact – during the first episodes, I had subtitles on, and at one point they read, “Footsteps squishing through entrails” and now every time something happens I think, “Oh man, I love this character – dammit, feet are probably going to squish through her entrails soon!”

Close up of Timothy Dalton in Penny Dreadful with salt and pepper beard RHG: This show is SO darkly, gothically pretty.  When I got the DVDs, my roommates watched a couple episodes, and Dude Roommate said at one point, “Josh Hartnett and Timothy Dalton in the same scene.  That’s just not FAIR.”  (Also Dalton is SEVENTY.  SEVENTY YEARS OLD, speaking of NOT FAIR.)

CarrieS: GET OUT.  How is that possible!  Does he have a painting aging in an attic?

RHG: PROBABLY.  Also his bread is luxurious.

Speaking of Dorian, and his absolute refusal to dress period-appropriate and his purple shirts and lack of anything like a cravat and his LEATHER PANTS.  I like that we never actually see his painting.

Dorian Grey from Penny Dreadful with long ish straight hair in his face and a pink and black striped waistcoatCarrieS:  Me, too.  I fervently hope they never show it.  I adore Dorian but I always wonder – is he intended to be the endless source of comic relief that I see him as?  Was I supposed to laugh during the Orgy of Bored Models?  Am I intended to find his allergy to shirt buttons so cute?  The theater department at my college was full of Dorians and I had crushes on all of them, and now I’m middle-aged and I think he is SO FUNNY AND ADORABLE.

RHG: I think Dorian would be insulted by that, I’m not sure what the show thinks of him.  Josh Harnett grew on me as the season went on, my first reaction was “Eva Green!  Timothy Dalton!  Billie Piper!  ….and Josh Hartnett for some reason…?”  (Also Billie’s accent was specifically supposed to be Belfast, which is why it sounds so odd.)



CarrieS:  I agree about Josh – I feel like he’s done an amazing job of very quietly, subtly becoming the moral center of the show.  

Plus I love that he pulled off and excorcism purely through the power of being “SO OVER THIS SHIT.”  I like to think that when he was praying in Latin, he was actually saying, “Enough already!” over and over again.

And of COURSE Eva.  She can chew the scenery, she levitates and climbs on tables and screams in Egyptian but she also brings volumes of content to very quiet moments.  Also her saying, “It is the essence of your charm,” to Victor had me rolling on the floor – and let’s not forget Demon Eva hissing, “KITTENSSSSSS”!  That woman is astounding.

I love all the actors, and they keep surprising me.  I’m not surprised that they are good; I’m surprised that they will suddenly pull out a new layer of emotion or motivation from their character in ways that I don’t expect but that feel perfectly natural.

RHG:  The only thing I was disappointed by was that with 8 episodes, and one of them devoted purely to Vanessa and Malcolm’s backstory, things were rushed.  The next season is supposed to go for 10 episodes, and involves Helen McCory’s medium character bathing in blood, so that’ll be exciting.  WHAT IS HER DEAL.  WHAT IS EVERYONE’S DEAL.  HOW DID ETHAN BECOME WHAT HE IS?  HOW?  WHO IS HIS FATHER TELL ME NOW.

CarrieS:  Step away from capslock, RHG.  We mustn’t abuse the capslock WHO AM I KIDDING THIS WHOLE REVIEW SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN CAPSLOCK IT’S THAT KIND OF SHOW!

So can we talk about the sex?  Because it irritates the shit out of me that there are so many sex scenes that all involve pretty much the same sex – thrusting away.  After a while I thought maybe this, too, is deliberate, because we almost never see an orgasm.  The camera always cuts away.  So there’s all this grinding but no fulfillment, which is very Victorian and very in keeping with the ideas this show has about repression.  (I’m pretty sure if I could just teach all these characters about the clitoris everyone’s problems would be over.)

RHG: I do believe that we see peen before we see boob, so there’s that.  Granted, it’s the peen of a dead dude, but still.  Peen.

CarrieS:  Also lots of male butts on display.  I don’t think it’s a male gaze issue – actually for all the sex they are having, the camera usually cuts away before they get to have an orgasm either (presumably they have one, but from a symbolic standpoint I think it’s significant that we don’t see one).

The closest we have is is during a scene between Brona and Ethan, our one and only loving couple who are as healthy as a couple in their circumstances and from their backgrounds can possibly be.

RHG: Brona as “healthy” is hilarious.

CarrieS: EMOTIONALLY healthy.  Which, sadly, is still hilarious.

RHG: Yup.

I think the main take away from the show is that everything has a cost- Vanessa’s gift, Frankenstein’s (FRANKENSTEEN) ambition, Malcolm’s goal, Ethan’s escape, and Dorian’s ennui (oh Dorian’s ennui).  There’s the posted cost, and the incidentals, but it’s the incidentals that’ll get you in the end.

Of course, there’s also the “found family” theme, which is my very favorite theme of all.  “We’ll have the boys come over and decorate the tree,” indeed.

CarrieS:  I love found family stories.  The tree line just killed me as did Ethan and Victor practicing shooting:  “Uh-oh, we’re in trouble with Dad!”

It’s such a dark, gory, violent show – but there’s also this core of humor.  And a lot of the humor is of the snark variety which I adore.

RHG: It’s as dark and violent as pulpy as the penny dreadfuls it is derived from.  The repression of the Victorian age resulted in a lot of very weird and fucked up art as a release valve, and you take all of that, and put it in the hands of some really good writers and actors and you get this.

Nothing like Eva Green glowering at you (Or giving you a 180 degree side-eye) to make you rethink all of the choices that brought you to this point.

CarrieS: Yes, as an avid reader of Victorian gothic fiction I think this show does an amazing job of combining elements of modern sensibility with a very Victorian horror feel.  The episode in which they told the story of Frankenstein and the Monster was one of the best retellings I’ve come across in terms of staying absolutely true to the themes and emotions of Shelley’s novel.

So I was thinking about the shows that the Bitches are drawn too and how very different they are.  Some have romance, but a lot don’t, or they have tortured romance, so that’s not the common thread.  One thing we all seem passionately drawn to is costume porn and the clothes in Penny Dreadful are STUNNING.

But also if you look at Penny Dreadful, Agent Carter, Outlander, and Miss Fisher’s Mysteries, there’s a common theme of resilience, self-respect, and agency.  All these shows take place in very different time periods and setting, but all feature characters who are told that they are worth very little, or that they need to stay in a particular role, and the question becomes whether, as Peggy says in Agent Carter, they know their own value.

On top of this there’s the issue of agency and resilience.  How do you find your freedom when everyone wants to confine you literally or metaphorically?  How do you continue to find joy in the face of great loss and trauma (Agent Carter, Outlander, and Miss Fisher all deal with coping with the aftermath of war and the characters in Penny D are all coping with various traumas, both natural and supernatural).  It’s thrilling to see these very different women battling with this issue and it’s thrilling to know that huge audiences want them to succeed.

I think the reason Cinderella left me with such a bad aftertaste is that agency in women is punished.  Yes, it’s punished because it’s at the expense of others, but it’s not paired with benevolent agency.  What’s rewarded is passive endurance, and there’s something terribly ugly about that, even though there is the theme of knowing your own value (and, of course, THE CLOTHES).


Penny Dreadful returns on Sunday, May 3rd on Showtime.  You can buy season 1 on DVD at Amazon or other fine retailers, and it’s available streaming as well.

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  1. Aly says:

    I loooooooove “Penny Dreadful”! Timothy Dalton <333

    I usually don't like scary shows. But I made an exception for this one because the writing and the acting is so good.

    Is anyone watching "House of Cards"?

  2. Evaine says:

    I adore “Penny Dreadful” and cannot wait for it to start up again! Season one is on Crave TV now and it’s in my plans to give it a rewatch this month. 🙂 Eva Green… I swear to GOD, that woman is amazing! After the seance scene I was convinced there was nothing she couldn’t do and then… and THEN!!!

    There is so much good and interesting TV around these days. I’m also looking forward to Season 3 of “Orphan Black” which starts in a couple of weeks, I think. 🙂

  3. Darlynne says:

    Serafina Pekkala! Which is the best character name (see: GOLDEN COMPASS) ever.

    Great review. Without cable, I bulk up on binge-watching through Netflix and Amazon Prime. Hopefully this show is available somewhere because I, too, would like to abuse the capslock, and possibly Timothy Dalton’s beard.

  4. Kilian Metcalf says:

    I bought the Tarot deck for my collection and have been curious about the show. Sounds like my crack cocaine, so it’s on my Netfix queue. If nothing else, I’d like to find out what kind of bread Dalton is eating that is so luxurious. Sourdough? Crusty French? Sweet Hawaiian?

  5. Judy W. says:

    I think you mean Dalton’s beard is luxurious. But his bread is probably pretty lux as well.

  6. DonnaMarie says:

    I thought I was the only one watching this!! So happy others are appreciating it too. I love all it’s dark gory humor, the allegory and subtext and the misfits becoming a family (after 50 years of X-men, it is my catnip). I also had the Josh Hartnett?, yawn, response, but he is AMAZING. Quietly amazing, emotionally amazing, large and in charge amazing. Where has this ability been hiding? And anyone who didn’t see that season ending surprise coming, wasn’t paying attention. I am sooooooo ready for season 2.

  7. chacha1 says:

    I will probably wait to see this until I am well past recovery phase of my recent surgery. We haz slight tenderness in the entrails area ourselves. 🙂

    Josh Hartnett is someone whose oeuvre I have not much explored, but I thought he was very sweet and effective in “Blow Dry” with Alan Rickman, Natasha Richardson, Rachel Griffiths, Bill Nighy et al. I had not been expecting anything much from him and was pleasantly surprised. Don’t be put off by the standard American-style romantic-comedy promo art. 🙂

  8. Alina says:

    The possession/exorcism episode is basically the best hour TV has ever had as far as I’m concerned. Everyone’s amazing in it, especially Eva Green and Josh Hartnett.

    I can’t wait for season 2.

  9. Elinor Aspen says:

    I can’t share the love for Penny Dreadful. I kept seeing glimpses of how great the show could be, but the writing kept disappointing me. There were terrific characters with compelling backstories, but they never quite worked as an ensemble. Victor Frankenstein is re-imagined in the late Victorian era, but his lab is still full of 18th-century electrical equipment (my husband and I found it unintentionally humorous when the doctor made the comment admiring the Americans’ interesting advances in electricity). Much of the sex is really gratuitous and clearly meant to market the show. I suspect the pitch to Showtime was “It’s 50 Shades of Dorian Gray”. If we watch Season 2, it will be out of morbid curiosity and a desire for crazysauce.

  10. julienne says:

    Eva is wonderful and charismatic but I didn’t enjoy the show being so obviously centered around her. Eva the Actress deserves it, Vanessa the Character doesn’t.

    I loved Timothy Dalton and I love Josh Hartness’ looks. I am a bit disheartened by the fact that you mentioned Dorian (The Pretty and Boring) and not the other two important characters: I quite like Frankenstein, and Rory Kinnear rocks as The Creature.

    I’m not as overjoyed by the series as you seem to be, but I’ll keep watching!

  11. Quizzabella says:

    I absolutely loved Penny Dreadful. I was definately on the umm… Josh Hartnett dubious train, but I really liked his character. Billie Piper was adorable. And Eva Green is my queen. I’d love to see a haughty stare-off between her and Angelina Jolie. (I liked all the squicky bits as well 🙂 )

  12. Maite says:

    Yes! Finally, someone I can squee the show with!
    Watched the first episode by accident, and was in love with it. But trying to get anyone else to watch it, is, well… my enthusiasm for the vampire dissection turns people off.
    And it will always be the show that brought Eva Green to my awareness.

  13. 666 says:

    You guys should talk about another amazing TV show: Hannibal!

  14. Wench says:



    I might have to watch this now. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, RED.

  15. Fiona McGier says:

    Our oldest son turned us on to this show. He hinted to my husband that Eva Green gets naked. That was enough for him. I’ve had a thing for Timothy Dalton since he played Heathcliff ever so long ago. Day-em! Everyone in the show is great, though Billie Piper’s Irish accent was so thick that even coming from a house where me faither was from Glesga and had a thick Scottish brogue, I still found it hard to understand her. But the tone is pitch-perfect. I weep for the gotcha of the second season, when we see who the doc chose to use to create his monster a “wifey”. I never watch TV these days. We’ve never paid for cable. Son bought the DVDs. I’m hooked.

  16. Candace says:

    Thank you, thank you for reviewing this show, which became my obsession last year. I love Eva Green so much, which is no surprise because ascerbic, bitchy women are my girl-crush catnip.

    What I did not expect is how much I love Josh Hartnett. He is, truly, the moral centre of the story. The one true-hearted, basically good person in the mix of pathologically obsessed, or outright sociopathic characters. Hartnett never really did it for me in films, but as Ethan he is my total male catnip. Vulnerable, and almost feminine, while also really masculine. He seems to willingly submit to Vanessa in the scene where each of the characters swear allegiance. He is that rarest of romancelandia creatures – a Manly Beta.

    Also: the clothing, the interior decorating, the gothic visuals. I am so looking forward to the new season. I will wait and wait and wait. Then binge watch it all.

  17. Redcrow says:

    666 – Well, can’t speak for everyone else here, but I’d be all for that.

    (And speaking of “Hannibal”, I’m going to take the opportunity and apologise in advance to the fans of Richard Armitage – since there’s a lot of them here – for all the possible consequences of him being in the show this year.)

  18. LaineyT says:

    I had such a giggle over the luxurious bread typo!! And yes, Penny Dreadful is on my DVR just waiting to be watched.

    @666 and @Redcrow …I third the vote for a Hannibal review/recap. My nephew had been bugging me for over a year to watch this show and I finally did the binge watch over the Xmas holidays. What an awesome show! Gruesome at times, sure, but such a psychological roller coaster and the food porn is amazeballs (if you can ignore that fact that you might be looking at prepared murder victim).

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