Friday Videos Like Plumbing. And Snakes.

From many, many people comes this video from Liquid Plumr, which apparently has people's knickers in a twist about indecency. 


And wait! More video! 

Completely not related to Liquid Plumr, but totally awesome: Red White & Blues from the PBS program “In Performance at the White House.” I can't embed the video, but if you'd like 55 minutes of some amazing blues music, put this on and enjoy. I watched this the other night, and it made my evening. I hope you enjoy it too. 

And I hope your weekend requires no drain snaking, but is filled with things that make you happy. 



Friday Videos

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  1. Janine says:

    I wonder what it says about me that I laughed at the Liquid Plumr video?

  2. Lisa A says:

    Hilarious.  The produce guy WOULD be handling melons!  lol

  3. DelDryden says:

    LOL melons. I have never had such an urge to buy Liquid Plumr, though. Which means that whatever else it is, it’s an extremely effective ad.

  4. Cathy KJ says:

    I’m apparently also an awful sexual libertine, since I found that commercial awesome, and plan to send it to many friends.

  5. iferlohmann says:

    I don’t think it’s indecent, but found the combination of sex and hairball a bit disturbing. And, the pipe video reminded me of the Activia ads, which just makes me think of fart jokes (as we always make fart jokes in my house when we see the Activia ads). Funny, but a bad run of thoughts for 8 in the morning. (sex to hairballs to fart jokes)

  6. Taylor Reynolds says:

    That Liquid Plumr add just made my morning!!!!

  7. Sarah Frantz says:

    God, I love love LOVE that ad. I love the female gaze in it. I love the sexual innuendo. I love the slight quirkiness that shows it knows it’s ridiculous and revels in it. I love the guys. It’s just amazing.

  8. LG says:

    That counts as indecency? ….Oh. Well, there *are* people who think all romance counts as porn, so I guess I understand.

    The commercial made me laugh, although hairballs are sooo not sexy. Lol.

  9. Linda Hilton says:

    It probably got some knickers twisted because this time the guys are the “objects” and the woman is less than glamorous.  If it had been an ordinary-looking kinda frumpy guy answering the door and two gorgeous females arriving to clean his pipes, no one would have noticed because that kind of sexyism[sic] is taken for granted.  Beer commercials, anyone?  But flip the gaze to the other side, and you destroy the whole moral fiber of western civilization.

    And it’s not just the melons that crack me up; it’s the guy with the meat slicer.  If you haven’t ever watched one in action, go to the deli and ask for a pound of shaved ham, then watch the person’s arm go back and forth, back and forth, in and out, in and out. . . .

  10. Kate says:

    So..let me get this straight. A sleeping dude can dream about racing a car while surrounded by scantily-clad women flagging him in at the finish line (while sleeping beside his wife, of course) but a woman fantasizing about hot plumbers is indecent? Right, got it.

    I thought it was hilarious!

  11. Hilarious!  Must share this!

  12. Jeannie S. says:

    That was one of the funniest ads I have ever seen – I had to re-post it. I did attach a warning label not to watch if you are easily offended though. I think I need to run out and buy some liquid plumr…

  13. SarahW says:

    My only disappointment is that recently having thousands of dollars of plumbing done I never had an experience remotely like that—unless you count the excitement of being able to do laundry, dishes, or bathe without sewage coming up in the basement.

  14. JennyB says:

    I also laughed out loud, so I guess I’m indecent too.  Melons and meat slicers, oh my!!

  15. Jim L says:

    Hah!  It’s good to see that it’s not just men who think about two members of the opposite sex at the same time.  For that matter, “Double Impact” would also be a terrific title for a m-f-m erotic novel or adult movie.

  16. Silver James says:

    I. Loved. This. Video! I also snorffled coffee all over my monitor. By now you’d think I’d learn not to drink while any where near SBTB! Why have I not seen this commercial on my TV?!?

  17. Joannef425 says:

    I’d shop in that supermarket!  Are those melons or spaghetti squash?

  18. MissB2U says:

    We have a plumber/repairman joke in our house.  When the inevitable butt crack exposure occurs we refer to it as a “Maytag”.  “Yep,” I’ll report back, “…it was a full Maytag!”  Or a half Maytag.  Thankfully I have thus far been spared the full Maytag with a half twist…

    Loved the video and I’ll be sharing it!

  19. Flo_over says:

    I feel vaguely indecent after watching this… but in a good way! ;D

    Also, the hair release?  With it getting stuck?  Yeah, so there.  So very there.

  20. Rose says:

    Not to mention the background veggies and the 69 cent squash.

  21. DreadPirateRachel says:

    That is by far my favorite commercial ever. It’s going on Facebook. And to those joyless people who have their knickers in a twist over it, I counter with that stupid Abarth commercial where the woman alternates between the stereotypes of shrew and whore (not linking to it because I don’t want to endorse it).

  22. delphia2000 says:

    How is this any worse than an Enzyte commercial?

  23. MarieC says:

    Best commercial! I love the ‘reality’ bit, with one guy handling meat and the other handling melons!

  24. Lisa A says:

    WELL, someone said it’s spaghetti squash, not melons, so I HAD to watch this video AGAIN.  (What a shame, eh?) The truth is, I’m not sure which it is.  But this time I did notice the huge pile of zucchini and what looks like maybe some pretty phallic looking eggplant??  Someone on this shoot was paying attention to the naughty details.  hee-hee

  25. Geekgirl says:

    Yeah, because basically naked women selling beer is the height of decency. When is that double standard going to die already?! 

  26. Copa says:

    I have had a shittastic day, breaking in new shoes at work, having my car break down so completely I had to have it towed, not being able to find out what is wrong with my car until Monday… realizing I may lose my new job because of car breaking down… and ending with my walking several miles home in the rain, again in new shoes that I had just been on my feet with all day. This is the first thing that has made me smile tonight, and I too had to watch it twice to spot all the phallic imagery!

  27. earthgirl says:

    Where is this grocery store??

  28. DONNA says:

    Nice set of pipecleaners…

  29. Wendy says:

    That video is flat-out awesome. And the squawking about indecency just points up the double standard in our society. Everyone’s fully clothed, and nobody even TOUCHES anyone else, yet let a woman utter innuendo (double impact!) and mewl and squeak to imply sexual arousal, and clearly things Have Gone Too Far.

    I plan to repost and share widely.

  30. I guess I’m the only one for whom the commercial doesn’t do anything for me. It doesn’t offend me but it doesn’t make me giggle either. Maybe I’m just too tired to appreciate it. I do find the men unattractive. Simply not my types. Too hairy, too young, and too muscled.

  31. During the Liquid Plumr video, Mr. Richland called from the other room, “I recognize that voice!” He thought it was the Old Spice Guy! (= Mustapha) (What does that say about my youtube habits, I wonder?) But it makes me happy that my husband would remember my Old Spice Guy phase and be amused. And he comes with his own drain snake.

  32. Interesting post, this was really useful. thanks!

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  34. Thanks for the information, quite interesting.

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