Winners and Wishes and Really Smart Ideas

Book CoverThe winners of a copy of Jennifer Haymore’s new book are:

Lisa H

Please email me at sarahATsmartbitchestrashybooksDOTcom with your address so I can start sending out books hither and yon! I’m also going to reopen the comment thread on the original entry so folks can continue to leave good wishes and good advice.

And finally, if inappropriate shirts for a cause are your thing, I’m donating 100% of my proceeds from the sale of this shirt from Zazzle to the Young Survival Coalition (Charity Navigator: Four Stars).

As Brooks*belle said, wipe the floor with cancer’s arse, Jennifer!

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  1. Gemma says:

    [Oh noes. Your html has fallen over and can’t get up.]

  2. Clau says:

    Like you said everyone knows someone that at some point had to battle breast cancer, my mother for example, she was diagnosed and had surgery 13 years ago, so you see if you listen to the doctors and try to be positive. I know it’s not easy at all. But in my mother’s case it helped a lot.
    She still has check ups often but it’s doing fine.
    I wish you the best. Hugs


  3. Betsy says:

    Hi!  I think I’m one of the winners (yay!) but the html isn’t quite working for this post.

  4. Danielle says:

    Gemma, your comment made me laugh. 🙂

  5. Thanks so much for this, Sarah, and thanks to everyone who responded to the first post. I was smiling through tears when I watched the Bald-Headed Blues. I read all of the comments and am saving them to read again. There is so much really valuable information and advice there. I know I will use a ton of it.

    I am younger than the standard age to receive mammograms, and I found this lump myself…literally I guess grabbin’ my boobs did indeed save my life! That and being proactive about my healthcare. I don’t love going to doctors, but I dragged my a** in and pushed them to do surgery to take this thing out even when they “guaranteed” me it was nothing.

    I wanted to add that I have none of the risk factors for breast cancer, and no one in my family, close or distant, has ever had it. I learned the hard way that just being a woman these days puts you at risk.

    And…I wanted to say, Romancelandia is a cool place to be. I’m glad to be a resident here.

    Thanks everyone.

  6. SamG says:

    I’m sorry you’re facing this battle.  The only advice I give, and it is actually my husband’s advice, is to drink apple juice.  He’s suffered through bone cancer (ewing’s sarcoma) twice.  He swears that apple juice doesn’t sour as much and is therefore less awful to throw up when chemo makes you ill.

    I have no idea if they’ve come up with better anti-nausea drugs since 1990, so that advice may not even be helpful. 

    It is a tough fight, but it can be beat.  Best of luck to you.


  7. SB Sarah says:

    Whoa, that HTML was a hot mess. Sorry about that. I think I picked it up now. 🙂

    Thank you for stopping by, Jennifer. We’re all rooting for you to kick cancer’s ass!

  8. Brooks*belle says:

    OMG—I just now saw this!  Gone this weekend for my 20th (Mon Deux—how did I get that old!) high school reunion.

    More good wishes to Jennifer!  Looking forward to reading her book too. =)

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