Dude. Amazon. is Down.

Who launched the DoS on Amazon? Did their server curl up and start crying?

What happened? I got no Amazon? Only one person is talking about it that I can find. No, wait, there’s more.

What’s up with that?

ETA: It’s back! It’s down. It’s back! It’s down. Someone send the Amazon sysadmins some Red Bull. Stat.

ETA2: Rumors point to launch and sale of PS3. Ouch.

ETA3: If New York Magazine and CNN are reporting it, then, well, something’s up.

ETA4: Spam in the WhoIs? What’s next, Spam in the email?! And can I please point out that I NEED TO ORDER DIAPERS?! Don’t make me go to the Babies r’Expensive!

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  1. Where did you hear it has something to do with the PS3??

    Oh and thanks for the linkity linkage.

  2. Where did you hear it has something to do with the PS3??

    Oh and thanks for the linkity linkage.

  3. Where did you hear it has something to do with the PS3??

    Oh and thanks for the linkity linkage.

  4. Linda Blowney says:

    The CNN site says, “Several Dow Jones employees in various locations were unable to call up the site.”

    What were those Down Jones employees doing trying to get onto Amazon on a Friday afternoon, hmmmmm?


  5. Earlier this morning, I was so amazed that Amazon was down that I was sure my firewall had simply gone fritzy or something. I mean really, Amazon has become so omnipresent, it’s like the IRS of bookselling… but um, in a good way? (I just derailed myself with that analogy.) Now that I know, I can go on with the shattered pieces of my life.

  6. Arethusa says:

    The IRS?? LOL. I don’t know why I found that so funny. Yeah…there’s no way to go up from there.

    Huh. So which number horse in the apocalypse is this?

  7. amy lane says:

    Okay—I’m glad to see somebody mentioned it because I was LOSING MY MIND!!!!! 

    Amazon, down?  How will we live?  What will we do?  FOR THE LOVE OF CRAP, HOW WILL I WASTE TIME WHEN I’M SUPPOSED TO BE GRADING PAPERS!!!!

    (Oh, wait…I’ll come here…sigh…much better.  I can breathe again!!!)

  8. Brandi says:

    Huh, it really is down. Ah well, I bought a couple of sweet books today thanks to thrift stores and library sales…

  9. Rebecca says:

    I can get in with no problem. Now, that is.

  10. I noticed it too. At first I thought it was my computer… then I saw a tweet about it.

  11. TinaC. says:

    And can I please point out that I NEED TO ORDER DIAPERS?! Don’t make me go to the Babies r’Expensive!

    I don’t know which brand you use, but I found Pampers on drugstore.com much cheaper than even amazon.

  12. Claudia says:

    To think to this happened one of the few times I wasn’t visiting the site.  I can barely stand Amazon these days because the ads slow the page loads. The 2-7 extra seconds per page add up when looking at many items and that on 100/1000 network!

  13. Claudia says:

    oops—I meant images and adds. As a portal, Amz should offer a way to turn of Listmania, Community, Browsing History and similar features/crap that add a bajillion jpgs to a page.

  14. SB Sarah says:

    If we’re crafting a website wishlist, may I please request with utmost force that Weather.com get rid of that motherfucking gyrating animated woman who dances in purple short shorts over the alleged lowering of her mortgage interest rate? To say nothing of that spastic robot who hammers or plays the maracas or whatever the fuck he’s doing? And that replayed video of the two women dancing in a cubicle, yet again over lowered mortgage payments, that ends with one of the women putting her hand over her mouth, like she just got goosed in the ass by the giant python of foreclosure?

    OMMFG I hate that shit. Quit dancing over your goddam mortgage and tell me if it’s going to rain.

  15. John P says:

    Sounds like a dos attack

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