An anonymous reader who asked not to be mentioned by name (Hi Anonymous!) sent me a question that I have to say is peculiar.
Back in the day Janet Evanovich and Stephen J. Cannell inked a deal to coauthor a book together. It appeared, disappeared, and reappeared from Publishers Marketplace. Anonymous read the sample chapter online at Evanovich’s site earlier this year, liked it, and went back to look for the promised chapter two on July 1 – but it’s gone.
Speaking of disappear, only this time, no reappear:
Not only the excerpt, but all mention of the book is gone, save for a mention in a newsletter and a reference here and there. First anonymous wondered if she was crazy, but no, there were definitely plenty of mentions of the book last time anonymous visited So anonymous went hunting.
If you type “no chance” into a Google search, there’s remnants of quite a few pages – but they’re all 404s. Meanwhile, Cannell used to have it on his news page, home page and appearances page – those mentions are gone, too. There is still a page for the book on his site, and you can download an excerpt from his site but the majority of the references are also gone. Mentions of the book that appear in Google searches of Cannell’s site aren’t there when the actual page is accessed. Very odd, noted anonymous.
Amazon still has the book listed with a release date of October 2, and Cannell still has a page about the book itself, but over in Gone.
So what’s up with that? Anyone got any info for Anonymous? Is this a product of Evanovich’s August 1 site redesign launch, or is something up with the book?
Absolutely no idea, but I was looking at the amazon page and under “author biography” it doesn’t mention Evanovich.
There’s still some info up on the book if you look on the latest Plum newsletter on page 2. It talks a little bit about the book.
You know about Google’s cache, right? It’s why they say what goes on Google stays on Google.
When you get a Google result like that, click on the “Cached” link. I get cached results for 3 pages:
Oh. Now I see you’d already found the excerpt.
“men75”… how did it know?
I was flipping through my Costco newsletter in a haze of fatigue yesterday and the article on her mentioned an upcoming Series with Cannell. That’s the July 2007 newsletter, so I guess by the time it went to print the series was still on.
I bet you could ask Alex at janet @ She’s nice and if anybody has the latest scoop- it’d be her. megan
I was going to make some snide and funny comment about calling in CSI on the case, but who needs them when you have iffygenia on your research team! Iffygenia is an iffin’genious at searching the interwebs.
I did read the second part of the excerpt on July 1, but yep, it appears to all be gone now too. It seems Alex has been extremely busy lately – I know there was a book tour for the release of Lean Mean Thirteen, but the “Ask Janet and Alex” page hasn’t been updated in about a month (usually 2-3 times per week), so I’m guessing an emailed question to Alex might not get answered for a while. Hopefully we’ll know something more on August 1 if not before. I was looking forward to that book (well, two books really, since the second in the series was scheduled for next year).
Then again, her co-authored book with Leanne Banks (Hot Stuff, April 2007) was supposed to have been the first of a series, and is now listed as a single title, so maybe the co-authoring stuff isn’t going as well as planned?
Here’s to hoping everything is fine in Evanovich-land, and that the disappearance of the book is just a fluke due to site restructuring.
Probable Price: U.S. $26.99 /CAN. $36.95
Are they serious? First of all, $36.95 for a BOOK? Second of all, have they not heard that the Canadian dollar is almost at par?
$36.95 for a book: My God.
I know what you mean, Charlene. Although, have you seen the price tag of the latest Harry Potter? 34.99 American. Scholastic really is determine to get every last dollar out of that series.
The new Harry is 784 pages, which is a big honkin’ book, hence the $35 list. B&N online and Amazon, at least, are selling it at $20, though, so there’s no reason to pay that much for it.
I stand corrected. That’s only 50 pages more than Goblet, hardly worth a $10 jack in cover price. Maybe they get a tax break on what they lose from retailers selling it at a cut rate…
The new HP is going for $45 CAD but of course most of the retailers are slashing that down, some in half.
But do you know what’s really strange? Linda Howard has a Silhouette paranormal out. Something about Dante and wizards and raintree people. Wtf?
Arethusa, I’d avoid that Raintree book. As a word of caution.
True, Kerry, the retailers are slashing the price considerably, but still… It does strike me a touch excessive.
The Linda Howard book was VERY good. Just finished the third book (3 books, 3 authors) and it was worth the money for them.
“normal66”-who are we kidding.
The Canaflationary Zone* has been shrinking for the past few years, but US publishers won’t put the prices at par because they still harbor hopes that someday the US dollar might rebound. It’s much easier to maintain jacked prices than to re-hike them later.
We should note that books published in Canada to begin with don’t have significantly cheaper prices than US books shipped north. We should also note that there are additional headaches with shipping books over the border than selling them domestically. I’m not saying that justifies the price-hike, but the reality is that it costs more to sell a book in Canada than in the US, if the book is shipping from the US.
As for the price on the last HP book… We call that Capitalism, duh. Fair market value is whatever people are willing to pay. Just like cigarettes and crack.
Kerry Allen, the publisher doesn’t eat the discount the booksellers give. The bookseller pays approx. half the cover price to the publisher (not counting returns).
A 40% discount off the cover price means a hefty chunk off the seller’s profit, but they’re going to move millions of copies! All it takes is for one seller to be willing to drop the price and make up the money in volume sales, and then the others must follow suit.
*Canaflationary Zone: a sniglet referring to the pricing on books that sell in both the US and Canada.
I read the Raintree book by Linda Howard. I didn’t like it.
She took one of my hot buttons and pushed it dead on. It was like a flashback to the uber-alpha males of the 80’s romances. Ugh!
The second book was much better, and I’m looking forward to reading the third. But the first book is NOT finding a home on my bookshelf, sorry to say.
I just can’t grasp the fact that Linda Howard wrote a paranormal. My entire romance world has turned upside down and I’m confused. (I haven’t read a category romance since…well since I went through Jennifer Crusie’s backlist like a reader possessed but besides that not for ages and ages. So it’s safe to say I won’t be trying out any Raintree man flesh.)
As far as profits I know that the general consensus from indie stores is that they *aren’t* going to make any from the Harry Potter books because of the massive discounting. It will literally only be those who can move millions of copies that will see any dollar signs; I wouldn’t be surprised if it were places like Walmart and not Borders that will win on that end.
You think the Canaflationary zone is bad? Check out some recent pricing in Australia…
The Raintree books? $15 (approx $13US).
Last Betsy book by MJD? $48 (approx $41US)
The last Sookie Stackhouse? $50(approx $43US!). I ordered this one from Amazon in US dollars including delivery to Australia and it was still $20 cheaper.
It’s just outrageous…
PW just mentioned the Cannell/Evanovich pairing this week. So maybe whatever is up, no one has the word yet.
what is this…gals rambling on about people i never heard but(t) ….Janet Evanovich i do know-and love. c’mon Stephanie Plum is a JERSEY GIRL-any Springsteen fans out there…she wants to be tough but lord, those Bad Guys are REALLY BAD and she hates it when her cars blow up…i don’t care if Ms. Janet writes a series with Mr. Cannell or not. you can’t tell me that the Stephanie’s romps with Joe Morelli and—- Ranger….are not HOT!!!!
I read the entire Raintree series mostly because it bugged the hell out of me not to have an ENDING to the first book. Dante hit my “you’re a fucking bastard” button too, but I managed to work past it. Second book was MUCH better, I agree. The hero was so much more heroic, and someone I could actually imagine falling for.
The third… well, I usually read a book per night. Every night. I’ll pick it up when my kids go to bed at 9 and finish it before I go to bed at or around midnight. So keep that in mind when I say it took me a week to finish the 3rd one. For me, that’s a long, hard struggle. Hell, I read three books in between bouts with Raintree: Sanctuary! So my opinion boils down to, good idea for the series, but the author who wrote the 2nd one (too lazy to look it up) should’ve done them all.
So my opinion boils down to, good idea for the series, but the author who wrote the 2nd one (too lazy to look it up) should’ve done them all.
Linda Winstead Jones wrote the second book in the series. I finally read book 3 today, and agree that hers was the best.