Sizzling Book Club Chat: Unveiled by Courtney Milan

Sizzling Book ClubIt’s that time – watch this space at 9pm EST tonight when the chat goes live and we discuss Courtney Milan’s Unveiled. I cannot wait to hear what you thought.



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  1. Tania says:

    Dang!  I bought the book, read it and annotated the date.  Due to nasty weather last week, the family rescheduled a dinner to today at the exact time of the chat. (6 pm on the West Coast) Will there be a place where I can read the discussion when I return?  I really can’t miss the dinner since it’s to celebrate my husband’s birthday AND I’m paying!

  2. DreadPirateRachel says:

    DAMN IT. I bought the book and everything; I was so looking forward to finally participating in one of these. But I haven’t had time to read the book yet, between studying, midterms, and moving to another city. Oh, well. I’m sure I’ll love the book whenever I get around to reading it (probably spring break). I’ve never disliked anything SBTB gave an A+.

  3. June says:

    Here’s something I don’t understand.  Every week I look at all the bestseller lists for romance, and the Nielson Bookscan stats and all that, to keep aprised of the market and see what people are buying.  And Unveiled isn’t on ANY of those lists.  What’s up with this?  I don’t understand why it’s not selling better.  Are her numbers always this bad?  I want publishers to keep buying her stuff!

  4. meoskop says:

    I’m iffy for tonight, but I urge people who haven’t even finished the book to chat. It was awesome. I am iffy only due to the flu sending me on my first ever ambulance ride and the whole ‘ability to think is going in and out’ aspect of my evening. Sad face.

    Love this book, it’s perfectly perfect.

  5. Liz says:

    meoskop, i hope you’re feeling better!

  6. DrgnsLdy28 says:

    Well, I arrived in the last 15 minutes of the chat.  It looks like it was an interesting chat, so now I have to go read it through.  Thanks to Sarah and Courtney in Advance.  But I am sorry I missed most of the Chat.

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