Links! They’re From the Internet!

NPR has taken a look at romance again – this time in a profile of Elsie Washington, one of the very first authors of Black romance. You can click the “listen now” link at the top to hear the whole report.

Thanks to Sara Nelson & Jessica Arant for the link.

Hooray! The Harlequin Art Show has received coverage on CNN, which is awesome, and there’s more from curator Elizabeth Semmelhack:

“I pawed through literally thousands of paintings,” curator Elizabeth Semmelhack said, adding that she saw apparent shifts in women’s historical desires began to emerge.

“Rather than being retardataire [outdated], many of these images are extremely cutting edge,” she said. “There are images of women doctors before women were really embraced by the workplace. There are women who are adventuring around the world before independence is really part of women’s culture.”

Thanks to SomonaLass for the headsup via Twitter.

And finally, thanks to Ann B for this link to New Scientist magazine: Hunky, muscular men may get more sex, but there’s a price to pay. Specifically, they have a less effective immune system, and they are hungry more often. As Ann said, “what about all those uber- alpha-males in historicals and s/f?  They’d eat the entire community out of house and home.  And if there were a family of them?” I hear that – wonder what the grocery bill for the large male populated families, like the Cynsters, would have been?



The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Phyllis says:

    And the giant races like the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I think they do mention how much food they eat, actually.

  2. Karmyn says:

    Colin Bridgerton was quite an eater.

  3. KatherineB says:

    LOVE the He-man pic on the article! Though I suppose for reasons of economy I’d be better off with Prince Adam and Cringer.

    I bet the alpha he-men would have me in the kitchen ALL the TIME, making dinner, if he didn’t have the dosh to pay for a cook. And if he’s immuno-weak, I might not have He-man long….

    Hum. And this, ladies, is why I think scrawny geeks are often better. Occasional neuroses aside, they are intellectually stimulating, and cheap to maintain.

  4. Jody W. says:

    Oh, geez, if word of this gets out, overeating will be considered a sign of virility! (King Henry!) But ONLY for men, mind you. Women who binge are just fattie losers.

  5. Elizabeth Wadsworth says:

    Hum. And this, ladies, is why I think scrawny geeks are often better. Occasional neuroses aside, they are intellectually stimulating, and cheap to maintain.

    Those scrawny geeks will eat you out of house and home.  Trust me on this—I have four nephews, all well over six feet tall, who probably tip the scales at 150 lbs each, and those dudes can EAT.

  6. Sarah W says:

    LOVE the He-man pic on the article! Though I suppose for reasons of economy I’d be better off with Prince Adam and Cringer.

    Have you taken a good look at Prince Adam in the cartoon?  He might have been more of a tenor, but the boy was buff.

    . . . and now I feel like a dirty old woman . . .

  7. nekobawt says:

    brings to mind the buffer-than-buff to the point of being neckless characters in dragonballz. they DID eat a metric fuckton of food all the time, though toriyama never exactly addressed the cost to their immune system. i suppose their insane amount of spiritual energy took care of any little bugs that found their way into their systems…

    plus, you know, it’s an anime, so it’s not like that level accuracy is IMPORTANT. *grins*

  8. Ros says:

    I have just started reading the Cynster novels and I can only assume that this explains their need for large estates with plenty of good agricultural land to feed their, um, appetite.

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