Friday Videos Need Sassy Gay Friends

From Cara- may all your friends compliment your hair this weekend:



Friday Videos

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  1. Robyn says:

    I just saw this for the first time this week! Have you seen the ones for Romeo and Juliet and Othello?

  2. KristieJ says:

    What a great way to start off my day.  I’ll be laughing at that all through work.  I did watch the other ones too and they were equally hilarious.

  3. closetcrafter says:

    “That was the best your hair has ever looked, I can’t believe you were going to get it wet.”  Too much.

    Upon reading Hamlet for the first time, I remember thinking, “Really, this guy is so important that your devastation has tipped you over the edge? Was she really that powerless?” Never thought my suspicions would ever be confirmed by a Sassy Gay Friend.

  4. Loving my new high speed internet line even more now that I can finally watch the Friday videos <3

    Thanks, that was hilarious!

  5. Ha—I’m glad this made it to Friday Videos! The Othello one is also fantastical.

  6. lexie says:

    these were all hysterical. now, I’ll spend the day at work giggling for no reason. You can order smothering pillows at Bed, Bath and Beyond? I have been searching for one.

  7. I love all the “Sassy Gay Friend” videos.  The scarf, the hair product, it’s all perfect.

  8. Rechelle says:

    that was great- wow- can’t believe the difference it makes to start your work day laughing-

  9. Hee, yes!! This actually came up in the Shakespeare conference I went to last week, which made me inordinately happy. Though the Othello one is my favourite. 😉

  10. Elise Logan says:

    I want a sassy gay friend!


  11. Katherine C. says:

    Snort. That was fabulous. Who wouldn’t laugh at lines like “You took a roofie from a priest.” “Save it Patty Hearst.” “Tina Turner, we have to private dance it right out of here” and “I gave a cough drop to King Lear last week. Does that mean I had sex with him?” I think my favorite may be “Otello.” My only complaint is I want more! The Sassy Gay Hero needs to rescue more tragic heroines.

  12. Suzanne says:

    One word…


  13. HelenM says:

    ^Gotta agree with Suzanne, Sassy Gay Friend must save Bella!

    I think the Juliet one is my favourite, is only because the roofie from a priest’ bit made me choke on my tea. Hee!

  14. Rebecca says:

    Foucault would have a party with the idea of gay friends being the new “fools and madmen.”  I think we now may now know something about Shakespeare’s fools.  Think how much more balanced Olivia and Rosalind are thanks to Feste and Touchstone.  Poor Lear’s fool does his best, but some people you just can’t save.

  15. Randi says:

    Outstanding! All of them. I’m with Elisa, where’s my sassy gay friend? LOL.

  16. Aliza Mann says:

    OMG! You’ve made my day off! I LOVE the one of KFed and Billy Ray.  Your girl isn’t so bad either – Brett the Hitman Hart gives her a big LeBron James assist, but… I think you took her out with McGyver and Billy Ray!
    Good Luck… I hope you don’t end up wearing that thing… *shudder*!

  17. Liz says:

    i think i am going to make it my life’s work to find a sassy gay friend.

  18. Theresa Meyers says:

    OMG flashbacks! I worked with two very sassy gay men in the florist/props/decor department at the Arizona Biltmore for a long time. Both of them were hilarious. They’d whistle at the construction workers and nudge you in the arm when you were on the delivery cart telling you to check out a cute guy.

    But it was a bit over the tope when Jake, who was about two inches shorter than me, with Tom Selleck dimples and incredible blue eyes started talking about his Jerry, while I was talking about my Jerry. It’s just weird to talk relationships with a gay friend when both of you have a significant other with the same name. But, oh, yes, honey, it is just as sassy as the videos.

  19. cories says:

    Thanks for the laughs!

    Now I’m pouting because none of my gay friends are that sassy.  What went wrong?

  20. Elizabeth Krentz-Wee says:

    I went from this one on to the Romeo & Juliet, then Othello. Having seen Otello (opera) recently, I can only say: So true!

  21. Mfred says:

    Interestingly, one of my favorite bloggers took on the Sassy Gay Friend videos.  I’ll pull this quote, cuz it wraps up why I both laugh and cringe when watching these videos:

    It is possible to read Sassy Gay Friend as a satire of the “sassy gay friend” stereotype, in which gay men are all extremely fabulous and do absolutely nothing with their lives but advise straight ladies. It is possible to read Sassy Gay Friend as embracing this stereotype. It is possible to deplore the broadness with which Sassy Gay Friend is acted, particularly on his catchphrase “stupid bitch,” and how one skit gets a bit racially offensive. (Yes, it’s “Othello.” Why do you ask?) It is possible to admire Sassy Gay Friend’s insight into matters of gender. It is possible to spend entirely too much time analyzing comedy skits on YouTube.

    But we come not to bury Sassy Gay Friend, but to praise him. For one thing is clear: Sassy Gay Friend cares about the ladies


  22. AllyJS says:

    Question: Why don’t all romance novels have sassy gay friends? I know there’s a bunch that do but not enough.

    Think of all the Big Misunderstandings that could have been avoided.

  23. Glynis says:

    I. Just. *Oof!*

    That was awesome.

  24. meganb says:

    OMG, the end of the Big Misunderstanding!

    Question: Why don’t all romance novels have sassy gay friends? I know there’s a bunch that do but not enough.

    Think of all the Big Misunderstandings that could have been avoided.

    And authors wouldn’t even loose pages, because they could fill them up with the hijinx that ensue when Sassy Gay Friend gets involved.

  25. Saam says:

    I saw this a while ago – squee, there’re more of them!

  26. Tarah S says:

    A couple of weeks ago a friend of mind hand this as their status on facebook!  I totally love all of them and I think everybody needs a sassy gay friend!

  27. A couple of weeks ago a friend of mind hand this as their status on facebook!  I totally love all of them

  28. Thalia says:

    Glad he calls himself a “stupid bitch” in the Othello one.  The tagline was a bit grating.

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