Friday Videos Are Just Over the Border

Em from Germany sent me this video and it’s hilarious on its own – it’ll take awhile before you figure out what the hell is going on:

I like the shirtless firefighter myself.

But according to Camryn in Copenhagen,, Fleggard is a German store owned by Danes who help the Danish save buckets of money:

Just across Germany’s northern-most border with Denmark you’ll find an incredible superstore called Fleggaard. There, you can buy everything you need – tubs of gummi bears, cases of wine, industrial strength dishwashing soap – at prices 30% cheaper than you’ll find in Denmark. It is Denmark’s Costco, packaged as a German loophole.

Though the store is in Germany, it is owned by Danes and exists solely to help Danes avoid the high taxes on goods they are forced to pay in their lil’ island-country. If you’re having a party in Copenhagen, it’s smart and common to make the 4-hour schlep just across the border to Germany to buy all your liquor (after all, parties are expensive, with all the drinking that goes down). So, Danes will drive for 2 hours, take a ferry ride, drive another 2 hours, all to SAVE oodles of cash.

So, as Fleggaard is just over the line between Germany and Denmark the company slogan goes “Lige Over Grænsen” which translates to “Just over the line” in Danish.

Their advertising agency has taken that mantra to heart, with a series of gorgeous ads featuring scantily clad models that are ‘just over the line.’ The first film (below) included a plane full of stunning red-bikini-wearing models who, topless, parachute out of an airplane.

The 100+ women do stunts in the air – while free-falling—holding hands to spell out “Half-off on Dishwasher soap at Fleggaard.”

So that banner under the blimp? It’s all about the soap, baby.


Friday Videos

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  1. Katherine B. says:

    Why can’t I see porn-tastic commercials like that ALL the time? It’s not fair!

    It’s like bikini girl beer ads, but for women!

    But omigod, that pilot – I kept expecting him to slap on a small ‘tache and start singing the Ding Ding Dong song by Gunther.

    Great find! Thanks for sharing

  2. Theresa says:

    Oh dear Bob, the end of that commercial!  LOLOL!!

    And my word verification is natural39.  hahaha So approppriate and too funny!

  3. El says:

    Not only incredible beefcake, but those guys are clearly having a blast hamming it up. And the artistic guy’s tear at the end…

    This video is over the top in a really good way.

  4. AemiliaB says:

    Really, just… thank you. THANK YOU. I am sitting here a disgusting, snotty, viral-infected hot mess and yet after seeing this, I feel that maybe, just maybe, love might lift me up where I belong, too – which is clearly in a blimp with shirtless male models who know how to find discounts.

  5. Love it! Well, love it except that my neglected ovaries started vibrating at a very insistent frequency during the bit with the beefy firefighter holding the baby. Damn you, impatient womb! Anyhow, big thanks to Em!

  6. Nadia says:

    Sudden impulse to buy dishwasher detergent, how did that happen? 😉

    That. was. Fabulous.  The pilot, love him.  The pianist, love him more.

  7. Jewel says:

    God I love Friday Videos!

  8. I’m very glad I finished my coffee because I would have spewed it on my computer otherwise. That was brilliant.

    Although, has everyone seen the most recent Old Spice ad campaign? I nearly died the first time I saw this one.

    “…I’m on a horse.”

  9. SB Sarah says:

    love might lift me up where I belong, too – which is clearly in a blimp with shirtless male models who know how to find discounts.

    This needs to be a romance novel. Srsly.

  10. quichepup says:

    La Reine, you should see the 2nd commercial. The first Old Spice guy is on Castle now and doesn’t have to hawk bodywash anymore. New commercial is pretty good too.

  11. agrandin says:

    They totally know me.

    You know, ‘cause they look right at me. The one with the chicks is nothing like that—they’re just objects—but God, there is nothing hotter than hot men making eye contact… smoldering and smiling at me.

  12. Hydecat says:

    OMG that totally made my morning. If American commercials were like that, I’d actually watch TV.

  13. Sending… to everyone I know… before dying of the awesome….

  14. Amazingly good fun!  Thank you so much for sharing this.  It hit all the right buttons.

  15. Kris Starr says:

    Coming out of lurk to say:

    Smothered. In. Awesomesauce.

    I’d watch TV all the time if we had commercials like that.

  16. Ros says:

    Am I the only one who kept expecting them to break into YMCA?  Though, as Village People tribute acts go, this is pretty good. 😉

  17. Maisey Yates says:

    That was…awesome. I am in full support of the shirtless fireman and the ripped construction worker. I mean, because I can tell they have great personalities. I just…connected with them. We would have a really good time going to Starbucks together.

  18. Theresa Meyers says:

    What?!?! No NSFW warning!

    Wait, wait. No, go back and watch. Did anyone else but me catch the shape of the mountains that the blimp is going toward complete with the roaring “waterfall” looks like a pair of spread woman’s legs (boobs in the distance)? Oh, seriously.
    Somebody get me a towel. I need to clean the tea off my monitor.

    *puts tea down* OK, now I got to watch that again, just for the wink and smile of the air pilot.

  19. Joykenn says:

    OK,OK, another viral mess here so I choked on my cough when I saw this… especially the shirtless, waxed-bare chested firefighter WITH A HOSE.  OMG, then the old spice ad!!! An awesome twosome—“look at your man, then at me, he can’t look like me but he can smell like me”—DAMM YUMMM.

    Someone in ad-land has a sense of humor and knows who’s doing the buying, even of aftershave.  OK, I’m going to watch them all again, maybe in slow motion this time.

  20. K.C. says:

    Oh my god… YES.

    I just bookmarked this video… for future references of course.

  21. Pia says:

    “Ladies… here we come.”  Ooooh swoon! THANK YOU for this blessed Friday video!

  22. Wendy says:

    The pianist!  The man with the hawk!  They know my weak spot for a man with a hawk!  hahahahaha!!

    And the end.  I’m still chortling.  teeheee.

  23. P. N. Elrod says:

    The CGI landscape they flew into sent me into spasms.

    Who’s got a phone number for the pilot? I like a man who knows where he’s going and wants to take me with him!

    But I have to confess, the shot with all of them singing reminded me rather too much of the Village People, and I was looking out for a gay punchline. It’s been my luck that all the drop dead gorgeous hunks I’ve met are either taken or gay.

    At least I could shop with the gay ones.

  24. Heather says:

    @Theresa Myers

    You’re totally right about the mountains. When I watched it again—with sound—I saw it. Nearly died laughing.

  25. Bibliophile says:

    That brought me back to old times. I hadn’t actually seen either ad before, but I have shopped at Fleggards. Excellent store. I love it even more now. The humour is typically Danish.

  26. Pia says:

    @Theresa Myers and @Heather

    OMG. The second set of mountains are supposed to the boobs! I see it all now! This video is taking up way too much of my morning. Does that bother me? Not at all.

  27. @ Wendy

    They know my weak spot for a man with a hawk!

    Technically I prefer a man with a duck, but most any bird will do. I second your emotion.

  28. RachelT says:

    I went on to YouTube to send a friend the link and found yet more adverts – this one is a cracker!

  29. Melissandre says:

    Oh.  My.  God.  RachelT, I don’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.

  30. Mel says:

    So, at first I thought, “I’m nowhere near having menopause, but I swear I’m having a hot flash—they must be, too, walking around half naked like that.”
    And then I “got it” and realized I either need to move, or the US needs to start making more commercials like that!

  31. Brooks*belle says:

    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!! (said Meg-Ryan-in-the-fake-it-scene style)

  32. Betsy says:

    Aggh, this is SO AMAZING.  I love it.  Kudos!

  33. militaryspouse says:

    Creep around youtube.  There are interviews from all the characters in the ad.

    spamword:  mind39 as in I wouldn’t mind watching that ad 39 times.

  34. ghn says:

    Oh, my!! That was great! (And an invitation to go looking for more of the same, of course

    And I found this one – I rather liked the guy beside the swimming pool.

  35. ghn says:

    Oops – forgot to paste in the link!!

  36. Saam says:

    For some reason, I don’t think it’s the ladies that they’re coming for…especially after they break into song inside the blimp!

  37. Katherine C. says:

    Dude, if Sam’s ran ads like this, I’d be there every damn day, just to make sure they kept churning out the eye candy. Very nice.

  38. Deb says:

    Great video.

    There’s another store in Aalborg, Denmark that is like the one in Germany, even though it’s not over the border.  It’s called Bilke.  It’s amazing!  It is also reasonable with prices.

    BTW, Denmark is not an island.  The mainland, Jutland, is a peninsula.

  39. Tessa says:

    I have been giggling (and snorting, so ladylike!) all day, so I had to come back and thank Camryn & Sarah for the best Friday video ever (god I love that pilot)!

    And special thanks go to La Reine Noire.  I have been cracking myself up and boy did my stuffy-snotty headcold self need it.  Thank you, thank you!

    “…I’m on a horse.”

  40. elanath says:

    @Ros No, you weren’t the only one waiting for them to break-it-out, Village People style.

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