From Susanna Kearsley, a former student rants awesomely in support of his former teacher, who writes under the pen name Judy Mays..
Well Played, sir. Well Played.
From Susanna Kearsley, a former student rants awesomely in support of his former teacher, who writes under the pen name Judy Mays..
Well Played, sir. Well Played.
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So, so brilliant—- I would hire this young man to be on my defense team (or on my plaintiff team in a slander case), should I ever need one.
Thanks, Sarah, for reassuring us that some people aren’t taking this wretched idiocy lightly.
“Sorry but I don’t think the screenwriter for Saw currently has a guy tied up in his basement waiting for a swinging pendulum to hack him into tiny pieces”
What an awesome young man. I think I shall go and purchase one of Judy’s books in support.
I think it’s awesome that so many people have jumped to her defense. I bought a book, haven’t read it yet though. I’m not even a huge erotica fan, usually when I buy them its for rare guilty pleasure and/or snicker value. But honestly, I could never manage to write as many books as she has and still keep a full time job. So ya, go Judy Mays!
Well done!!
Awesome video! I’m definitely going to post this to Facebook. I’m a librarian and I know that persecuting people for writing books that you don’t want to read is really bad juju. If this is the litmus test for what k-12 teachers are allowed to do in their spare time can I suggest that we ban karaoke? That stuff is just EVIL!
Don’t like her books? Don’t read them! Don’t want your kids reading those books, don’t buy them! Concerned you children will read them anyways, go to therapy to get a handle on your unreasonable desire to control your children’s intellectual world. 15-17 year old people should be free to read whatever they want. If they get into a discussion with you about threesomes, werewolf love, or anal sex tell them your honest opinion. The good decision making gene does not magically turn on at midnight on their 18th birthday. Either you help your kids navigate what they will find in the world, or you scare the crap out of them about ever telling you the truth and suffer the consequences.
I am a librarian, a mother (of a 4 year old) and I read paranormal erotica. What can I say, shape shifters, vampires and the like are hot.
“Why would you DO that?” LOLz!
That was an absolutely awesome video. I’m so thrilled by all the support she’s getting from the community!
For sheer speed, hilarity, as well as clear well- thought of points, we gave an A to this kid. Great work!
OK, I totally have a new crush.
“I don’t care if your kid is the talk of the school, if Judy Baranich is looking at him, it’s to tell him to shut up and pay attention.”
I love this kid. (Love Smart Bitches, too, but that’s something else.)
Yea, freedom of speech.
And I’m going to Amazon right now to buy Judy’s books in support of her.
Love this. Don’t like her books, don’t read ‘em. Good for Judy. Good for the young man who’s got a bright mind and is ready to defend someone he believes in.
Wow, he talks really fast. I loved his video, but holy crap he talks fast.
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing!
This is awesome and makes me really happy. It’s too easy to focus on all the asshats of the world, so it’s nice to get a reminder that there are actually good people who use their brains out there.
Snyder County WHAT? That’s where I went to college! I didn’t realize this was that close to home.
BTW awesome video, dude.
Perfect. It covered just about everything that makes me wanna bash my head in when things like this happen. Excellent job. Great post.
My God. If I had a student who came to my support like that, I’d know that my life’s work wasn’t in vain.
Not only that, the boy presents his thesis and supports it with compelling arguments in a convincing, engaging manner.
Someone clearly taught him well!
Nice job.
Posted this one to fb too.
I gives me the warm fuzzies that there are still teachers that can inspire this much love and devotion from their students.
Funny, intelligent, well presented and executed argumen, I’m with Cynara on the new crush thing. Can we give him some sort of Smart Bitches award or title or something?
This! I also wonder just how much of his ability to articulate his ideas and thoughts this well, was nurtured in her class. So far her former students are coming off as significantly more intelligent and articulate than the ignorant twits that started this fiasco.
That was my LOL too :).
My LOL moment, was simple but to the point, the use of the phrase blatant stupidity. (on the parts of the parents and/or reporter) Cheers!
That guy is my new hero. Seriously, he’s awesome, articulate, and pretty cute! I bought one of her novellas in support and loved it. Now I need to go back and buy some more!
Love his video and his cogent points. Spectacular. Am emailing it to everyone!!!!
Also kinda reminds me of John Cusack in say anything in that clever motormouth way. 🙂
captcha: actually31…well, actually I’m 32.
What a lovely, articulate, passionate young man. 🙂
Loved this guy’s video!
I hope Judy Mays comes out on top in all this mess. How can these people try to dictate what another person does on their time off that is legal and doesn’t hurt others? Are these parents insane? Those kids she’s teaching not only what sex is, most likely at least a few of them are doing it. Hello, parents, wise up. Sheesh! (Sorry for the soap box moment.)
I write sensual and erotic romance. I’ve been told by other authors I write porn. Authors that have obviously never read my books.
Ms. Judy, you have my support and I’m thrilled to know so many are standing up for you.
Tambra Kendall
Apologies for leaving a word out on my post. Must. Get. Caffeine. I should know better than to try and type without it.
I’m proud of the romance community standing up for one of its own. Thanks, SBTB y’all are awesome!
This video is so awesome! Seems like some of the parents are on a witch-hunt to me. Hope Judy continues to have lots of support!
Great video! Thanks for sharing!!!
My absolute favorite part was his frustrated “then don’t read it!” complete with arm flail. Made me heart on him just a little bit more.
There’s not much I can say that he didn’t already articulate, and seeing as he is a former student, his comments should carry even more weight. Here’s a shining example of what a good teacher can help create.
Was anyone else curious what books he has in the background? Clearly her class didn’t discourage him from reading—those weren’t tiny books (and they didn’t look like textbooks either)
Considering all the undeserved face time the media is giving to the twunts who started this craziness, I think it would be cool if he was interviewed about his perspective as a previous student of Judy Mays. If that YouTube video was anything to go by, his interview would be made of awesome sauce. I know I’d love to read it.
I second the new crush thing. Watching that video made me want to be like 20 years old and single again.
Um, almost.
awwwe i laughed so much i cried and then i started crying at the end cos his last comments were so sweet! And that dude is so totally crushable. It really is nice to see such support for Ms. Judy Mays.
The bit i love was his interpretation of what Apple’s son would be thinking when he looks at his teacher. “If it is anything like what i was thinking back then it would be…” (breaks into knee slapping laughter).
I followed the link Cody posted on the second article WNEP ran, in which the same reporter now focuses on Mrs. Buranich’s supporters.
Who hired this reporter? Slipshod reporting combined with crappy execution.
After reading the article by “Newswatch” (and I use that term very loosely) 16, may I suggest the station hire Mrs. Buranich to copy edit for them. Considering the number of poorly constructed sentences, typos, misspellings and grammatical errors peppering this tripe, I’m guessing the reporter never had Mrs. Buranich as an English teacher. Perhaps Mrs. Buranich might consider an additional side profession of tutoring the news station’s reporters on the value of proper grammar and clean copy.
Great video!
WiNEPt has posted a short followup about Mrs. Buranich’s supporters…,0,6923268.story
I am so glad you posted this! I just checked your site, and was going to email you the link if you hadn’t seen it already.
My favorite comment on his video on YouTube was something to the effect of- any teacher who can inspire this kind of devotion is the kind of teacher I want teaching my kids! AMEN!!
“15-17 year old people should be free to read whatever they want.”
I’m not sure I strictly agree with this thought. They aren’t allowed to drink, smoke, enter into contracts, or drive a car without parental permission. I’m still obligated to feed the 15-17 year old in question. The absolute adult right to read any material must come with adult responsibilities.
On the other hand, I always assumed that any said intelligent 15-17 year old could get their hands on any reading materials they wanted. And the fastest way to get teenagers read anything is to make it strictly off limits. Personally, I might put erotica in a crocheted granny cover and read it in front of them in my worst PJs while making remarks about how dull it all is, but I must slog through it somehow, being the adult and all. ;p
“Who hired this reporter? Slipshod reporting combined with crappy execution.”
I’ve hung around local newspaper reporters back in the day. They are usually young and very poorly paid. Local papers have a tiny staff budgets – local paper journalism is where you start and move on to bigger and better things if you have the drive and the talent.
And honestly, the reporter did exactly what they were supposed to do: write a story that attracted eyeballs. Never, EVER, assume that any newpaper’s goal is quality reporting. (For some papers, with that rep, it’s slightly more important, but not as much as you think.) A newspaper is a business that sells ads. The more eyeballs, the better the circulation, the more expensive and frequent the ads become.
The good news here, is that assuming that Judy can keep her full-time gig and live through the negative comments, her erotica book business will greatly benefit from all the free publicity. You can’t buy a newspaper article *and* a great youtube response praising you as a person and repeating your name over and over. Who knows, she might not even need the full-time teaching gig after all. 🙂
PS – You can pretty much sub local TV station for local newspaper in the above paragraph, in terms of budget/goals. I’ve never hung out with local TV station writers/reporters, though. 🙂
If this video demonstrates what the former student has learned from Judy Mays/Mrs. Buranich, then she should have a teaching job for life (or as long as she wants it).