It’s time for our every-other-month Smart Bitches Book Club selection! And seriously, I cannot wait to talk about this book with everyone. This discussion will be so interesting, and so fun.
Our April selection: An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole!
I KNOW YOU ARE SHOCKED. The review and the podcast interview were not enough – I want to talk to you about this book!
If you haven’t seen the book bouncing around the site, here’s the cover copy:As the Civil War rages between the states, a courageous pair of spies plunge fearlessly into a maelstrom of ignorance, deceit, and danger, combining their unique skills to alter the course of history and break the chains of the past . . .
Elle Burns is a former slave with a passion for justice and an eidetic memory. Trading in her life of freedom in Massachusetts, she returns to the indignity of slavery in the South—to spy for the Union Army.
Malcolm McCall is a detective for Pinkerton’s Secret Service. Subterfuge is his calling, but he’s facing his deadliest mission yet—risking his life to infiltrate a Rebel enclave in Virginia.
Two undercover agents who share a common cause—and an undeniable attraction—Malcolm and Elle join forces when they discover a plot that could turn the tide of the war in the Confederacy’s favor. Caught in a tightening web of wartime intrigue, and fighting a fiery and forbidden love, Malcolm and Elle must make their boldest move to preserve the Union at any cost—even if it means losing each other . . .
I hope whether you’ve already read this book or been curious about it, you’ll give it a try!
An Extraordinary Union ( A | BN | K | G | AB ) is available at all vendors. You also may also be able to find it at your local library or available for digital borrowing through your library’s connection to Overdrive. I know many libraries have ordered multiple copies in response to reader requests.
And we have a chat date!
Join us Monday, 24 April 2017 at 8:00 pm ET for our live book club chat! Author Alyssa Cole will be joining us at 9:00pm for an informal Q&A, too.
I am so looking forward to discussing this book with you. I hope you enjoy it!
Okay I am so on board this shiznit like a dung beetle in the White House! I’ve started a local romance novel bookclub…actually that’s a lie. I tried one in my town, nobody showed up after 8 months, so I’m driving 45 minutes out of state 1 Saturday a month to the nearest Big Town. The things I slap-happily do for romance, I swear.
Our 1st meeting meeting is in April so GUESS WHO IS TOTALLY PICKING THIS AS THE 1ST BOOK FOR THE CLUB! (Fingers crossed at least ONE person will show dammit.)
But, Sarah, I haz a question! “Join us Monday, 24 April 2017 at 8:00 pm ET for our live book club chat!” Okay so…where is this live book club chat? Is it gonna be a post on the blog and yall awesome queens will be replying to comments? Is that how this shindig is gonna work? CAUSE I WANNA COME PLAY!
LOL yes that’s exactly it. It’s a text chat here on the site, and we’ll be hanging out and discussing the book. I hope you can make it!
@SB Sarah WHOOOOT I guessed right! Thank ye :). I’ll be there with ALL the fangirltastic feels!
That book sounds absolutely fascinating. Hmmm. My responsibilities will be slowing down soon. I may be able to sneak this into the TBR and get it read.
@Chris Alexander Responsiblities schmoncisbilites! THERE ARE FEELS TO BE HAD DOOOOOOOOO IT!
…Says the chick who has the book sitting one foot away & is instead editing her Kresley Cole video script review. Not sure if this proves my point or argues against it, LOL.
I hope my library copy gets to me in time for this!!my library has just ordered it.
[…] at my library. Additionally, I think Over You would be a nice, fun read. And I inadvertently heard so much about An Unexpected Union from this site, I decided to read it. I’m not normally a romance person (outside of chick lit), but I am […]
Ah, _hell_. I can’t show just because this is right smack in the middle of my evening (Pacific time) commute! *sadface*
… except HEY NO WAIT this is the 24th? HA. This is the day I’m getting deviated septum surgery so maybe I COULD show up if I’m home by then? But I’d be full of painkillers. We shall see. 😀
[…] in paperback, I needed to pick up the hardcover so it matched my other books in the series. The Smart B$#$hes, Trashy books site is hosting an April Readathon for An Extraordinary Union, so I figured it was a must–I’ve heard great things about this book (despite not really […]
I just finished this last night and I cannot wait to talk about this with all of you and with Alyssa as well (whoa!). This book is simply fantastic.
@Angela Highland (Korra’ti) Oooooh, now THAT would be interesting as all hell; a drugged up book chat! And by interesting I mean potentially hilarious and/or insightful. Me says you should totes participate if you can because reasons.
(Also I just googled a deviated septum surgery and yay for me learning a thing. More importantly, may the pain gods be kind to ye!)
@Robin *whimpers in jealousy* My copy won’t be in til this Friday because 1) I didn’t preorder it, proving I’m a monkey’s butt and B) I’m a 106 year old stuck in a 27 year old body who needs her dead tree fix.
Jacqueline @ #12: I don’t know yet when the actual surgery is going to be on the 24th; they won’t call me until the previous Friday to give me the time to show up. If it’s late enough in the day I won’t be home in time to show up for the chat! But if it’s early enough, maybe! If I’m home and coherent enough to turn on my computer in time for the chat, I will pop in. 😀
And I’ll make a point of bumping this book up my reading queue so I can at least get it read before the chat happens!
(Interested parties, if you want to know more about what I’m having done, I just put up a blog post here.)
@Angela Highland (Angela Korra’ti) WHOOOOT! My name is Fangirl Musings, and I approve this plan! haha.
I’m with ya on the bumping up of the reading Queue. Hell, I’d be reading it RIGHT FREAKING NOW if stupid Amazon would hurry their stupid butt up and give me my not-stupid book! I HAVE A MIGHTY ALYSSA COLE NEED, DAMMIT! hehe 🙂
Either way, good luck on your surgery! May it go not shittily, LOL.
Jacqueline @ #15: Thanks much! 🙂
I’ve got some leftover credit on the Nook store, even though most of my ebook purchases are on Kobo these days. I feel an Alyssa Cole purchase coming on!
Just bought this–the print copy cover is super soft and textured btw–gorgeous!
[…] An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole is the April book club selection on […]
I’ve just finished this book. Is there going to be a transcript from the chat? I’d love to read the discussion and I have some questions.