Sherry Thomas is Beguiling the Beauty Products

Beguiling the Beauty

We have winners! The four winners of an ARC of Beguiling the Beauty as chosen by are:

#120: JulieM
#44: Terrie
#95: secohen
#257: scigirlcindy has also given me a winner for the grand prize, an ARC and a bounty of beauty products made by Sherry Thomas: comment #161, JennyB!

Winners, please email me at sarahATsmartbitchestrashybooksDOTcom with your mailing address. 

You can also try again to win an ARC at Sherry's Facebook page for the next 72 hours – and, whoo hoo! All of Sherry's backlist is on sale digitally for $3.99 right now!

  • Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas * $3.99 * A | BN | K | S
  • His at Night by Sherry Thomas * $3.99 * A | BN | K | S
  • Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas * $3.99 * A | BN | K | S
  • Delicious by Sherry Thomas * $3.99 * A | BN | K | S

Also: you guys are full of the good beauty advice – and I can't believe I needed a reminder to start using sunscreen on more than my face and neck, but I totally did. So thanks.

Sherry Thomas has a new book coming out on May 1, 2012, which you can preorder online now ( A | BN | K S ). Those of you who are Sherry Thomas fans are anticipating this one greatly – I know Carrie S has had this book on preorder since February at least.

So when Sherry asked if I'd like to do an ARC giveaway, I said HELL to the YES and then proceeded to ask her all sorts of nosy questions about the book. Behold! The Interview and Giveaway (-inator™)! There's ARCs and homemade Sherry Thomas beauty products to win up in here. Have a read while Sherry tells us about the book.

Sarah: So, tell us about this here book. And pass the lip balm?

Sherry: Beguiling the Beauty is the first book in the Fitzhugh Trilogy, which revolves around–surprise!–the three Fitzhugh siblings.  The eldest sister is the titular beauty in Beguiling the Beauty, the middle brother will be the one Ravishing the Heiress in the second book, and the youngest sister is scheduled to wear the veil in Tempting the Bride.


(The trilogy is actually a 3.5-ology, as I am contributing a novella about a significant secondary character from book 2 to Midnight Scandals, a self-published anthology that also features Carolyn Jewel and Courtney Milan, available late summer 2012.)

Now back to Beguiling the Beauty, which is my contribution to the overpopulation of dukes in Romancedom.  This particular duke, in present-day terms, would be described as an evolutionary biologist–but since my book is set in 1896, he is just a plain, old naturalist. 

Our naturalist duke has a not-so-minor obsession with a certain beauty he's only seen from afar.  This obsession bugs the ever-loving daylight out of him because he believes the twice-widowed Mrs. Easterbrook to be a money-grubbing, husband-dishonoring slut.  (And you can't really blame him, as her first husband railed against her in front of the duke shortly before the man died broke and under suspicious circumstances–read, suicide.)  The duke avoids Society because he isn't sure whether, even knowing her to be this money-grubbing, husband-dishonoring slut, he can trust himself around her light-bending beauty.  But he's getting old–almost 29, that is–and has promised his stepmother that after a lecture at Harvard University, he will look for a wife in London, where he is certain to run into Mrs. Easterbrook.

This stresses him out.  So, during the lecture at Harvard, when he is asked about the evolutionary aspects of beauty, he uses what he believes to be Mrs. Easterbrook's sins as a cautionary tale, little knowing that the beauteous Mrs. Easterbrook happens to be sitting in the audience, having a massive, “Oh, no, you didn't” moment.

One thing leads to another.   Before the duke knows it, he's on a transatlantic ocean liner having a hot-and-heavy affair with a mysteriously veiled woman, falling for her–as SB Sarah would say–like whoa and damn.  But she disappears at the end of the crossing.

Later, as it is wont to do, all hell breaks loose. 

And, oh, I almost forgot, there are dinosaurs in this story.  (And you thought it couldn't get any better!)   (Okay, only dinosaur fossils, but still.) 🙂

Sarah: Are the dinosaurs dukes as well? Do the dinosaurs have a titled class system?

Sherry: The dinosaurs involved, being mere plant-eaters, were prolly outside the titled system.  Mere landholding gentry.

Sarah: What is Ms. Easterbrook's reaction to her beauty? Does she struggle with it? What animal is she based on?

Sherry: Err, she is like the cetiosaurus she dug up when she was sixteen–really a very sturdy character.  She aims to deal with her beauty on practical terms, i.e., she recognizes both that it is quite advantageous to be drop-dead gorgeous and that her beauty is not necessarily a representation of her soul.  But she does suffer a slight bit of insecurity at times, wondering who she is, or would be, if she didn't look as she did.


Sarah: For readers who have enjoyed your books in the past, what do you think will appeal to them about this one?

Sherry: I frankly have no idea.  It doesn't have reunited lovers, long separations, gourmet cooking, spies, or super-duper angst.  🙂  So I will flatter myself shamelessly by relating what my critique partner told me, that reading Beguiling the Beauty is kind of like reading, in her words, “a really good Loretta Chase book.”

I'd tried to write a Loretta Chase book with His at Night, which was my take on Mr. Impossible.  His at Night didn't come out anything like a Loretta Chase book.  Beguiling the Beauty is actually me remaking Judith Ivory's Beast–the ocean-crossing, the unseen lover, and whatnot.  So if by trying my hand at Judith Ivory, I arrive at Loretta Chase, hey, I'll take it.


Sarah: What was the first scene or character you started with when you began this book?

Sherry: When I started out, I actually meant to rewrite Judith Ivory's Beast with only the sexes switched around, i.e, instead of a much older man who is somewhat odd to look at & a little lame (literally) seducing the much younger, rather wild, and extraordinarily girl he is set to marry, sight unseen, on an ocean crossing, I would have a much older woman who is somewhat odd to look at and a little lame (literally), seducing the much younger, rather wild, and extraordinarily beautiful man she is set to marry, sight unseen, on an ocean crossing. 

I wrote ten pages and couldn't go on anymore.  So I said, shove it, I'm writing something else.  I'm just going to have a man who offends my heroine horribly, accusing her of all kinds of crimes of the heart she's never committed, and doing it in such a way that is impossible for her to defend herself publicly.  So that's when she conceives the idea of making him fall in love with her as revenge.  But of course, it goes all wrong and she falls in love with him instead.

But then I had to figure out why the hero would say such things about her to begin with.  And whenever I have a conundrum like that, my answer always ends up being: Of course, he's been in love with her since 4EVA!  🙂

(Let me assure potentially concerned readers that when I am inspired by other books, the end results usually bear as little resemblance to the original as a peacock does a T. rex.  Yes, there is some common DNA, but mine is a totally different animal.)

Curious? I hope so, because we've got 5 advanced reader copies of Beguiling the Beauty to give away.

And because Sherry Thomas is 68% pure evil, she's also offered “a collection of my homemade beauty items.  Lip balm, solid body butter, bath bombs, and maybe even a scrub or two” to one lucky winner as well as an ARC. (I've received tins of Sherry's lip balm. It's super soft and very awesome.)

We will pick 5 winners from the comments at random to win. Standard disclaimers apply: I am not being compensated for this giveaway. Not even with body butter, which sounds really kind of awesome. You must be over 18 and dressed like a sphinx to win. Void where prohibited. Open to international entries, even though the shipping can be a bit slow. Head On: apply directly to the forehead. Some theories exist that suggest if the reader is not directly observing this giveaway, it may cease to exist.

So, tell us, since this book is about beauty and beguilement, what's your best beauty or fashion tip? What's one thing you do that never fails to make you feel awesome and spiffy? Share, and you're entered to win! Comments close in 48 hours, so bring on the beguilement!

Comments are Closed

  1. Love, Love, Bert’s Bees products. The classic lip balm is always in my pocket.

  2. Holly Gault says:

    After a shower, I put a little olive oil in my hands, put it on my face, rub the rest into my hands and then rub my hands over my hair. All purpose moisturizer!

  3. Anna G. says:

    Cannot wait to read this book! I’ll even forgive the addition to the duke over-population problem because I know it’s going to be fab.

    My favorite beauty item which never fails to make me feel amazing is Lorac’s baked powder. I don’t know why, but I’m really insecure about my skin. I feel like a million bucks when my skin looks flawless (with no visible hint that I’m wearing any cosmetic) no matter how dumpy and frumpy the rest of me looks.

    Also, a good bra is nice, but they’re expensive.

  4. Priya says:

    My beauty “regimen” consists of sunscreen and not much else (on my face, that is) so I’m no help here! Oh maybe one: red or emerald frames are a nice break from silver/black/gold if you wear glasses all the time.
    The book sounds fantastic!

  5. I LOVE the interview! *fangirl squee*

    Okay, beauty products? Um, er, huh. I love hoodwink’s quote from Audrey Hepburn for inner beauty – very nice. I’m going to say I love a good face mask. I know my skin looks better when I’ve used them, and I also feel fresher: win! I use Clinique’s mask and the Aveda one, alternating. I know you’re supposed to be able to make them at home… but I am not crafty like Sherry!

  6. Zee says:

    I haven’t seen this one yet! Sleep enough. Vacant gaze, caffeine jitters (and dehydration, and, um, restroom breaks), bags under the eyes, snarling at everyone, bad posture—not attractive. And making sure you sleep enough fixes them. Coffee plasters over the problem..

  7. Cheryl Smith says:

    Love Sherry Thomas!!! Can’t wait to read this new series!

    My style tip: have great hair and great shoes. If you’re distracting people with the top and the bottom, they might not notice the squishy middle. Hee.

  8. Kim in Hawaii says:

    Aloha, Sarah and Sherry!  I remember Sherry gave away lip balm at RT (or maybe it was RWA) last year.  In fact, she gave me several containers which I mailed to female nurses in Afghanistan.  They were uber excited!

    The best part about Hawaii is the laid back attitude towards everything – including beauty.  It is truly in the eyes of the beholder!  No one bats an eye at a less than perfect body at the beach.  Tshirts, shorts, and slippahs (flip flops) are fashionable so everyone looks great!

  9. LoriA says:

    I like using bath oil on damp skin after a shower (or bath) to keep my skin from getting too dry. Pat dry.

  10. riwally says:

    Ooooo, pick me, pick me!  I so love everything Sherry Thomas and I’ve been waiting with baited breath (my face turned an interesting shade of blue a long time ago) for this book to come out.  She is so up in the very top of my two authors.  Hoorah!!!! 

    I am sitting here in my fav chair my hair plaited under my golden asp crown contemplating my next barge ride down the Nile and would recommend a pedicure as my favorite beauty tip.  There’s nothing like having a well-built slave (er, I mean man) rub your feet with his strong hands as they work their way up your calf toward the forbidden land….is it getting hot in here? 

    Anyhoo, pick me, pick me….I would be eternally grateful to have this book.  Please.

  11. A great pedicure. Even in the middle of winter when I have to put boots on over it, nothing is better. 

    This may be one of the cooler ARC giveaways I’ve seen – beauty products plus books?  Very cool!

  12. Cluckhardt says:

    I bought a fancy flat-iron a couple of years ago (think like $120 hair straighter!) and honestly, it was the best purchase ever for making me feel beautiful, confident, and not damaging my hair with daily use.

  13. Nagako says:

    A super thorough exfoliation and lotioning up.  Which sounds dirtier than I meant it but there’s just something about having all that soft skin under whatever you put on that day.  Like your own super-soft and sexy secret.

  14. Monica Caples says:

    Beauty tips… Hmm. For me, and maybe for you, lately it has been:

    Don’t be afraid to wear bright colors, both clothing and makeup. There is nothing wrong with wearing fire engine red lipstick or purple eyeshadow once in a while, especially if it makes you feel sexy.

    I also agree with some of the other commenters – nicely shaped, properly groomed eyebrows can really change the way your face looks. Even consider using an eyebrow or eyeliner pencil to darken your brows a little.

  15. secohen says:

    NERD LOVE!!!  Love when a story combines rake and nerd.

    My favorite beauty items?  Red nails (OPI’s “not really a waitress” is the best classic red) and red lipstick.  Just try and mess with me when I’m wearing those…

  16. Vi says:

    An eyebrow wax and haircut always makes me feel a whole lot better. Looking forward to reading this series. Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. garlicknitter says:

    I always feel really attractive when I manage to say something that’s funny *and* makes someone else feel good about themselves.

  18. Tien Tien says:

    I LURRRRRVE SHERRY THOMAS BOOKS! the one-click button was made for her books

    Beauty tip – a lovin’ spouse and moisturizer (not necessarily in that order but can be used at the same time.)

  19. Essie says:

    It feels strange to say, but I think the only real beauty trick I have (that I use on a regular basis) would have to be baby oil.  I took a theatrical makeup class and the instructor swore by it to remove even the craziest designs.  I use the stuff all the time, after the shower, before bed, when I need to just feel good before a long day at work. It makes me feel better than any sort of makeup.

  20. Jenny Lyn says:

    Ooh, this books sounds so good. Putting it on my wish list.

    My beauty tips/must-haves are actually very cheap. I use witch hazel to take my make-up off at night and on any razor bumps after shaving. My skin’s PH is better than it’s ever been and I rarely ever get break outs now. I use the “store brand” Lubriderm as a moisturizer every single morning without fail. And lastly, Chap Stick in the blue tube. Wouldn’t be caught without it. I think it’s actually an addiction.

  21. Submarinegrrl says:

    A good twirly skirt always makes me feel awesome and spiffy…

  22. Lindaseton says:

    Every romance with dinosaurs must have an intercostal clavicle and a terror terrier named George in it. Fact.

    Best beauty tip? Get a stipple brush. It makes everything look airbrushed.

  23. Taylor Reynolds says:

    Oooh, this goes on the “don’t forget to buy” list. I’ve never ready Sherry Thomas, so now I’m excited about a new author.

    Beauty tip? I have hereditary dark circles under my eyes that range from red (why are you crying?) to blue (are you tired?) to purple (who socked you in the face?). I’ve yet to find the “miracle cure” that will make them go away, but I have found two concealers that really do actually conceal – MAC’s Select Cover-up and Make Up For Ever’s Full Cover. If I’m leaving the house and don’t want to scare small children, the minimum is concealer and mascara.

  24. Carol Lynn says:

    Not for every day, but as I age, I never forget the power of really supportive undergarments when wearing a slinky dress.

    And a new Sherry Thomas to look forward to – whee! 

  25. Darlynne says:

    Mascara: Don’t leave home without it. The rest of my face may sag and wrinkle, but my eyelashes will always be perky. Also, sleep: Highly underrated beauty secret.

  26. Britney says:

    If there is something I want to feel completely awesome for, I do a sugar scrub.  It makes my skin super soft and pretty and I get to feel super decadent.

  27. Justine Hutchinson says:

    A naturalist who lectures at Harvard? I love that so many of Sherry’s characters are accomplished intellectuals or professionals.

  28. Hydecat says:

    Victorian naturalists! This book sounds awesome.

    I don’t wear makeup, but I love moisturizer (still hunting for the perfect one for my face). Also: finding the right shampoo for your hair. A stylist once suggested that I try a different kind of shampoo and it made a world of difference in how bouncy and shiny my hair looked.

  29. Bleulucy says:

    I have gorgeous earrings, that have to make up for my pathetic fashion sense.

  30. Jama says:

    I like wearing toenail polish – since I don’t typically wear open-toed shoes, it feels like a special treat just for me!

  31. Sarah the Librarian says:

    Yay, a new Sherry Thomas!!

    Hmm, beauty tips…I have just discovered green eyeliner.  It really brings out green/hazel eyes!  Try it!!!

  32. Lauren says:

    Beauty tip: take care of your skin! Drink lots of water, always wash your face at night and don’t smoke if you can help it.

    What always makes me feel spiffy: a great haircut and color. I spend a little more money on my hair than I do on other things, because my stylist is amazing and I always feel better when my hair looks good!

  33. Kim says:

    Yhanks for the interview. I have to admit that I’ve never read Loretta Chase, but I have read His at Night. It was terrific. Hmm, my one beauty tip would be to wear eyeliner and lip gloss: it looks like you have some make-up on even if you don’t.

  34. meganhwa says:

    a new Sherry Thomas novel AND an anthology which includes Sherry Thomas and Courtney Milan – yays so much to be read in the future 🙂 never mind my TBR pile is…well…piling up

    as for a beauty trick – smile – corny yes but very effective 🙂

  35. Maura says:

    I am *so* excited to read this!

    My beauty tip is: when in doubt, wear animal print.  🙂 

  36. Liz says:

    Sleep! Having enough sleep makes your skin look better, you carry yourself better, the best of your personality comes out, etc. Plus, who doesn’t want an excuse to get an extra hour or two a night?

  37. I’m in my early twenties, but I slather on Clinique firming eye cream like there’s no tomorrow. I am convinced that this will save me from a future of wrinkles.

  38. Daisy says:

    My beauty tip: olive oil! Use olive oil instead of shaving cream when shaving your legs: it leaves your skin feeling silky smooth and moisturized for days.  Rub olive oil into blackheads and trouble spots: it sounds counter-intuitive, but the olive oil will dissolve the hardened oil of the blackheads.  Wipe off with a very warm washcloth.

  39. Lisa Pegg says:

    This sounds like much fun, thanks for the offer Sherry!  So, my favorite beauty tip: Wen cleansing conditioner! That, and getting rid of my hairdryer. I’ve got curly hair and Wen is so good to it. It looks amazing since I’ve started hydrating the heck out of it and stopped using heat on it. I look and feel gorgeous with a long mane of curly curls (profile photo notwithstanding, I actually have brunette curls down to the bottom of my shoulder blades).

  40. Julie M says:

    My beauty tip is to where a hat with a brim to reduce sun exposure. Age spots are not pretty.

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