Friday Videos like Leonard Bernstein

Since a group that bought a lot of billboards thinks the world ends tomorrow, I think this 1987 song from R.E.M. is eerily appropriate:

Linkity link!

“Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed, dummy with the rapture and the revered and the right, right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.”

That about sums that up for me. Meanwhile, it’s time I had some time alone… to read! What are you reading this weekend?

I wish you a restful, peaceful weekend filled with excellent books and everything you value. Including cheesecake and jellybeans where applicable.



Friday Videos

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  1. Tina C. says:

    Assuming that the world doesn’t end tomorrow (and I still think that if one of those people who do think it’s going to happen really believes it, they should let me have their stuff…), I’m trying to push through on the newest book from a beloved author that is, thus far, surprisingly boring.  Since I’ve read and enjoyed every other book by her, I guess she’s entitled to one that’s “meh”, but I’m 34% through and the couple still doesn’t like and has almost no interaction with each other.  (And I don’t mean, “I don’t like him/her, but I’m so unaccountably attracted, dammit!”, I mean, “I don’t like him/her and only deal with him/her when I absolutely have to.”)  Once I either finish that one or give up, I’ve got Ann Aguirre’s newest one on deck or one of the four books I just got from the library.

  2. Alex says:

    I’ve just started The Various Flavours Of Coffee by Anthony Capella.  I adore his descriptions of food and drink.  It’s such a treat to read his stuff, especially when I’m on a diet and can’t indulge in anything myself.  I may have to track down some jelly beans now though…

  3. Sarah W says:

    I’m devouring Laura Anne Gilman’s Pack of Lies, the second in her Paranormal Scene Investigations series.

    A few months ago, I reviewed Hard Magic (the first book), which was like being hit upside the head with pure awesome.  So far, Pack of Lies isn’t letting up.

  4. Helen of Troy says:

    Renovation (the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention) just released the Hugo Awards nominee packet today, so I won’t be reading that just this weekend – I’ll be reading it for the next month, there’s so much awesome in there!

    Keyword = bring44 Yup, I’ll be bringing at least 44 awesome SF novels, short stories, related works, and more everywhere I go on my Kindle!

  5. Christine says:

    Oh, I love that song! It’s been our theme song for our daughter since she was a toddler! (“Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I. DE. CLINE!”) I’m sure her therapist will love hearing about how her father and I would break into song in the middle of her angstful temper tantrums someday…
    I’ve got two Amanda Quicks and a YA, “A la Carte,” for this weekend…

  6. Oh well, if you’re going to pull that video out, Sarah, I have to see you that and raise you the cover of same by my beloved boys of Great Big Sea!

    Before GBS, I’d never heard a folk version of this song. ;D Now it sounds wrong to me if two bouzoukis are not involved!

  7. ChrisZ says:

    All the comments about The Search yesterday made me move it to the top of this weekend’s stack.  Er, I don’t really have a stack anymore.  How about first in the READ IT NOW folder?

    While I’m a long time fan of R.E.M., I have to say that kid standing still for so long seemed much more exciting in 1987!  Love to start off the day with a bit of Michael Stipe and the guys!

  8. Karenmc says:

    My reading weekend is filled with finishing Madeline Hunter’s Dangerous in Diamonds. Then I’m going to try something completely different, because I’m sliding into a meh slump with the historicals: Dan Holloway’s The Company of Fellows, a murder mystery set in Oxford. Haven’t read a mystery in such a long time, and Oxford sounds like the perfect place to spend a weekend (Hi, my name is Karen and I’m an Anglophile).

    Of course, if the world ends, nothing gets read, but I won’t have yard work to do, either.

  9. DreadPirateRachel says:

    My sister is going to be in town, so I’ll be partying with her until the world ends, or until we get tired and take a nap. Whichever happens first. And I’ll be desperately cramming for finals and final papers in between apocalypses and glasses of cabernet.

  10. megalith says:

    Well, it’s my birthday today, so it was nice of them to schedule the Rapture for tomorrow instead of today. That way I can sneak in a celebration before the round the world earthquake thing starts and they all get nekkid and start liftoff.

    Really. I appreciate the consideration, guys.

  11. henofthewoods says:

    I plan to read Deanna Raybourn Silent in the Sanctuary.
    The first in the series, Silent in the Grave, was a freebie from HQ with the wonderful opening line
    “To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband’s dead body is not entirely accurate. Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching upon the floor.”

    How can you resist that?

    First I have to finish a JAKrentz (In Too Deep? or is that the Suzanne Brockmann I want to read next?) but I don’t see having a problem finishing quickly.

    I may dabble with non-fiction. I want to enjoy my copy of “Crochet So Fine” by Kristin Omdahl before I rack up overdues.

  12. Nadia says:

    Barring earthquake, flood, famine, locusts, and/or zombies, I am hoping to finish Robb’s “Origin in Death” this weekend, as I have already had to renew it once from the library and they might want it back (again, assuming no apocalypse).  Last few weeks of school are my busy season, so it’s been hard to fit in reading time.  I also have Jennifer Ashley’s “Highlander Ever After” and Rhyannon Byrd’s “Rush of Darkness” checked out, so they are next up.

  13. Liz says:

    gotta finish up my library books…but i have to say the world better not end tomorrow because i just bought an LSAT text book.

  14. Hydecat says:

    I love that REM video. Thanks for posting it!

    This weekend I’m finishing up Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell (not a romance, but the heroine does chase down a sailor in a boat as his ship is sailing out of the harbor so that he can help her save her beloved from being hung for a murder he didn’t commit). Then I’ve got a giant stack of books to choose from, including The Spymaster’s Lady and Lead Me On. I can’t wait!

  15. Anon76 says:

    Well, dayum. I just tuned in to learn the world is going to end tomorrow, erm, maybe today since it’s late here.

    Is that Colorado or California time?

  16. Anon76 says:

    And if today in the US is yesterday in other parts of the world, well, erm? Shouldn’t we be gone already?

    Sorry. When it comes to fiction, I have a real problem blindly accepting plot holes.

  17. nothing happened on may 21,2011… it’s purely evil tactics for us to be deceive and will not ever believe that the Lord will one would ever know when will it be, even the angels and Son, only God the Father.

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