Smart Bitches Hanukkah Festival Giveaway: Part One!

imageHanukkah oh Hanukkah, you’re early as what the hell now this year! Which means… it’s fun and games time here at the Hot Pink Palace of Bitchery!

Tonight begins the festival of Hanukkah, wherein Jewish folks light the menorah, consume fried things, and celebrate for eight nights. And since the Jewish folks are known as The People of the Book, I figured, let’s celebrate reading, eh? I’ve been saving up items all year for the festive merriment to celebrate reading, both paper and digital. Are you ready to rumble? I hope so!

These contests are super easy. All you have to do to win is leave a comment, and I’ll select a winner each day. These contests are open to international winners, and I will do my best to ship this week, provided people send me their addresses promptly.

Standard disclaimers: I’m not being compensated for this giveaway. If anything, my gift is exceptional support of the United States Postal Service (Happy Hanukkah, US Mail Carriers!). Despite popular wisdom, Jewish folks don’t traditionally dance the hora on Hanukkah. Your mileage may vary. Slippery when wet. Bon Jovi was not harmed in the making of this giveaway. Hanukkah candles never fit in the menorahs, no matter what you do. A latke a day is probably not good for your cardiovascular health.

Ahoy! Contest the first!

imageOn the First Night of Hanukkah, Smart Bitches Gave to Me: A brand spanking new Sony!

From the fine people at Sony, I have here a PRS-650, better known as the new Sony Touch. It’s red. It’s very sexy. And it can be yours as part of the Smart Bitches Hanukkah Festival.

Just leave a comment below, and tell me what book you’d buy or borrow first, and you’re entered to win. Comments close in 24 hours, but fear not, there’s another book – paper or digital – giveaway coming soon. Because Hanukkah lasts for eight crazy nights, and I have lost my ever lovin’ mind.

Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Reading!

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  1. brit says:

    I need to get this month’s bookclub book, especially because everyone seemed SO stoked over the choice. After that I have two wishlist that are approaching a ridiculous level, really, it is embarrassing to have so many books on my list and watch it grow instead of shrinking.

  2. Paula N says:

    Ditto for Jayne Ann Krentz’s In Too Deep!  Dec 28 is too far away!

  3. Wendy says:

    I read an excerpt of Deeper than the Dead by Tami Hoag.  Mystery about the early days of criminal profiling. 
    I have not had time to finish it (school!!), and I probably think about it every day. 

    Or perhaps those Zoe Archer books.  It’s a toss-up, really.
    I just want it to be December 21st, so I can sit back with tea and a book that has NOTHING to do with theology…unless it is necessary to the plot.

  4. brit says:

    that last bit sounded unintentionally dirty, oops

  5. Dena says:

    Happy Hannukah (or Chanukah)!

    I’d buy Megan Hart’s “Selfish is the Heart”. I’m loving her Order of Solace books!

  6. Olivia says:

    In the true spirit of the holidays, I’d get Robin McKinnley’s Pegasus and rub it in the face of my boyfriend who’s ever so smug with his iPad.

  7. Emma Hillman says:

    If I could, I’d pre-order both Nalini Singh’s Kiss of Snow (Hawke!) and My One and Only by Kristan Higgins (who’s my current favorite author – seriously, no one else can make me laugh and cry like that).

    If I was very lucky, I’d even get to read them early. Well, one can dream, right? Happy Hanukkah!

  8. Ahlison says:

    One was a Soldier.  It seems like I’ve been waiting for this to come out for ever…..

  9. LisaCharlotte says:

    Karen Marie Moning #2 in the Fever series. I finally finished the first installment after downloading a free copy, then buying a used copy accidentally.

  10. Morning Glow says:

    What book would I buy or borrow first?! AH! Okay, it’s a tie between the newest book in Lorelei James’ Rough Riders series, and the first in Zoe Archer’s series… I’ve heard some amazing things about them, and I am IN LOVE with their covers.

  11. susan says:

    Happy Hanukkah. My son’s teacher asked him why Hanukkah was spelled two ways—I don’t have the heart to tell her that it is spelled two dozen ways!
    The first book I would get is something that is only available as an ebook, like from Carina Press.

  12. peggy h says:

    Happy Hanukkah, Sarah!  The next item on my to-buy list is Scandal for the next Book Club.  (I’ve never even….shhhh!….heard about this…gasp!)

  13. Ginny says:

    What a great contest! But to have to pick only one book from my way too long wish list, that’s tough! Seeing how I just re-read Bonds of Justice by Nalini Singh last night, I’ll go with her newest Play of Passion. Of course there is no way I could stop with just one!
    Thank you for the eight crazy days of reading celebration & contests! Have a happy Hanukkah!

  14. Francene says:

    I’d love to get the new Jennifer Crusie or maybe Connie Willis’ new books Blackout/All clear or Sharon Lee’s book, Carousel Tides.  Too many choices.  Thanks for the gift offer.  Happy Hanukkah!

  15. emily h says:

    I love this blog, and this giveaway is awesome! I’d totally have to get “The Historian” first, b/c it is one of my favorite books to read ever, and it’s just a little large to tote around when I want something familiar to read.

  16. KellyMaher says:

    I’d borrow a book from the new library ebook service alter-ego’s day job is launching today. Not that I don’t already have a red Sony Touch, but I bought it refurbished and would love to see what the new screen resolution is 😀

  17. Kate Vinée says:

    Okay, truthfully, I’d probably download all of Austen first thing.  (Hello, Project Gutenberg!)  But for buying, probably Agnes and the Hitman, because I’ve been rereading my Mom’s copy, which I’ve, er, borrowed.

    Also, agree(1) with KateC on Daddy-Long-Legs.  Its sequel, Dear Enemy, is good too.  I’ve liked everything of Jean Webster’s I’ve ever read.

  18. GirlyNerd says:

    I would probably get the new Karen Moning book in the fever series. I think it comes out in january. More likely than not, i’ll get the first book that strikes my fancy as soon as that sony is in my arms.

  19. Natasha R says:

    I’d finally break down and get a membership to the free library of Philadelphia. Those guys allow members from Canada (Woot!!) and they have a great selection of digital romance novels! =D

  20. Linda S. says:

    I think I would go with Shadowfever, the last of Karen Marie Moning’s Fever books, as a ceremonial start.  Then I would hit the library’s digital catalog.  Happy Hanukkah!

  21. Zai Rahman says:

    Happy Hanukkah! I would probably get the Iron Duke by Meljean Brooks.

  22. RuthG says:

    Wow, what a thing! For me, I’d probably load it up with all my old favorites first (Heyer, Sayers, Christie, Austen, Tey, Woolf, my most beloved victorian children’s books). But I found out yesterday that my sis put an ereader on her wedding registry—and for her I think I’d on as many Tamora Pierce books as I can get, because we always used to swap those back and forth when we were young.

    Happy Hannukah!

  23. Kismet says:

    I have no idea what I would buy first. My TBB list is pretty long… so yeah, I’d have a lot of reading to do.

  24. Courtney says:

    Even though it’s not out until next month, I’d get Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning. DYING to read that one!

  25. Val says:

    The first book I’d pick up is The Witness House, which is about how the Natzis on trial and the people testifying against them had to share a house in Germany. I’ve been obsessing about it since I read the synopsis.

    Spamword: paper31 – not anymore if I win this!

  26. Lori says:

    Happy Hanukkah!

    I truly want to read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I don’t know why I haven’t yet.

  27. Tracie says:

    Tana French has a new one out, “Faithful Place.” I really enjoyed her first two books; I can’t wait to dig into this one.

  28. Ann says:

    I’d buy the entire set of the “In Death” series by JD Robb.  That way when I reread them (and I do at least once a year—with the exception of Icove) I won’t have to mess up my copies on my commute!!!

    Heh—my word was perhaps 65.  Perhaps at book 65 Eve will give Sommerset a hug.

  29. Jen H says:

    So many books, so little time…
    Since it gets name-checked here often and was hilarious as I recall, and since I can’t find my paperback copy, I’d get Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie.  What better way to christen a new reader???

    heh, “merely92”: not for a LONG time yet, thankyouverymuch!

  30. SB Sarah says:

    This comment is for Bethany A. who was having a fight with the SB Server. The server is in timeout, and Bethany’s comment is in. 🙂

  31. Jackie says:

    Happy Hanukkah! I would pick up the Zoe Archer books if I was feeling indulgent, or the Mark Twain biography if I was feeling studious 😛

  32. Tamara Hogan says:

    “Archangel’s Consort”” by Nalini Singh. Raphael is a simply glorious creation.

  33. Andrea2 says:

    Happy Hanukkah!

    Oh, wow, what a present this would be!  My first book would be Eileen Wilks Blood Challange, to be released on 1/4/2011.  After that, it would be all the Outlander books, then all the Linda Howard books I could get.  I would absolutely love to get all of Judith Duncan’s books but they are all OOP and not likely to be republished in any format, electronically or in mass paperback, which is a real pity.  After that. . . so many good books to read or re-read.

  34. Marcia in OK says:

    I”m still #187 at my library for Nora Robert’s final Bride book.  I’d like to have all of them handy in an e-reader.

    Happy Hanukkah

  35. Julie says:

    The first book I’d put on any ereader would be Pride and Prejudice. And then Lord of Scoundrels, because I can’t find it in my library or at a reasonable price. And any Heyers I can get, the rest of Austen’s books, etc, etc,

  36. Chris W says:

    Hmmm there are a lot coming out this year but the first big one would be Angel’s Consort.  But I know there would be others on it quicker!  I would have to look as soon as possible and would end up finding too much!

  37. Christina says:

    Sadly, it’d probably be ‘Feeling Good,’ a self help book assigned by my therapist. I’d love to be able to read it on the subway without feeling embarrassed.

  38. AndieG says:

    What an awesome giveaway!  If I won, after I stopped sqeeing with delight, I’d promptly download either the newest P.C. Cast book “Goddess of Legend” or an intriguing memoir I saw recently called “Annie’s Ghosts: A Journey into a Family Secret.”

  39. C. says:

    Lois McMaster Bujold’s Cryoburn.  I’ve been reading about Miles Vorkosigan since 1989 when “Mountains of Mourning” appeared in my first Analog magazine.  OMG, talk about setting a high bar that every romance and action hero had to meet! After Miles, I couldn’t take the slow-witted hero; the hero with thews of brain and brains of fluff (I’m looking at you, Jondalar); or the hero who didn’t value women.  I was never hot for Miles’ body, but damn, I was hot for his mind.

    Now Miles is married and I’m married, and he’s a father and I’m hoping to become a mother.  It’s nice to have well books that keep pace with your own life changes – even if they take place 2000 years in the future.

  40. kristen says:

    Oh man, I’d love to get my paws on this Sony!

    Like others, I’d go for Angel’s Consort. But I’m also kind of itching to read Mark Twain’s autobiography. It would be nice not to lug around a 700 page book. 🙂

    word verification: death48. Ack!

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