Woodsy Fresh Scent

Today on Twitter (that sounds like a really bad show on an entertainment network, doesn’t it?) I mentioned that I encounter a lot of heroes who smell “woodsy” but had no idea what that meant. Swampy? Like pine trees? Cedar? Hickory? Like firewood, pre- or post-campfire?

A few people suggested cedar, or, as Maisey Yates said, “like sticking your head in the Pacific Northwest.” Having never smelled the PNW, I’ll take your word for it that this is a good smell.

But this conversation got me thinking – why are there not more romance-novel tie-in products? I mean, think of the possibilities! In the Bosoms we published the following graphic advertising a product mockup which I still have not seen on the shelves of my nearest drugstore:


This is super-powered product right here- ever notice that heroes and heroines can roll over and make out first thing in the morning without a sign or indication that There Be Swamp Breath In the Morning? Listerine has nothing on romance novel mouthwash.

And so long as we’re smelling woody:


Would you hang that in your car? I would totally hang that in my car. Time for anther round of my favorite game, Where’s My Venture Capitalist™? I envision a whole line of these – in all your favorite hero-fresh scents, including “Woodsy,” “Spicy,” “Sweat, Leather, and Horses,” and my favorite, “Male.” He smelled like a Male. No one would dare steal your ride if it smelled like Male.

Any other scent ideas? ETA: Product ideas welcome too! I’m not picky. Let me have ‘em! Best romance-novel tie in product in the comments gets a $25 gift card to the bookstore of your choosing. Gift cards are guaranteed not to smell “woodsy.” You’ve got 24 hours – make your suggestions, in text or, if you’re feeling frisky, in graphic form.


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