Vintage Covers are Ready for Their Close Ups

The wayback machine: land of strange illustrations and cover art that led you to discover amazing writers while questioning the sanity or narcotic habits of certain illustrators.



Sarah: So THAT’S where the idea for Burning Man came from. I’ve always wondered.

Candy: That is quite possibly the strangest tan-line I’ve ever seen. It’s like reverse-goggles-farmer tan.



Sarah: It’s Evanovich’s first paranormal, about a very flexible were-jellyfish woman who masquerades as an 80’s executive while waiting for the chance to stretch her talents and entangle the man of her dreams!

Candy: Holy crap! It’s totally that annoying chick from the first season of West Wing! Except she seems to have picked up a gnarly case of rheumatoid arthritis along the way. Poor lady. My one big piece of advice for you, speaking as a person who’s good friends with a fellow young ‘un with gnarly arthritis: let OXO be thy savior.


Sarah: Never, and I do mean NEVER, doubt the power of sexxy contained in a thumb-on-the-chin Olan Mills photo pose. I have to… excuse me. Rwor.

Candy: Is somebody channeling a bit of the Hoff? The answer, I think, is YES, YES, YES.

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  1. CitizenCobalt says:

    Putting eyeholes in the fire so he can see? How silly is that? If he didn’t want his view obstructed, he should’ve picked a smaller fire to walk through. Some poor campers are just trying to roast their marshmellows and a half-naked man just saunters out of the woods and into their campfire.
    “Pardon me, just gotta pose for my sexy cover photo…
    ‘K thanks.”

  2. Anne Stuart says:

    The funny thing is, the hero on the cover of CINDERMAN looks vaguely like my father, which kind of squicked me out.
    People do really remember that book fondly though.
    And my security code is actually 38, so clearly the computer gods know my real age.

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