Not Quite a Husband: A Giveaway!

Shop Indie BookstoresBehold, we have a special message from Sherry Thomas, whose new website is sleek and sexy like things that are sleek and sexy:

It so happens that I have set Not Quite A Husband—coincidentally—in a spot that is very much in the news: the Swat Valley, which in 1897 broke out in a fierce rebellion  against the British, inspired by the exhortations of a certain Mad Fakir and is now, history repeating itself, a Taliban stronghold and a flashpoint of conflict between the Taliban and the Pakistani government.

The events of Not Quite A Husband—a man traveling to the North-West Frontier of the British Raj to find his former wife and bring her home, because her father lies dying in London—unfold against the 1897 rebellion.  And I have the perfect movie title for the book.


Let’s have a contest titling your favorite romance novels with a little action adventure angle for the big marquee.  For example, Laura Kinsale’s The Shadow and the Star becomes HELP! I MARRIED A SECRET NINJA.  Loretta Chase’s Mr. Impossible can be DAPHNE PEMBROKE AND THE PAPYRI OF DOOM.

And if you think ESCAPE FROM SWAT VALLEY sucks, you can rename it too!

I’ll pick as winners the three that make me laugh hardest, plus two randomly, just for playing. Winners get a copy of Not Quite A Husband.

Not Quite A Husband hits stores May 19, 2009.

You have 24 hours to rename your favorite book, or Sherry’s new one, so ready, set, get to it!


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