Extra! Extra! Get Your New Smart Bitch Title Here!

Iiiiiiit’s Friday, and you know what that means: another personal ad contest! This time it’s going to be a bit different—I want the hero’s name this time, as well as the author and title of the book.

Winner gets a spankalicious Smart Bitch aristocratic title.

The Corpse Bride
SWM, dissolute, rakish and dashing duke, seeking deathly ill miss to marry so she can go quietly into that good night and I can be free to pursue my… pursuits. Please don’t be so crass as to recover, be beautiful when in the full pink of health and then make me fall in love with you.


General Bitching...

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  1. Ellen Fisher says:

    Merely Married by Patricia Coughlin!

  2. Ellen Fisher says:

    Duke of Raven, Adrian Devereau.

  3. Ellen Fisher says:

    Sorry about the two posts. Just because I can write doesn’t mean I can read:-).

  4. PS says:

    This also reminded me of the Mary Jo Putney Regency about an aristocratic woman marrying a dying soldier for some selfish reason only to have him survive.  The Would-Be Widow, I think it was.

    It’s a great tragi-comic set-up.

  5. Candy says:

    Youuuuuu… are the champion, my frieeeeeend… *wau wau*

    OK, I’m over my Queen moment.

    Anyway, congratulations, Ellen! You are our latest Smart Bitch Aristo! YAY!

  6. Ellen F. says:

    *Squealing*  Kewl!

    Here’s a weird thing.  I knew I remembered this book for some reason, even though it’s sort of old, so I went and looked it up on Amazon.  The reason I remember it so clearly is because it and my first book were released by Bantam on the very same day.

  7. Kristie says:

    Dang!  I knew that one too.  well, another time *sigh*.  Congrats Ellen.

  8. Shannon says:

    I’ve given up hope, so I’m going to eat cake.

  9. Nicole says:

    I’ve never even heard of this book.  Ya learn something new every day.

  10. CindyS says:

    That’s it!  Who do you have to screw around her to get a title!!

    CindyS (Why do I always forget Fridays are the day!!)

  11. Ellen Fisher says:

    Hey! I didn’t screw anyone to get my title, Cindy! *nose in air*

    Heh heh… although I might have tried if I’d known that was an option:-D.

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