Tag Archives: washington post

Links: Magazines, Book Drama, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Welcome back to Links! How are we all doing?! I have such a busy week and I’m running on fumes due to a minor cold and from still recovering from the previous busy week. But we will get through it! I’ve come to realize that I really do love the Christmas season and now living in a place that gets snow has only reinforced that. Like…Florida has its own brand of Christmas style, but it … Continue reading Links: Magazines, Book Drama, & More

Links: Yarn, Self-Care, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Welcome back to Wednesday! We’re officially in December. Congratulations, everyone! I had my last day at the bookstore last week and this week I’ve started a new job assisting a pretty cool research lab. They’re two very different things, but so far, I’m enjoying the change. Don’t worry, though! I’ll still be at SBTB and have plenty of book recommendations left in me. I’m also ready for my first snowfall this winter in New England. … Continue reading Links: Yarn, Self-Care, & More

Links: Penny Dreadful, Playlists, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Links time! *fanfare of trumpets* It’s Wednesday and I think the cold temps are making me a little delirious. I’ve lost count of the many layers I’m wearing. I just know I can’t zip up my peacoat and I feel like a marshmallow person. Hope you’re all having a fantastic week! … Frolic has a Romance Rarities Bingo! I think some of the categories are pretty interesting and I’ll be cross-posting it to our Goodreads … Continue reading Links: Penny Dreadful, Playlists, & More

Writing About Reading Through the Furlough at The Washington Post

Usually I write about romance (obviously) but this week, I wrote about furlough reading for The Washington Post: Furloughed employees are filling workless days with books — lots of them. It’s a rather substantial act of trust to place one’s time and energy in the hands of a writer, especially during a difficult period. A reader, especially a fan of certain genres, begins a novel confident that there will be a competent resolution, that all … Continue reading Writing About Reading Through the Furlough at The Washington Post

Links: Fantasy, Goodreads, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Hello there! It’s Wednesday! We’re also a week away from Halloween? Are you excited? Or is it  just another day for you? Maybe you’re just biding your time until you can get your hands on some discount candy. What I wouldn’t give for a huge, cheap bag of Reese’s right now. … Election Day is coming up and The Washington Post has a great interview with Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Be warned that this article may … Continue reading Links: Fantasy, Goodreads, & More