Tag Archives: satire

Links: Sailor Moon, Events & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to Wednesday Links! I joined the office softball league and our first game was up against a team who takes the game way too seriously, especially playing up against a group of people with a team where 80% of us have never played softball before. Oh well, we still had a fun time amongst our group! My partner was also recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and we just found this great … Continue reading Links: Sailor Moon, Events & More

Links: F1 Racing, Readathons, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Welcome back! Last time I talked about making tiramisu. This time, I’m talking about lasagna. My partner had a dinner request, which they so rarely have, so I had to oblige. I’ve never made lasagna, but I’ve made plenty of other involved pasta dishes like stuffed shells. However, I was not expecting to make a hearty sauce from scratch. I did, though, and it was amazing. I used this recipe and I really don’t think they’re … Continue reading Links: F1 Racing, Readathons, & More

Book Review

Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix


NB: Welcome to Flashback Friday! During FBF, we’ll be resurrecting older posts and reviews that are relevant to things we’ve published on the site this week. Elyse reviewed a pretty creepy horror/thriller, so we thought we’d resurrect a lighter horror novel for other readers. This review was originally published (weirdly a year ago today) August 26, 2015.  Horrorstör is basically a novel about a haunted IKEA. There’s no romance in it, but it’s relevant to the interests of … Continue reading Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix

Other Media Review

Another Period: Comedy Central Meets Downton Abbey

Two of the stars from Another Period in sort-of correct era gowns mugging and posing at the camera

Comedy Central has tapped directly into my soul with their new half hour show, Another Period. This show satirizes reality shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians and period dramas (especially Downton Abbey) by placing a turn of the century rich family in Newport (The Bellacourts) under a reality show microscope. We get candid interviews with family members, confessionals from the much-trodden-upon servants, and footage of all the exciting events upstairs and downstairs. Of course … Continue reading Another Period: Comedy Central Meets Downton Abbey