RECOMMENDED: Season of Love by Helena Greer is $1.99! Both Tara and Sarah squeed about this one:
Tara: There’s nothing I didn’t love about this story. Truly everything worked for me, from the characters to the writing style to the themes, even when they’re difficult. This is going straight to my to-reread pile, because I can see myself reading this every December.
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Velvet Was the Night by Silvia Moreno Garcia is $1.99! This is a noir/mystery novel set in Mexico during the 1970s. I believe this was also a Hide Your Wallet pick and I remember being super excited. Also, what a cool damn cover.
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Bet On It by Jodie Slaughter is $1.99! We mentioned this one in Hide Your Wallet. Definitely check trigger warnings as I remember lots of depictions of anxiety and PTSD. Slaughter handles them well, but they are central to the story!
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RECOMMENDED: Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames is $2.99 and part of today’s Kindle Daily Deals! Queen Beverly Jenkins recommended this one on a previous podcast:
The book is amazing! It’s laugh-out-loud funny in some parts. The writing is wonderful.
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Anne of Manhattan by Brina Starler is $1.99! This was mentioned in a previous Book Beat and a book I thought would be of interested to the Bitchery. Did anyone pick this one up?
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Dream Maker by Kristen Ashley is $1.99! This book released in May and is the first in a new series. I’m very curious about the heroine, who takes up erotic dancing to help pay for her engineering degree. I’m all for more positive representations of sex work, though Ashley’s books don’t always work for me. Have you read this one?
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Blame It on the Duke by Lenora Bell is $1.99! I’m confused as to whether this has a fake relationship or a marriage of convenience, but it has some element of that. Readers found that book was overly dramatic at times, though others really loved the heroine. It has a 3.7-star rating on Goodreads.
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The Enchantress of Numbers by Jennifer Chiaverini is $1.99! Carrie read this nonfiction book and gave it a B:
As far as I can tell, it’s quite faithful to the events of Ada’s life and the relationship between her and her mother. However, as the book progresses, it starts to skim over her vices and dwell on Ada as a good wife and mother who wants to do math but also do her motherly duties. The story ends with nice emotional resolutions, but for those who are familiar with her whole biography it cuts off suddenly.
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RECOMMENDED: The Marriage Contract by Katee Robert is $1.99! This is an arranged marriage plot in a modern setting, which I would love to see more of! The book does deal with characters in the mob, which I know is a big off-button for some readers, so FYI. Elyse’s review came out today and she gave it an A:
If you had told me that I’d really love a book about the children of two Boston mob bosses being in an arranged marriage, I’d have raised a skeptical eyebrow. But I’m so so glad that The Marriage Contract proved me wrong because I enjoyed it immensely.
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Revenant by Larissa Ione is 99c! Yep, you read that right. It’s less than a dollar. This book came out in December and is the sixth installment of the Lords of Deliverance series. For fans of paranormal romance, this has mainly angels and demons, instead of your typical vampire fare. It’s probably best not to read the series out of order, though if you’ve been waiting for the price to drop, now’s your chance. It has a 4.4-star rating on GR.
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