Tag Archives: Jennifer Mathieu
Books On Sale

A Recommended Mystery, Maya Rodale, & More

Books on Sale: Polaris Rising by Jessie Mihalik & More

RECOMMENDED: Polaris Rising by Jessie Mihalik is $1.99! This is a sci-fi romance that released earlier this year and I absolutely loved it. You can read my A- here:

I am so incredibly happy that this book is in the world, especially after feeling like I’ve exhausted all my sci-fi romance options. Polaris Rising is exciting. It’s funny. It’s fan-fucking-tastic. My quibbles are minor in comparison to the joyful Good Book Noises I made while reading this.

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Books On Sale

A Boxed Set, a Thriller, & More

Books on Sale: Wanted and Wired by Vivien Jackson & More

Wanted and Wired by Vivien Jackson is 99c at Amazon, so this may be expiring soon! This is a scifi romance that was just mentioned in the comments of out latest Whatcha Reading. Reader Julia said, “Just started: Wanted and Wired by Vivien Jackson – the hero is the strong silent type and the heroine is a flirty assassin. Yes please.” This is the first book in the Tether series. The next book in the series is available for less than $3!

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September’s New Releases

September is here! And I probably could have done this post with just my input because it’s a really expensive one for me. I will also not apologize for the amount of fantasy YA coming out that I want to get my grabby hands on. But these new releases are by no means an exhaustive list of amazing books, so here are a few more popular choices to stick on your TBR pile: Sarah J. … Continue reading September’s New Releases