Meet Me in the Margins by Melissa Ferguson is $1.99! This was Catherine’s last review for the site and she gave it a B-:
Overall, this was a really fun read, especially if you enjoy stories about writers and writing. I liked the humour, and I really enjoyed the friendship between M.E. and Savannah. While I had some (ok, many) misgivings about their professional relationship, I found their romantic relationship both convincing and charming.
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My Lady Notorious by Jo Beverley is $3.99! This is the first book in the Malloren series and features a heroine who disguises herself as a man. I feel like this is one of those books that readers have really fond memories of reading. Do you? I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t read any Beverley titles, but I’ve always been curious about this one.
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Welcome back to Cover Awe, where we look at covers that have caught our eye lately! Cover design by Sarah Waites Tara: Did we do this one yet? Amanda: We definitely HAVE NOT Maya: I’m guessing that’s YA since it’s so amazing!! Amanda: Surprisingly, it’s adult I believe! Sarah: This is gorgeous. Sneezy: FWOOOSH!!!!! From Heather S. Sarah: Look at this old skool gloriousness. Heather sent it to me with the subject line: GOTHIC + … Continue reading Cover Awe: Pinks & Purples →