Tag Archives: dr. karen tang
Books On Sale

So Many KDDs Today!

Books on Sale: Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert & More

RECOMMENDED: Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert is $1.99! Kiki really loved this one and gave it an A:

Get a Life, Chloe Brown saw my expectations’ proffered hand and kissed it gently, and then proceeded to charm their pants off. In a tent. With s’mores. (Not with s’mores, because s’mores apparently are not a thing in the UK.) This metaphor got away from me, but you get the idea. This book is outstanding.

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Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 64

Hello and welcome back to Get Rec’d! This is where I impart some book recs, usually pulling from recommendations I’ve given or received. We have a community recommendation this time, and if there are ever books you want to shout about or think would be of interest to the site, feel free to send an email. I also have some upcoming nonfiction, a horror anthology, and a sci-fi novella. Have you received any great recommendations … Continue reading Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 64