Smart Podcast, Trashy Books Podcast

347. Becoming My Own Audience: An Interview with Dahlia Adler

Today I’m chatting with Dahlia Adler, who does so many things, and so we’re going to talk about all of them. We discuss her job history in publishing, and how different areas in publishing are very different from one another. We discuss her career as an author, and her adventures as a book blogger at BN, and her site The key moment in this podcast: how writing helped her recognize herself and her own sexuality.

We also discuss:

  • What queer YA and NA, math, and blogging have in common (when Dahlia’s working in those spheres anyway)
  • How one hunts academic mathematicians for publication
  • How she ended up as a fashion intern at Maxim
  • Some behind-the-scenes details of working in publishing
  • How she maintains space for the creative projects in her life
  • Learning story craft and structure from rejections
  • The weirdness of requesting galleys when you’re a reviewer
  • The absolute joy of helping people find the books that might mean the world to them.
  • How she discovers books and keeps track of titles she hears about online far, far in advance
  • How Sweet Valley High and The Babysitter’s Club were instrumental in her writing career

And the truth we both embrace: “free books will never not feel glamorous.” Very true.

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Here are the books we discuss in this podcast:

Dahlia is in so many places!

You can find her on her website,, on Twitter @MissDahlELama, on blogging about YA, at Frolic.Media, and LGBTQ Reads.

We also mentioned:


And yes! Live Show Ahoy!

Wanna see us record a podcast LIVE?

If you’re attending BookLoversCon in New Orleans, you can!

Thursday May 16 at 3:30pm local time, at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans, Amanda, Elyse and I will be recording a live show, and we hope you’ll join us if you can!

We’re going to play Cards Against Romance Tropes, there might be trivia, and we’ll definitely be silly about something. We’ll be in Imperial 5C – so come on down!

It’s free for attendees of the BookLovers Con, but we are asking folks to register so we know how many chairs we’ll need.

I hope we’ll see you there!

If you like the podcast, you can subscribe to our feed, or find us at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows!

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What did you think of today's episode? Got ideas? Suggestions? You can talk to us on the blog entries for the podcast or talk to us on Facebook if that's where you hang out online. You can email us at [email protected] or you can call and leave us a message at our Google voice number: 201-371-3272. Please don't forget to give us a name and where you're calling from so we can work your message into an upcoming podcast.

Thanks for listening!

This Episode's Music

Caravan Palace double album set of Caravan Palace and Panic Our music is provided each week by Sassy Outwater, whom you can find on Twitter @SassyOutwater.

This is from Caravan Palace, and the track is called “Cotton Heads.”

You can find their two album set with Caravan Palace and Panic on Amazon and iTunes. And you can learn more about Caravan Palace on Facebook, and on their website.

Podcast Sponsor

Radish - script in pink This week’s podcast is brought to you by Radish.

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Click to view the transcript

This podcast transcript was handcrafted with meticulous skill by Garlic Knitter. Many thanks.

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  1. Leigh Kramer says:

    Such a great episode! I really enjoyed getting to hear Dahlia’s story and learning more about the work she’s doing.

  2. @SB Sarah says:

    @Leigh: Thank you! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it. Thank you for listening!

  3. Melonie says:

    This was such a delightful episode! Like being at the event without having to find a parking space or put on pants!

    I am still chuckling over Mia Sosa’s stories about her husband and the “Grill, Grill, Grill” in NOLA. 🙂

  4. Melonie says:

    Doh… this comment meant for another episode. Note to self: no commenting on internet stuff after midnight, especially after 2+ glasses of wine. Carry on.

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