Smart Podcast, Trashy Books Podcast

335. Sweet Valley Nostalgia: An Interview with Karyn Moynihan and Anna Carey from the Double Love Podcast

If you are familiar with the Dairy Burger, the chocolate bar, Nicholas Morrow, Winter Carnival, and 1BRUCE1, well, this episode is for you.

Sometimes I get to interview people whose work I admire, and it is SO much fun. Today I’m chatting with Karyn Moynihan and Anna Carey from the Sweet Valley High podcast, Double Love.

We start by talking about Irish slang, and then we get into what it is about Sweet Valley High that creates so much opportunity for examination, even decades after they were first published. They contain a mix of nostalgia and camp, and there’s no limit of, as Karen and Anna say, strange and terrifying things to talk about in the world of Sweet Valley.

We begin with how they found Sweet Valley, and what led them to start a podcast about each book. We also discuss:

How many people have some familiarity, if not fluency, in Sweet Valley lore.

What an Irish book token is, and how badly I want one.

The terrible messages contained in the series world regarding dating, sexuality, masculinity, healthy body weight, class, consent, and generally existing in the world. To say nothing of the kissing booths (ugh).

They’re compelling! Ridiculous! Campy! Addictive! So of course we talk about them, and about what they say, and how much some of the more horrific parts shock us today.

You also get a little nostalgia from me about my college’s beauty pageant, which was indeed a real thing, and we talk about what they’re reading.

TWO MAJOR NOTES of the Content and Trigger variety.

First: at around 41:00, we talk about and criticize the messages about body image and fat shaming that are rampant in Sweet Valley.

Second: I’m doing a little something different for this episode. During the recording, we talked a little about the Irish referendum to repeal the 8th amendment, which banned abortion in Ireland. Both Anna and Karyn campaigned actively and after the amendment was overturned by a very wide margin, they talked about it on one of the episodes of Double Love – and their exhausted joy and relief was incredibly reassuring to me as I listened.

So I asked them about it, about the 8th amendment, and what for them has been a lifetime of activism on behalf of women.

However, because they discuss the details of some of the horrible events caused by the 8th amendment that may be triggering for some listeners, I’ve relocated this conversation so that it’s after the outro, and after the music.

That way, if you’d like to hear our conversation about the referendum, their activism to overturn the amendment, and the inspiration of actually winning a thing that you worked for, you can do so, but if details of assault and abortion activism are not for you, you won’t miss any other part of the interview.

And if you want to cry a little (or a lot), here’s one of the #HometoVote videos of people who traveled around the world to go home to Ireland to vote:

Read the transcript

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Here are the books we discuss in this podcast:

So much good stuff to link to!

If you’d like to enjoy the Double Love podcast, you can find it:

You can find Karyn Moynihan at her website,, and on Twitter at @RedLemonader.

You can find Anna Carey at her website,, and on Twitter at @Urchinette.

We also discussed:

Click to see this absolutely incredible cover art

Sweet Valley High Super Edition - Spring Break. Elizabeth is wearing a green blouse and looking at a brochure labeled FRANCE while Jessica has her hands on her jacket lapels and is looking up at the sky and screaming. They look frighteningly intense.

And, a special bonus, Jennifer G’s carbohydrate bonanza that she baked while listening:

Click for All The Carbs

A massive array of baked challah and rolls

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Thanks for listening!

This Episode's Music

Blackhouse by Peatbog FairiesOur music is provided by Sassy Outwater each week. This is the Peatbog Faeries album Blackhouse.

This is “Jakes on a Plane,” one of my favorites from this album.

You can find The Peatbog Faeries and all their albums at Amazon, at iTunes, or wherever you like to buy your fine music.

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Suddenly Mine

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Suddenly Mine by Samantha Chase, the newest book in her fan-favorite Montgomery Brothers series.

If you like Susan Mallery and Bella Andre, you’ll love this contemporary romance set on the California coast.

Christian Montgomery is burnt out—the family business might be his entire world, but his father’s judgment means Christian never stops working. His only respite is gazing at the beach and the carefree surfers riding the waves…especially the curvy redhead who’s caught his attention.

Sophia Bennington has just fled from her small Kansas town to California, where she’s trying her best to embrace her new beginning. Soon Christian and Sophia find one another, and it feels like sanctuary. But when their difficult pasts catch up to them, will they run away from each other or toward a new future?

Samantha Chase has been called “classic, thoughtful, and as lyrical as the stars” and Booklist says, “Chase just gets better and better.” Sweeter than hot and hotter than sweet, Suddenly Mine by Samantha Chase is coming January 29 wherever books are sold. Find out more at


Click to view the transcript

This podcast transcript was handcrafted with meticulous skill by Garlic Knitter. Many thanks.

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This week’s transcript is hand compiled by Garlic Knitter – thank you, Garlic Knitter – and is brought to you by our Patreon community.

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  1. oceanjasper says:

    I haven’t listened to the podcast but I do want to say that from here in Australia I avidly followed the Irish referendum (thank you, Guardian Australia) and when I woke up and saw the result I was crying into my cornflakes. After the US election, Brexit and our own bungled postal survey on same sex marriage (right result IMO, wrong process entirely) the Irish government seemed to do constitutional change the sensible way, with no doubt about the legitimacy of the outcome. And the whole Home to Vote thing was just inspiring at a time when many people in Western societies don’t bother to participate in democracy and then whinge about the result.

    Oh, and I read a lot of Sweet Valley High books in high school. I remember more about them than most of the romances I’ve read in the decades since. Ah, nostalgia…..

  2. Anne says:

    1BRUCE1, omg that takes me back. Someone once made a joke that Todd’s vanity plate said 2TODD2 and I still laugh about that to this day.

  3. Paige N. says:

    One of the things I *most* remember about SVH is reading it at a very young age (as you do) and reading the word ‘damn’ and not knowing what it said and asking my mom who responded, “If you have to ask so many questions about a book then you’re not old enough to read it” (which in her defense I had been asking a lot of questions beforehand and it is a fairly accurate statement even for voracious mini book dragons like I was).

    One of my favorite SVH books were the secret diaries! They had a very “Rosencratz and Guilderstern” feel since they took place during other books but hearing about the forbidden and hidden hook-ups that went on in the background. So cheesy but so good!! Oh and the werewolf triology. There was also a vampire one but that wasn’t as good for me possibly because it centered around Jessica LOL.

  4. @SB Sarah says:

    2TODD2. Oh my gosh I nearly snorted my lunch. That is so freaking funny.

  5. Lucy says:

    Oh my goodness… it genuinely never occurred to me that book tokens were a relatively unique thing to Ireland (and the UK). It’s just a thing that exists like trees and clouds and *insert generic suburban reference here*. I miss the tokens being paper vouchers though, instead of credit card thingies.
    Re: “ask me hoop” – I much prefer this to the alternative, which is to substitute ‘hoop’ with the much more blatant ‘hole’. Our slang is deeply crass and bum-related. For example: “I nearly broke me sh*t (or sh*te) laughing.” I wouldn’t change a thing though, lol.
    @oceanjasper – I cannot describe the relief when the results were announced. For a long while in the tense build-up to the vote, I couldn’t look at anyone I passed in the street or sat near on the bus without wondering if they thought I or my niece or my sisters or my mother or any of the other women on the bus were legitimate human beings or not.

  6. Elle Clouse says:

    I wasn’t allowed to read these growing up, but what do you know, I can borrow the ebooks from my library. 😉

  7. Misti says:

    Growing up, I read Sweet Valley Twins and my mom bought me many of them. Lots of nostalgia looking at those book covers. I only read 1 or 2 Sweet Valley high and never really got into them. Maybe I got tired of Elizabeth and Jessica before I got that far. I do remember even in Twins, they were so perfect looking.

  8. Momo says:

    According to Wikipedia there are manga adaptations of this series (!)

  9. Cat C says:

    Feeling the generation gap hard (born in 91) as half an hour in I STILL have no idea what’s going on 🙂

  10. Kareni says:

    Happy almost anniversary!

  11. Melissa says:

    The SVH Saga about Lila Fowler’s family pretty much set me up to be a historical romance reader for life. I still have my original paperback and with every military move, I make sure it is tucked safely away so it arrives at our next duty station.

    My favorite seasonal/special edition one was Perfect Summer, where the junior class goes on a six week bike ride through California.

    I love the Double Love podcast (and the Smart Podcast) and boo out loud when a certain character is named. That makes some interesting/awkward moments when listening in public, lol.

    As for the Repeal 8th campaign and results, it was a lifeline of hope I sorely needed.

  12. Cheri says:

    Awesome episode, even though I didn’t grow up reading SVH. I was more of a Babysitter’s Club gal. Any similar podcast for that series?

  13. Katie C. says:

    I read a few SVH, but my real love in the teenage years was Sweet Valley University. I owned at least 50 of them and couldn’t wait for a new one to come out. In the summer books, Elizabeth and Jessica would lifeguard and meet hot guys and have relationships which were then NEVER mentioned in the regular non-summer books (nor were their regular relationships mentioned during the summer) and that just seemed super weird to me, but I went with it.

    Also in the first couple of books Jessica gets married! And that does not go well at all.

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