Smart Podcast, Trashy Books Podcast

17. Ridiculousness Threshold: 29 December 2011

We're back for one last podcast in 2011, and we're talking about the ridiculousness threshold, why hyperbole is so common in some books, and why that threshold varies for different readers depending on genre. We also talk about the point at which we can no longer accept character or plot insanity and just can't enjoy the book anymore.

We also talk a bit about books that we love and at the time of recording were reading. So it's a bit in the past but hey, good book recs never go stale.

The music this week was provided by Sassy Outwater, who accosts musicians on the street and finds us . This week's music is called “The Naughty Step” and it's by Peatbog Faeries from their new CD Dust. You can find them at their website, or at iTunes.

We've featured this song in a prior podcast, but this is by far the most popular of the music we've featured based on listener feedback. We'll have new podcasts, more improvements in sound quality (bit by bit anyway) and more music in 2012, so fear not.

As usual, here's the list of books we talk about in the podcast:

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Reminder: If you subscribe via iTunes, please UPDATE your LINKS: The New iTunes link is live here.

Yes, the episodes are still all out of order – I have NO idea why – but if you note we've numbered the episodes while I try to figure out what the hell iTunes wants now to make them display in order.

As for the podcast, if you like it, you can subscribe to our feed at Feedburner or at iTunes. You can also find us at PodcastPickle.

If you have content suggestions or have feedback, email us! The email address for the podcast is Thanks for listening!


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Smart Podcast, Trashy Books is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. Find many more outstanding podcasts at!


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  1. what’s with the audio?

  2. Aziza says:


    Or should that be I SPEED UP FOR RIDICULOUSNESS ?


  3. SB Sarah says:

    Elizabeth, what do you mean? What’s wrong?

  4. Ashley says:

    A note about iTunes, it’s out of order when you look at it in the iTunes site. But when I subscribed, it appeared in order in the Podcasts section of my iTunes. I do have two number 15’s though.

  5. SB Sarah says:

    Ashley – I fixed that. It *should* update. Apparently I am not good at numbering things. 0_o

  6. Melissa M says:

    Thanks for doing these podcasts! Are there any other romance podcasts out there producing new episodes? I’m a knitter, and I find it strange that there are a bazillion knitting podcasts and one podcast about romance novels. Maybe because knitters can knit and listen but readers can’t read and listen?

  7. It gets really loud in parts.  Then it gets really quiet.  I had to put my headphones in to listen to it, but then half way through I had to take them out because it got so loud that my ears started to hurt.

    Also, as of last night, this one wasn’t available on Itunes, so i had to listen to it on here.

  8. SB Sarah says:

    I don’t know of any other podcasts about romance, but if you find them, please do let me know!

  9. SB Sarah says:

    OH crapmonkeys. I’m so sorry. I thought I had corrected that. I think it got borked when I exported. I’m switching equipment so it should be better next time. I am sorry.

  10. it’s no big.  i still love the Podcast.

  11. SB Sarah says:

    Thanks, Elizabeth. I appreciate that. Clearly sound editing is NOT my strength!

  12. julienne says:

    I wonder why I can’t find the latest podcast at Feedburner or PodcastPickle. As much as I like listening to you guys I’m not going to download iTunes just for one podcast…

  13. Trishb says:

    Haven’t listened to this yet, as I generally loathe podcasts (my prob, not yours!) Guessing this might be similar to a concept Scalzi covered on his blog recently called “Flying Snowmen”

  14. Me says:

    Is there any way to get a transcript of the podcasts for those of us with hearing problems?

  15. Kdugarm says:

    I still can’t find this episode on Podcast Pickle.

  16. SB Sarah says:

    I THINK I have kicked the pickle (heh) and it should be updated. I’m sorry about that.

    As for transcripts, @me, I will look into that. I’m sorry I don’t have a ready answer!

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